2nd Fec tomorrow

Hi susieq
Glad you are ok. just wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow, hope all goes well,
take care will be thinking about you

Hi Sam
Thank you for contacting me. Its reassuring to know your mum has been ok with the treatment out here in Spain. I love living out here and have great friends. But we dont get the support system provided in the uk. This site is brill for us expats and helps provide information and fill the gaps.
take care Shirley

Many thanks Shirley - I have to start taking the ‘gloop’ tonight at 10pm then another 5 at specific times tomorrow before I go in. It smells like anniseed (not sure of the spelling!) so shouldn’t be too bad.
I was at hospital yesterday for the cons surgeon to have a look at my scar, but she was called away suddenly so saw her assistant - all fine apart from a small swelling which is normal and apparently can take quite a while to disappear - no more draining needed, hooray!!! My cons surgeon stills likes to have a look herself so have to go back in a fortnight. Think I’ll just get a tent and camp in the hospital carpark !!!
Hope u are still feeling ok - when is ur nex one?
Take care and bye for now
Sue x

Hi Susie hope all is going well and you dont have to spend too much time at hospital. Do you know when you are likely to start treatment yet!! I have had a few yuk days last week but I have bounced back again and now Im feeling ok. I am dead pleased as I have managed to go back to my Spanish Class. Its brill when you can get some form of normality in life again. My next one is 28th Jan and then I will be half way there !!
take care keep in touch Shirley XX.

Hi Shirley, sorry I havn’t posted in a while, but we had a blimmin computer virus and had to have the whole thing wiped clean and re-programed by an expert. Computer is great now, much faster and protected to the hilt :slight_smile:
Also had a busy few days before 1st chemo on Wed. Had a lovely day last Sat as sister came over bearing loads ‘o’ gifts and support (she got me 2 huge cases of small bottles of water so it would be easier to drink loads !!!) she’s been marvellous.
Then I had an old friend for lunch on Monday and we had such a laugh about old times - what a tonic!
Then I had all my hair cut short on Tues, which I have on good authority, I really suit :slight_smile:
Then it was D-Day and first FEC chemo on Wed.
We were really lucky and had the Manager of the chemo suite and she was brilliant. I’m having treatment at the Christie in Manchester and everybody we met - including the patients, were fantastic.
Don’t want to speak too soon, but I don’t feel too bad at the moment … I had a slight headache on the evening of the same day and a bit of indigestion during the night (all treatable) and that was it. I’ve drunk loads of water and eaten small and often and taken my meds with absolute precision ! Every time I’ve felt even slightly sick, weirdly enough I’ve had a light snack and instant relief. Have not had to rely on ‘back-up’ anti sickness, jus the usual ones they give you.
Do feel a bit ‘energised’ with the steroids, funny taste in mouth and red face but fine otherwise.
Only downer really is I have rubbish veins and am to have a Hickman line fitted on 10th Feb ready for my next chemo on the 11th Oooo don’t like the idea of that, but apparently makes life a lot easier once it’s fitted cos they can take your bloods through it too.
Don’t know whether I’m one of the lucky ones, but feel a bit guilty, when I read of some of the horrendous traumas other ladies are going through (again though touch wood for me :slight_smile: Probably all go pear-shaped now I’ve said that !
Wow half way there on the 28th ! U lucky thing - I do hope you’re yuk days were not too unbearable for you - and here’s me saying you were doing really well (sorry).
Yes I agree with you, normality is great and your Spanish Class sounds like just what you need … also it’s good to keep the brain active, especially with something you enjoy learning. Are you pretty fluent yet or about half way there?
We have a friend who moved to Mallorca about 6 years ago and he’s picked up the lingo marvellously, but he lives out in the sticks and not many English speaking people around. He’s a marine engineer and works on boats and yaghts in one of the main ports, so he needs to speak the language to order the parts he needs.
It facinates me hearing English people talking a different language, it sounds so clever!
Sorry about this long rambling post Shirley, blame it on the steriods!
Chin up and lets keep plodding on chuck - take care and speak soon
Susie xxx

Hi Shirley, not heard from you … are you ok ?
Just wanted to wish you luck for today chuck, I’ll be thinking about you and hope all goes well for you.
Take care

Hi Susie
Hope you ok. I couldnt log on because of the site changes. So its my first time on still finding my way around. Im good so hopefully all will be ok for my next dose. How are you? you sound good,
really upbeat.
When I lived in the UK, which was nearly 3 years ago now. I worked at a special needs school for 10 years with children with Autismn. A tough job but extremely rewarding, very special children. A dear friend I worked with at the school flew out for the weekend to see me which has been lovely, and shes 6 months pregnant. We had a lovely weekend and a real girly day on Saturday, shopping and lunch out. Its so good when you can have normal days again, it really gives yourself a boost doesnt it !! I have managed to catch up with my spanish, the girls in my class are so kind and supportive. take care I so enjoy our little chats love shirley Xx

Hi Shirley, so nice to hear from you and proper relieved that you’re feeling ok.
Lovely to hear you enjoyed your girly day with your old pal, just the ticket to chase away thoughts of treatment for a while. It’s great isn’t it to catch up with old friends, especially whilst going through all this. Never seemed to have the time when I was working full time.
Like you I had a yukky 2 days last week-end - not sick or anything but the only way I can describe it is the worst hangover ever and a bout of flu on top !!! 'Orrible.
Feel ok now though apart from sensitive head (o’eck think hair might be on it’s way out :frowning:
My eyes are a bit weird too when reading or on the computer for any length of time - have you had this?
The photo of your dog is so cute, what’s his name?
Well must away and prepare lunch for my old friend who’s calling round later.
Do take care chuck and yes I too enjoy our chats.
Love Susie x

