
Im just about to start monthly injections of Zoladex. Had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy, also taking tamoxifen. I am 39. Is anyone else having Zoladex monthly and how are you coping?? Heard the menopause can kick in straight away? any tips would be great.

I’m 31 and have been on Zoladex and Tamoxifen combined since February. My Onc has put me on this combination for 2 years to try to preserve some fertility. I too have had Mastectomy, chemo and rads. My periods stopped immediately but I have to say that I haven’t been that bothered at all with menopausal symptoms. I get hot flushes but they are minimal, short lived and not troublesome. They are mostly at night too and I have bought a Chillow Pillow from www.soothsoft.co.uk which I find quite helpful. My BCN advised me to use Replens vaginal moisturiser and I get this on prescription in boxes of 6 individual applications. You can buy it over the counter but I think it’s about £10 and as I have a pre payment cert cause of everything else I’m on, my GP had no problem with prescribing me it. I know someone who had a terrible time with vaginal dryness - I believe it can be quite sore. My BCN suggested that I use the Replens as a preventative measure as oppose to waiting til I got a problem.

Good luck


Hi Bakers

I was diagnosed with BC at Christmas 2006, I was put on monthly Zoladex injections from January in an attempt to preserve my fertility during chemo. The first one I had at the hospital was agony (don’t look at the needle it is huge!) The nurse just plunged it straight into my stomach. I now have them at my doctor’s surgery. The nurse there is brilliant she takes a handful of spare tyre and squeezes it and puts needle in - a far more tolerable experience! So do find somebody who does the injections that you can trust and stick with them!

As to menopausal symptoms, my periods didn’t stop immediately about 6 weeks later! I have had hot flushes, but now 7 months later they are lessening (my zoladex has been at the same time as the chemo, so any side effects I have tended to blame on the chemo!)

Hope it goes OK any further questions just ask

Nicky x

I am also due to start Zoladex in the near future. My Consultant said he’d try and get me the injection every three months rather than monthly. When I asked why, he said because they hurt! Nuff said!! Some people who are on Zoladex use a local anaesthetic cream that they rub in about half an hour before the injection. It’s suppose to lessen the discomfort. You can get it from your GP. I’m a bit of a wimp with pain, so I shall certainly be enquiring about that!

Best of luck - would like to know how you get on…

Jacki xx

I am 42 and have had 4 Zoladex injections so far. I had one period the first month, but nothing since. The side effects have been minimal - just mild hot flushes. The injections are quite painful, but it doesn’t hurt for long. For info, my oncologist will not prescribe the 3-monthly injections as she feels they offer less protection as the implant does not last the full 3 months. She has also offered me the option of having my ovaries taken out instead of continuing with the injections and I am going to take her up on this.

I have the three monthly zoladex. Yes that one does hurt. First time I passed out and was sick. Now I apply Emla cream 1 hour before. easy peasy. Can recommand that for sure!!

I never had a breastcare nurse advise me on anything. So yes I do suffer from dry down below. I will certainly ask my GP to prescibe me that moisturiser.

I do suffer from plenty of hot flushes, mainly at night and the keep me awake. Still need to order that chillow.

but don’t forget toask for that emla cream. Allthough maybe the 3 monthly inj is more painfull.

Hi bakers
I have just finished 2 years of zoladex! Hurray!!
I found that the longer I kept the anaesthetic cream on the better because the jabs did hurt sometimes (up to an hour and a half). Perhaps it’s because I’ve not got much spare flesh!
I was on tamoxifen for 3 months before I started the zoladex and I found the hot flushes did get worse. I changed to nolvadex D about a year ago and although I still get them they aren’t as severe or frequent. I found they were worse the 2 weeks after I’d had the injection and then they eased a bit.
As for other menopausal symptoms I do get tired and have menopausal brain sometimes and for the vaginal dryness I use Sylk which I bought online and is made with natural ingredients from kiwi fruit.
I’m now waiting to see if or when my periods come back. At 49 I’m hoping they won’t - don’t particularly want to go through the menopause twice!!
Godd luck to you all and you’ll be amazed at how quickly 2 years goes.