Younger Women with Secondaries Together - Manchester

Breast Cancer Care is now organising the next two day residential event for younger women living with secondary breast cancer.

The event is taking place in central Manchester on the 12 and 13 May and will bring together around 30 women aged 45 or under who have been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. It’s a chance for you to share experiences with other women in a similar position and gain information and support that will be useful now and in the future.

As well as whole-group sessions you’ll be able to choose a number of break-out groups led by experts and specialists. Topics include current research and trials, sexuality and intimacy, palliative care and sessions where you can explore the impact a life-limiting diagnosis has had on different areas of your life. All the information is tailored for younger women with secondary breast cancer and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to ask questions.



 All meals and Friday night accommodation are provided free of charge and we can also offer Thursday night accommodation to women who have a long journey which could prohibit attendance.


We expect demand for places to be high so to book your place so if you would like more information either call 0345 077 1893 or email



Kind regards
