Zoledronic acid - views please!

Has anyone taken or refused Zoledronic acid recently? I have just finished treatment (Herceptin) for my second bout of primary breast cancer. First time round I had a lumpectomy, chemo, radiotherapy and Herceptin. This time I had a mastectomy but refused chemotherapy as the benefits didn’t appear to improve my life chances significantly (I’m 72). Now my oncologist has offered Zoledronic acid treatment as it (marginally) could reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back and spreading to my bones. He is not particularly advising me to take it and says it is up to me if I want it. I am very hesitant as it has to be taken for several years and the side effects could be drastic, especially re osteonecrosis (on jaw bone) and impact on teeth. My teeth aren’t great anyway and were certainly affected by the chemo and Herceptin. My inclination is to say no but wondered if anyone would have a different view?


Just to say that I am having zolendronic acid infusions every 6 months and have been fine so far. I am 69 years old. My CT scans showed that I had fractured vertebrae (even though I had no idea that I had them!) so I decided it was worth trying the zol acid. I had to go to the dentist to have my teeth checked first.

I had a ghastly experience with this stuff and abandoned it after two sessions. The marginal extra protection it apparently offers was simply not enough for me to contemplate enduring the side affects. Crippling pain through all my joints and bones within hours of the first treatment. Hardly able to get out of bed. For me the side effects were worse than chemo. However, I must stress that I am in the minority as many people seem to tolerate it well.

Thanks everyone for the replies, they really help thinking this all through. The side effects seem to vary so much. However I’m still very unsure, as the benefits don’t appear to outweigh the possible risks.

I’ve had 6 infusions so far and due to have my last 2 this year. No side effects at all(to teeth or feeling poorly after infusion) but my bone density has increased- and a slight added protection (3%) against recurrence- I’ll take that! I’m 69.
Good luck with what ever you decide.

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I’m having 2 wisdom teeth out tomorrow before I can have my first Zoledronic acid infusion so haven’t had a date yet for it. I am going to ask my consultant again why I need it as I haven’t had any bone density test so how do they know my bones need strengthening? I am 65 and have always kept myself fit with my outdoorsey country horsey life and continue to do so despite surgery, chemo, radiotheraphy, anastrozole and now abemaciclib! Why do I need this as well?!

My teeth are not very good and, after talking to close family and friends who have had this treatment and my GP, I declined. I’m not convinced that in my case the benefits appear to outweigh the risks. However, I would say that I have felt bullied by the Health Professionals involved to go ahead with this. I have said that I’m not dismissing it out of hand but not yet.

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I am so relieved others have experience of whether to accept this treatment! It is interesting that health professionals are pushing treatments despite minimal gains. As my teeth are not good anyway and my bone density is fine (and I take Vitamin D/calcium tablets) I can’t face more dental treatment just yet.

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