Zoladex affecting Liver Function Bloods

Hi there

Finished 12 doses Taxol 2 moths ago and was told had reduced liver tumours and worked well, however seems to be on the move again as Liver Funtion tests are raised again. Onc says this could be due to the Zoladex which sometimes happens but having another scan - needless to say thinking the worst again! Has anyone else had experience of Zoladex affecting liver? Really worried.

I had 8 cycles of paclitaxel for liver mets and it worked well. That finished at the end of July and I’ve been on Femara since but the liver function has raised again as have the tumour markers in the blood. Had a scan last friday and just waiting for results but it looks like it’s either not working or badly effecting the liver.Either way I think it will mean more chemo which i was dreading as I’ve just gone back to work and am really enjoying the sense of normality that it brings.
I get really scared imagining what’s going on inside my body and all the symptoms that go with poor liver function seem to get 10 times worse! I’m itching like crazy, have a bloated waist line and really wierd looking poo!
When I’m working I feel fine, it’s just when I’m not busy that my mind starts working overtime!

Hi. I am sure your liver is just letting you know that the chemo is strong, and it’s struggling to cope with the toxins it’s desperately trying to filter for you! Chemo really messed up my liver and as soon as I finished chemo it all went back to normal. Please don’t worry - it’s probably just too much toxins for one liver to cope with. I was on FAC for 6 cycles,after 6 cycles the CT scan showed that the two mets had healed and there was just a site with healed tissue there - I truly hope your results are as encouraging.xxxxx

Thanks for youe reassuring words, horsie!
I’ll let you know the results next week. Maybe the letrozole is just kicking in but I don’t think so in my heart of hearts. The doc did mention capecytabin??? A friend I know who also has secondaries is on it and thinks it’s pretty tolerable, no hair loss either. If I need more chemo, I definitely hope they offer that first before any more heavy duty stuff!


I have just started on capecitabine (also called Xeloda) and am on my 2nd Cycle, I am continuing to work without any problems. There is a separate thread about it! This is the first chemo I’ve tried since liver mets - just notched up lots of failed hormone treatments along the way.

The SEs are nothing compared to IV chemo…so far!!! The first cycle I had indigestion and a bit of a stomach ache, this cycle nothing so far (11 days in.) My feet can be a little sore and I developed ulcers on my lips, but most important to me I look normal, with no hairloss and this chemo is not stopping me doing anything I want to!

Some ladies on here have been on this chemo long term…one clocking up 8 years so far, there has been lots of success with it, so if you have to go on it, I wouldn’t worry about it being ‘lifechanging’ you should be able to work if that’s what you want (I agree at work, I am normal and rarely think of BC)

I actually asked for Xeloda, although the oncologist did say that was one of 2 chemos he was considering.