
Hi I am being prescribed Zoladex has anybody else had any experience with this drug and it’s possible side effects?

Hi Pippi


i have been on Zoladex for nearly a year plus I take Tamoxifen. When I first had the Zoladex I had a “cold flush” for a couple of days but it soon settled and I haven’t had that since. It’s hard to identify what are side effects from Zoladex and which are from Tamoxifen. I have hot flushes which is to be expected. I also suffer with cramp and control this with a banana a day and magnesium supplement (think this is SE of Tamoxifen). The side effects for me are all very manageable. The injection is given in the skin in my stomach and is alternated each side every month


if you would like to know anything else then let me know



Hi pippi 1969


I’ve been having it for past 20 mnths now alongside Anastrazole.  As the other lady says its hard to know really what side effects are what what drug really.


Not too bad and I get prescribed Emla cream to numb the tummy area (as I’m a big baby), Each month get jabbed in different side. I think the process of using the cream before hand helps me.  It’s not painful but sometimes can bleed a little.


For the first few times I had it I did feel that evening and for a couple of days after like I was coming down with something but now I don’t get that really.


It’s not a big deal at all :slight_smile:




Hi all I’m sorry for the late reply. I have had the zoladex and I’ve been fine. Was a bit achy at first but now I have no side effects. Thanks for all your comments though it was very helpful x