
Yesterday was the third anniversary of my breast cancer (stage iv) diagnosis of extensive liver mets. I meant to mention it yesterday but was sooo busy running around getting on with LIFE that I forgot.

I know that three years ago I believed I only had a few months to live (because I was ignorant in cancer matters). I still have extensive liver mets but they have rarely stopped me doing what I have wanted. My goal now is to be writing something similar in another three years.

I am really just saying this for the benefit of more newly diagnosed women. I hope to be reading similar tales from you all in time.

Here’s to medical science!


Thanks Jenny,its so nice to hear about your anniversary! I just want to wish you many ,many more to come!


Hi Jennywren!

May I be the first (oops second - I’m a slow keyboard-tapper :slight_smile: )on here to offer my congratulations. I’m nine days away from the second anniversary of my bc diagnosis, which was followed by dx of bone mets 3 weeks later.

I too was ignorant in cancer matters, expecting to be directing the 2006 family Christmas from my sickbed… but here I am, thankful for treatment keeping the disease well under control.


Jennywren I can still remember your first postings! Any newly diagnosed with mets readers I was diagnosed in 2003 with both breast cancer and bone mets…I’m feeling very well. Belinda…x

Hi Jennywren

Congratulations on reaching your 3rd anniversary. Well done to you and yes does give us all hope.

Last wednesday was the 1st anniversary of being told i had bc, and then on Saturday coming, will the 1st anniversary of being told I had liver mets too, so nice to hear from someone a lot further down the line from me.

Hope u celebrated.


Hi Jenny

Thanks for such a positive post - it is so good for others to hear.

Best wishes


its also my 3rd year anni today being dx so lets raise a glass to us well done x
3 down and many more to come xx

Happy anniversary!! I am just over one year down the line - I adopted a term from an american friend of mine who is going through a similar pattern as I am… she calls it her Cancerversary. LOL

Here’s to many more


Quite a few of us “deep-enders” around (2ndary dx at or very soon after primary dx). It’s good to hear others’ stories. For me it was so encouraging in those bleak days after dx, to be told (by my bcn and a pastorally-trained friend) of people whose bc had spread but had seen several Cancerversaries!

so sorry got wrong cat it is my anni today, only dx of b.c and not sec sorry x

Hi Jenny
congratulations and heres to many more years. I am a strong believer that our condition can be managed for many years. July 15th was 9years from my primary and May 12th 4 years from my secondary.
Chingford… dont apologise heres hoping you never have to join our club. Not that you wouldnt be welcome I think you know what I mean.

Love Debsxxx

Thanks Jenny and everyone who’s posted on here. It gives us relative newbies something to aim for. Here’s hoping we’re all around for many more celebrations - whatever they may be and whatever we can invent to raise a glass to :wink:


ps you have all helped so much since my 2ndary dx in April this year.

Hi Girls!! Two and a for 3/4 for me as a lung mettie will hit the third year in Nov. Quality of life is excellent. I’m still working and having fun. Funnyface

OOPS!!! Forgot to say well done all!! Cheers!! Funnyface

Thanks Jenny. Like a lot of us I think I expected to be ‘properly’ ill as soon as I had my secondary diagnosis (liver and lungs) and probably dead within months. Well, it’s been so much less dramatic than I expected, still feeling fine a year after dx, back at work and all going fine. A lot of the positive energy comes from people like you who remind us that they have been getting on with life for years after the secondary dx.

BTW happened to meet and chat with a young man working on the IT side of the national cancer survey ( not sure if this is the right name but it’s trying to pull together figures from all the cancer registries). He said that they are trying to get some figures together for secondary cancers but that it is proving very difficult. He also confirmed that survival statistics generally are very patchy in their reliability. And it.s not just us. In France for example they don’t collect nationwide statistics - and most of those collected come from the areas with a specialist cancer unit, which probably skews the figures somewhat!

Good for you Jennywren - here’s to many more (she says raising a cup of tea for effect!). Thanks for such a lovely post.


I remember so well too that first diagnosis. I came home and told hubby I wanted our bedroom completely redecorated if I was to spend the rest of may days there LOL. That was 18 years ago. More recently when first dx with secondaries I could see the wheelchair looming within weeks - my bone mets were so extensive. But that was 6 years ago. Currently having a hiccup but hoping the rads will sort that out soon. I dont really remember cancerversaries - there would be too many.


Here’s to the next 3 years, Jenny (and then the next 3)! Having just reached my 1st cancerversary (of mets, nearly at my 6th since primary) it is always good to hear of others doing so well several years on from me. I too am enjoying life and continuing to work - in fact life continues to be great despite the sec cancer dx and the treatments. Long may that last for all of us!

Kay x

Thanks for this. I was having a ‘down’ day (particularly annoyed since it coincided with a job interview, which I just could not get into! Don’t imagine I will get the job). Its really good to know that women with 2ndaries are enjoying a good quality of life.

I found out last September that I had bc and a couple of weeks later that it had spread to my liver and lungs. I was desperate to know what this might mean and found reassurance in reading about women in similar situations who are still going strong several years later. I’ve done well on the chemo so far and feel pretty now, just on herceptin. I want to go back to work, hence the job applications

I wish us all many more cancerversaries!!!

thanks for posting this , I find it encouraging!