Hi gang
Is anyone else on Zoladex and Tamoxifen?
I started the Zoladex before chemo to try and suppress my ovaries (and indeed periods have stopped, hot flushes, dry skin and lady-bits have started) and oncologist has said to continue on it until further notice.
I am having my last chemo on Friday, and so today he has prescribed my Tamoxifen and said to start it next Thursday (yes, April Fools Day!).
I am hoping that because the Zoladex has already caused a (hopefully temporary) menopause and the SE’s of that, that I won’t experience too many changes from taking Tamoxifen on top of it.
Anyone else done this already?
I was DX in June 2008 and didnt need chemo just hormone therapy. (zoaldex and tamoxifen). I had really really bad SE’s for instance osteperosis and the lot…more or less everything listed on the SE’s list. I had to come off it as was also making me serverley depressed. am only on tam now and i feel so much better! My guess is that if your already on zoladex then the tam shouldnt make much difference SE wise but then again we are all different!
Emily x
Thanks Emily
just bumping this up to see if there is anyone else…
Hi Flora,
I’m also on this regime. Started on Tamoxifen last August and when my periods returned was then put on Zolodex too which I’ve been on for around four months now. I do find them both quite debilitating and suffer from frequent hot and cold flushes, difficulty sleeping, tiredness and very difficult to lose weight. I continue with the medications because the thought of a recurrance still outweighs the side effects. But it is going to be difficult to stand this for the next five years.
Hope the drugs treat you more kindly.
Victoria x
Hi Flora,
Interesting thread! I’ve been on Tamoxifen for just over 3 months, but during the weeks leading up to my last app on Wed, I’ve spotted clear signs that it isn’t work. Unfortunately, my onc agreed. Like Victoria, my period returned, too - and great timing! On the day I had the app with my onc!
So, all is not well and my onc is going to get me started on Zoladex straight way to halt my period and lump growth. My onc keeps on telling me that the side effects of Zoladex will be worse than Tamoxifen, which doesn’t really help! I have to wait and see what’s like to have both of them together. I think I’m starting a week after you. Maybe we can compare notes.
Take care
Thanks all
Really sorry to hear you had osteoporosis Emily. How did you notice? I haven’t been offered any tests, but am hoping that as I have been a runner since I was 18 this weight-bearing exercise will have helped me build up some bone density. I’m going to start again once I am over this last chemo cycle.
Victoria, I agree, the thought of a recurrence is too scary to risk stopping the drugs. I think I have been quite lucky so far as although I have hot flushes and dry skin, it hasn’t really disturbed my sleep or energy levels yet (I blame the chemo for that!).
I seem to have started Zoladex before Tamox, unlike the rest of you, so I wonder if that makes any difference?
M1yu, we can definitely use this thread to compare notes and see how we get on once I get started on that Tamox!
Take care all xxx
Hi Flora,
I had Zoladex and Arimidex after my first chemo.
The side effects of the Zoladex faded very quickly and became quite manageable. The hot flushes were deinitely worse on chemo!
Good luck with your new treatment.
Bad Fairy x
I see from one of the posts by brightlight28 that ‘cold flushes’ are mentioned. I’ve been on Tamoxifen for about 3 weeks now and am waiting for the delightful array of SEs promised. But instead of feeling hot all over, I keep getting cold and shivery - especially at night but it does happen during the day too. Is this just cold blooded me or could it be the Tamoxifen and I’m just awkward and different? I wonder also has anyone else had a ‘jittery’ restless feeling on this drug. I find myself unable to settle and pacing which could simply be boredom from being stuck at home but it’s keeping me awake at night. I don’t recall ever seeing this as an accepted SE for Tamoxifen. It’s not like me at all and don’t know whether to assume its all down to the drug.
vallee - I know what you mean about the jittery feeling. I am not on Tamoxifen but it began after stopping HRT and now I am on Letrozole. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of poor sleep (low dopamine) or low oestrogen. I can only describe it as a sort of tingling feeling but it is most unpleasant. Anything that makes me anxious makes it worse. I think exercise would probably help, if you can summon up the energy!
Ann x
Thanks Ann, actually I tried the exercise and it definitely helped. I am sure that half the trouble is sitting at home bored and ‘aware’ of every little thing. I 'll be better when I’m back at work I am sure. It is always nice to know that someone else has experienced it though and you aren’t going mad.