Your opinion ladies

I just found sent messages on my boyfriends phone. One reads "you are really cute, lets meet up real soon lots of love *rseholes name XXX

another text to a different woman reads “Hello Beautiful, when will I see you again”.

Both women I have met. The first one a 23 year old pretty blonde I met once when I was at a party with my so called boyfriend. The other I have known for a couple of years but I have always accepted that my boyfriend was closer to her. For example if she phones, she phones him not me.

Yes, I confronted him and he says that he is just being friendly and its completely normal to address plantonic friends in this manner. Apparently I am a paranoid, jelous so and so. Though having been through BC, I do feel our relationship has changed and only wish he would compliment me the way he thinks it is normal to compliment other women. I know this has little to with BC but as I share all my close friends with him I dont know what to do.

I would like to know your thoughts on this ladies. Am I over reacting??

i would be a little anxious had i ever found that on my husbands phone, how come you are checking his phone anyway? i admit that if my hubbys phone rings whilst he is in the shower, well i will answer it, but its only work as its a work phone, my husband has never looked at my phone (and would find it very boring if he did) and its there for him to look at if he wants, think i would have to say something in your shoes, but it could all be innocent, maybe they are just offering him support, but if you feel that its not on, well you have to confront them and say it


Hi Stella,

Personally I think that was he’s saying is complete bullsh*t!!! Sorry, I know thats prob not what you wanted to hear! I do not think that it is acceptable to send text messages like that to so called ‘platonic’ friends!

I do not think you are over reacting at all and if it were me I would confront him again. Your boyfriend has behaved appallingly and his behaviour is totally unnacceptable,

I’m really sorry if I sound harsh but I feel really strongly about this!

Take care and let us know what happens,


Just a word of caution - I regularly receive texts, and more particularly emails from a friend of ours - sample of which: ‘hi Gorgeous, enjoyed our session on Saturday, dump the other half and give me a ring - you know I am always ready willing and able :slight_smile: xxxx’. That is a mild one too! Jimmy sends messages like these to all of his female friends and we all respond in kind, flirting outrageously with him, but he would run a mile if any of us were serious.
Is your boyfriend a flirty type anyway? On the faceof it, it does look bad, but he is not a very good cheater if he leaves messages on his mobile…amateur!

Hope you get things sorted out, take care :slight_smile:

Hi Stella

I’m with Kelly, I would be livid if my OH was sending and receiving texts in this manner.

And a word of advice from someone who works for a big mobile phone company, check out his itemised phone bill and see exactly how many text or phone calls to that number. This is usually a very good indicator especially if late at night and you would be surprised how many are caught out this way especially if you have access to the bills or 3rd party on the account.

Hope Not, but better to know,


Hi Stella
Sorry but I’m with Kelly and Debbie on this one- what a creep. At a time when you need suppport not nonsense.
Not sure how you handle it though - don’t know your background and as for those ‘ladies’ - they’re not exactly friends of yours.

Keep your cool - don’t do anything drastic - gather up info - can you talk to any friends etc to dig the dirt.

Good Luck - it’s hassle you don’t need - stay strong.


Hi Stella

I’m sorry too, but I’m with the other girls on this. I don’t like the sound of this at all, and by him accusing you of being paranoid and jealous, sounds like he’s trying to turn this one round on you.

I certainly wouldn’t let this go - I’d want to get to the bottom of it, as painful as it may turn out. I hope for your sake it is nothing, but if not, remember we’re your friends on here, and will support you anyway we can. One thought though, if you really trusted him, would you have felt the need to check his messages in the first place ?. I don’t mean to sound harsh - I’m on your side here !

Good luck, and take care

Love Julie xxx

Hi there

The first text sounds very suspicious, this sounds like one serious woman on a mission to get your man into bed! you obviously cant tell if anything has happened and hopefully he is faithful to you but if it was me I would be phoning this c*w and telling her to stay away otherwise your going to rip her head off, but probably the best and calm way to do things is to ring her and ask her to be straight with you and ask what is going on, she may admit that she fancies him but he’s not interested!! Although its all a bit weird that he has two women texting him, he may just be after a bit of attention. Think we need jeremy kyle on this one.

Keep your head high and dont be messed around, youve already had enough to deal with.

love Tracey