zoledex injection tamoxifen

hi, i have been on zoledex injections and tamoxifen tablets for six months, past few weeks been having realy bad all over body hot flushes its happeing all the time i dont realy have a break from it! after the flush i go cold them im hot again then cold again,im also having pulpatations thats all the time that dont stop neither,and having a tight feeling in my stomach,im at my wits end its making me feel so low, im wondering if its side effects, has any one else had the same?

Hi Peggy
Unfortunately it sounds like the induced menopause that Zoladex causes has arrived. I had awful hot flushes etc when I had both Zoladex and Tamoxifen a few years back with my primary BC. The palpitations can be a sign of the menopause as well but I would get these checked out as they can cause problems, other than the horrible feeling you get when you have them. I have had these since having chemo (for secondary BC) and am now on medication for them. In your case they may be able to do something else as what you are currently on is reversible.
Good Luck and I would speak to your GP.

Hi Peggy
There are a number of different drugs which can help a great deal with the SEs so you could ask your GP about those. But not all GPs are clued up on BC and treatment, so it might be worth asking your BCN to advise on what to try.
Sarah x

Hi there,
Been on tamox for over a year and had my first zoladex this month. Just to say I got awful pmt on tamox and the stuff I got recommended by GP also helps menopausal stuff supposedly. I had just got some major relief from pmt on mix of vitamin B6 (50mg), high strength ebening primrose oil and vitamin E. Hadn’t gone spare last month which had been a miracle. Unfortunately have a recurrence so all to pot but haven’t had any symptoms form the zoladex yet so maybe combo working for that too. Nothing worse than not having a way t o help yourself.All the best x