Zoladex - experience with 12 week version?

Hi I’ve been on zoladex (with AI) for about 8 months - the 28 day version - I had a follow up with oncologist recently and he said that the three month version is now approved for BC (although local guidance is to have a blood test every 3 months as well to check adequate suppression). I like the idea of having them less frequently but I spoke to the nurse and she said it is a bigger needle and pellet. I haven’t found the 4 week one too bad at all (the nurses at our GP are great and give it very quickly which I think helps) so part of me is thinking just to stick with what you know (the nurse said most people are sticking with the 4 week currently). The other thing is that earlier on I definitely had more significant side effects in the first few days after the injection - I felt like my body was being stripped of moisture - peeing a lot and eyes and mouth very dry - this seems to be less marked now but I read somewhere that the drug peak just after the implant is given is more significant with the 12 week - so would also be interested to know if anyone has noticed any difference in side effects. Thanks for any feedback on your experiences!

Ive been on the 12 week for about a year. Ive not noticed differing side affects from 4 week to 12 weeks.
I use emla cream before the injection so dont feel it at all.
I find 12 weeks more convenient that popping to gp surgery wvery month - can be hard to get an appointment

Thanks @Luskentyre1 - that’s really helpful - so useful to hear other people’s experiences and glad to hear it sounds like its working ok for you.

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Hi berry25, I have been on Zolodex for almost 1 year now & tried the 3 months version too. No significant difference in SE but I got my blood test to check estrodol levels before the end of the 3 month period & they were very high! So back to the monthly one. It is quite a hassle to go back every month but did not work in my case. I think it also depends on age & how close you are to menopause. I am still few years away from natural menopause so I guess I need monthly suppresion. I hope it helps

Thank you @bc-2023 - I’ve got my next zoladex coming up and have been thinking about it again - its definitely tempting not to have to go every 4 weeks over the summer - I’m determined to make up for last summer (BC treatment) and get away this time so not having to factor this in would be good. But that risk of it not working as well is a slight concern - sorry to hear it didn’t work for you - but useful to know - thank you!