Zoladex and exemestane

Hi everyone… havnet posted for a while! Finished my treatment in October and have been adjusting to going back to work!

I’m on the above and zoledranic acid infusions every six month! Would like to hear off anyone who has/ or has had this treatment? My boobs are achy, especially my ok breast and am wondering what side effects you had on these?

Thank you

Aimee 34x

Hi Aimee 


I’ve been on similar, Anastrazole (a different AI) plus Zoladex for 2 years.  I don’t have acid infusions but instead take a daily Ibandronic Acid tablet.


The main s/e for me is achy joints especially in the mornings but am used to it now so not so bad.  Other things are things connected to menopausal symptoms ie mood etc.


After my first few Zolodex injections I would feel like I was coming down with something and woud feel quite achy that evening but now I don’t seem to get those symptoms at all.


Everyone is different with their s/e’s etc.  Good luck and hope it all goes well!


