Younger Women Together Dates and Venues 2017-2018


                                                    Younger Women Together

                                    Two days of information, support and sharing



Would you like to meet up with other women aged 20-45 to share your experiences, get your questions answered about the medical management of breast cancer in younger women, and find out how healthy eating and exercise can benefit you?

Breast Cancer Care’s Younger Women Together events are designed to do all these things and much more! Forums are open to anyone aged 20-45 who has been diagnosed with primary breast cancer within the last three years. The two-day programme of talks, workshops and social time, including all meals and accommodation, is completely free of charge.

We know it can be nerve-wracking to sign up to two days away from home with a group of strangers, especially when you’re also dealing with the aftermath of a breast cancer diagnosis.

So, to bring it to life and help you decide whether a event is for you, 10 women who have come along over the years have shared their stories in this shortfilm.

Events are held across the UK and there are no geographical restrictions, so please feel free to choose the one that suits you best.



Leeds   22/23 September 2017

Cardiff  3/4 November 2017

Manchester  24/25 November 2017

London  19/20 January 2018

Bristol  2/3 February 2018

Edinburgh  23/24 March 2018

If you would like more details or to request a booking form, please call us on 0345 077 1893 or email


Kind regards 


Are there any events in Birmingham ? x

Hello, this a great organization and will help every diagnosed women out there especiall those who are depressed with their condition. I will recommend this to my friends and family who have dignosed in an early breast cancer.

Where is the Edinburgh one being held



Does anyone have the detail of the Manchester or Bristol venues? I live quite far away so need to work through whether I can get to either but it would help to know where the venues are in a bit more detail.


I did try and email the address in the original post but got a failure response.


Thanks ladies