hi dont know if anyone can help but ive been on zolidex for about 8 months it was all fine at first then the last few months ive been losing some brown stuff down below (sorry) i spoke to my breast nurse and ive now had blood test i got my results today but my breast nurse isnt back til 2moro so i wondered if anyone knew anything bout it my osestradiol level is 55 and fsh is 2.6 and lh is 0.9 hope someone understands more than me thanks xx
Hi there
I have been on Zoladex for 3 and a half years now. I couldn’t have tamoxifen because of blood clots on my lungs during chemo, so the alternative was zoladex.
After 2 years I had a bone density scan to clarify if my bones had started to thin, and yes they had.
The doctor gave me the choice of staying on zoladex and taking a calcium tablet or come off the injection altogether.
I chose to stay on it and take calcium as I thought because I have few side effects this would be the best option
Anyway…whilst having a blood pressure check before xmas,I had to take a sample of water and it was found to have traces of blood in it (although not to the human eye)
They also said after sending it to the hospital it was contaminated with Choliform(??)which normally comes from the bowel but I don’t have an infection!!!
I have had 2 more samples checked and the same is happening. I am at the hospital tomorrow so will ask if it is anything to do with the zoladex. My nurse at the GP said it may be if things are “thinning”.
I asked her if she could reassure me it wasn’t anything sinister
but she said although it would be minimal she couldn’t reassure me.
I have been very worried!!
I’ve been on zoladex for 2.5 yrs. One day I was talking to the nurse giving me my zometa drip (for bone mets so different issue, don’t panic!) and she said she’d never given one but understood you have to be a bit careful you don’t catch the bowels…perhaps they did something like that the last time they gave it to you?? Don’t want to alarm you but thought it may be worth mentioning. The nurses who do my zoladex are quite casual about it and I can’t say they’ve ever looked like they’re unduly cautious.
Otherwise, I just had the truly awful menopausal side effects from it.
Hi, I have been on Zoladex since June 2010, so 7 months. The other day I started to get a light brown discharge, but then it stopped. I am also getting a slight dragging feeling in my lower stomach some days, like a very faint period pain. I am seeing Onc on 17th and are going to mention this. I am also on tamoxifen, and was thinking about coming off the Zoladex as my hot flushes are terrible and my surgeon consultant says that I should come off the Zoladex and see if that helps. Would be interested to hear what nurses say the brown stuff down below. Boo
hi boo when i told my breast nurse she said i needed a blood test and to see a gynacolgist sorry dont know spelling but because of christmas its all fallen behind she also said i might have to have my zoladex twice a month instead of once ill hope to get hold of her 2moro so ill let you know. and suki i hope all works out for you xx
Hi again, I have had one lot of Zoladex which lasted a month, then the last two has been the 3 month one. The first 3 month one I had no brown discharge, my regular doctor did this one and the site bleed quite a bit after. The last one I had, again a 3 month one, another doctor did and it didn’t bleed but left a bruise. I do wonder if he didn’t stick the implant thing in the right place and therefore it has run out, hence the reason why my hormones have started to break through, which I think is what is happening. Let me know when you have spoken to the BC nurse for the blood test results as I might get mine checked too. Boo
Hi Piggie
How did you get on today?
Are things any clearer?
I have been referred to urology next tuesday.
I have to have the camera look at my bladder, but still no clear answers!!!
Very frustrating!!
Take care
hi ive still got no answers my bn was off yesterday ive left message for her to ring me back today but i know she is very busy she does all breast on her own but hopefully she will ring this afternoon ill let you all know. and i never knew there was a 3 month jab and i bleed more with some nurses than others so there might be something in that xx
Hi Piggy
Any news from your BCN yet?
hi all ive now spoke to breast care nurse and my blood results mean im in menopause so thats good. but she is booking me appointment with gynocojist (hope you know what i mean) as im still losing brown discharge she wants it checked. dont wanna panic anyone but ive been reading that bleeding while on tamoxifen could be a sign for womb cancer but it is also more common to be just a build up of lining that just sheds sometimes. but i will say if anyone is having even a dot of blood or brown discharge while on zolidex and tamoxifen then definatly speak to breast nurse. xxxx
suki how did you get on? xx kerry
Thanks for this, I am seeing Onc on Monday so will mention my brown discharge. It’s stopped now and I still have dreadful hot flushes so I think I am menopausal still too, even without a blood test! Are you on Zoladex for 2 years? and tamoxifen for 5 years? My Onc and Consultant surgeon have different views. Consultant is not a fan of the Zoladex for 2 years thing. He thinks if I come off Zoladex and periods resume, hot flushes will be better etc. I am close to 2 years post diagnosis so am wondering whether to stop the Zoladex now or stick with it for a bit longer. What are you being advised to do? Boo
Hi Ladies
Hope you are all ok?
Well… I went to the hospital on tuesday absolutely petrified!!!
I had an ultrasound on my kidneys, which was all ok.
I then had a x ray of my pelvic area, which was all ok.
Then I had a cystoscopy, where he had a really good look at my bladder, which was all ok.
I have been told some people are prone to having blood (that they cant see) in their urine. Doc just said to me he was happy not to see me again but if I ever start to see blood in my water to get straight in touch with my GP.
Piggy…I have just read your post about your lovely daughter.
Love to you both.
hi ive just got back from clinic and my bcn has reassured me that my bleeding is prob nothing to worry about but still gonna have it checked with gynaecologist. and as ive only got 1 hepceptin left im goona have my port out on the 1st feb.
Boo i am also on zoladex for 2 yrs and tamxifen for 5. i do have hot flushes but not usual every day. noone has said bout stopping any of this at mo.
Suki so happy for you hope thats the outcome of mine to.you must be so relived. and thanks bout me and my baby its amazing what she has gone through she is a little fighter
xx kerry
hi just wanted to say ive been to hopsital and the bleeding was down to my copper coil being in the wrong place. i only had it put in for extra piece of mind before i started my zolidex but now im 100% in menopause dont need it so they took it out. xx
New to the forum
I am 35 years old and had bc in 2009
I juste wanted to Know about anyone’s expérience in taking zolidex and exemestane
I have a local recurrence and tamoxofen has not work for me although i was had hardly any side effect .
I am worry about the side effects
Thank you
Rachel xx