My aunt who has bone mets has had her treatment changed to the above, has anyone any experiences of this treatment…what side effects can she expect?
unfortunately when she was originally dx 15yrs ago BCN’s weren’t around and I don’t like to ask mine as obviously she doesn’t know my aunts case history.

karen x

Hi Karen, I don’t have secondaries to the bone but take this once a week to stop brittle bone disease when I am older as had my ovaries out 3 years ago. I did have bad upset stomach for the first few weeks but am fine now with no side effects. I take it once a week in the morning before food - not sure if this is what your aunt has been prescribed?

Hope this helps

Sarah x x x

hi sarah,
she will be having intravenously every 3 -4 wks

karen x

I thought you could only have zometa IV but I may be wrong. I thought it was ibandronate which was the oral type of biphosphonate.
I’ve been on zometa 3 weekly since Sept o6 and had no problems with it. It is a mcuh quicker infusion over about 15-20 minutes so much better than the 90 mins pamidronate.
Since I’ve been on it the pain has stopped in my vertebrae and hip and I’ve got new healthy bone growth in my hip so my legs are now the same length!!!
I think if you look in the srach part of this site you will find out a lot more about zometa as it has been discussed regularly.
Good luck to your aunt.

I had bc in june 2000 and have just been dx with secondaries of the bone (hip and pelvis - with patch on rib).

I had my first dose of zoledronic acid on Tuesday afternoon by drip - felt absolutely fine for 24 hours after. Most of my bones ached on Wednesday evening (had been told to expect flu-like symptoms) - felt fine when I got up yesterday. Then last night, just after I’d got in to bed, I decided that I wanted to be sick - had upset stomach (both ways - tmi). Touching wood, I’ve been fine again today.


Thank you for replying she has her first infusion on Tuesday.
Thank you for taking the time to reply especially as i know what a tough time your all having.

karen x

I have been on 3 wkly infusions for over a year and without problems although you can feel a little fluey as above, you can take orally but supposed to work better intravenously.