Hi Susie
Glad you are ok and doing so well. Your side effects sound exactly like mine. I have a couple of days that are flu like and I feel abit off too. My two dogs are very special, they are Spanish Water Dogs. They have wool not hair so are great around the house because they dont molt. They are about the size of a springer spaniel. Lovely temperment and very intelligent. the fishermen use them in the north of Spain becasue they are strong swimmers and the only dog that can dive several metres. when they swim they open there feet and they are webbed. they help pull the boats in and retrieve lost fish. Some shepherds use them too.
The brown one is called Clovis and I rescued him he was a stray around our valley and was sleeping at night in my porch. I took him to a vet and he wasnt micro-chipped which is ilegal in Spain. If a warden had found him he would have been put down. So I gave him a home he was about 8 months then. I fell in love with the breed, and last year got Lucia a black female she is just 1 year old now. Glad you are keeping things as normal as possible and meeting friends etc its the best way. My head started to feel sore before my hair decided to leave!! Just take it as it comes it is not easy or pleasant but you will be ok I promise! I was very precious about my hair sooo vain !! But you soon get used to hats and scarfs etc !! Take care keep in touch Shirley XX

Hi Susie
Hope you are ok and keeping well, have a good weekend. Yesterday was a little disappointing. I wasnt able to have my 3rd Fec, becasue my white blood cell count was a little low. The onc said not to worry its quite normal at times. They are going to give my body a weeks rest and I will go back on Thursday and try again. He said its just the medication. I feel really well in myself and Im eating well, so there isnt much more I can do.
Posted a thread on here last night and it does sound quite common so that reassured me.
Take care love shirley

Hi Shirley
Yes I have read quite a few threads where the white blood cell counts have been low and the oncs don’t seem too concerned so it must be a common problem. Sorry for you though because I can imagine you thinking you’re half way there then it doesn’t happen.
At least they’re looking after you and not taking any risks, even small ones. Make the most of your weeks’ rest and walk those cute doggies of yours in that lovely fresh air !!
Our cat Jess follows me everywhere and my hubby keeps suggesting I should take her for a walk up the moss, but don’t think she’d appreciate a lead somehow and think I’d look a bit odd, especially with no hair !!
My hubby is full of a cold at the moment so I’m avoiding him like the plague poor thing, fingers crossed I don’t catch it.
Think I’ve overdone it a bit today cos I just feel so normal but I’m shattered so I’m away to my bed now for a big sleep.
Nite nite Shirley and take care
Speak soon
Love Susie x

Hi Susie
Hope you are ok? I had a cat who used to follow me and the dogs for a walk. she died last year but she was 12 years old and she really enjoyed her final year in Spain, all that warm sunshine.
I too feel a little tired today, no day ever seems the same on this treadmill does it. but I have been watchimg the tennis, I am a huge fan of Rafa Nadal. Its raining here today, but when it stops our Spanish flag will go back up on the garage roof. Always do that when our Rafa wins a grand slam HEE HEE !!
Hope you are having a good weekend. keep warm I saw the weather forcast for the Uk, lots of snow on its way. Many parts of Spain are having heavy snowfalls here today.
best wishes Shirley Xx

Good morning Shirley, hope you are feeling less tired today chuck.
Again because I feel so well, I’ve overdone it AGAIN this week-end - shopping (new TV, new clothes, yummy food etc) cleaning and organising paperwork etc. We had heard about the impending arctic weather so for some reason I was on a mission to get everything done and dusted in case we got snowed in :slight_smile:
Dave kept saying slow down, but I can’t be doing with just sitting around when stuff needs doing - especially if I feel well.
And yes sure enough we awoke to about 2 inches this morning and it’s still snowing heavily - it’s great, I love snow !!! Poor Jess stuck her paw out the door this morning and has now retired to our bed until the weather is more to her liking! I’m trying to get a piccie of her sorted out to update my profile - she’s beautiful - and spoilt rotten.
Think by and large we’re both not doing too bad at all on the old chemo (touch wood) and long may it continue.
What date is your next one? Mine is next week on the 11th Feb, though I have to have the Hickman line inserted on the 10th (dreading that).
Do take care and keep warm
Will speak soon
Love Susie x

Hi Susie
Glad you are doing so well. Hows the snow have you had some more!!
We have had huge storms here thunder, and rain the heavest for 4 years, much needed though. Malaga had a twister and it did alot of damage to houses and took the roof off the main Bus Station. There is loads of snow at the Sierra Nevada. Our daughter is coming over for a week next weekend. Shes a primary school teacher and its half term again. So daddy and daughter will be going up to play at sometime they are keen snowboarders. We are very lucky because its only 2 hours drive. Im doing ok too! I had my FEC 3 yesterday, so Im now halfway which is great. The weeks break did the trick, and my bloods were good. Im feeling ok no sickness again I feel so lucky when you read how some people suffer. My Gp told me its because im only on a basic dose,and he explained that for me,its like they have cut the field of corn and now they are spraying it with weed killer as a precaution. I thought it was a great description, particularly for me as a Farmers Daughter brought up in North devon on a farm.
Have a lovely weekend good luck for next week remember too drink loads more water on the day before, Im sure it really does help
catch up soon love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley
What a lovely description by your GP re the cornfield!! Very apt and describes it to a tee.
The snow in our area is coming and going - one minute it’s 3 inches deep and within an hour it’s all melted, then it snows again - but it’s sooo cold. Lots of areas down South are really badly affected and people have been trapped in cars and schools closing for days on end, apparently there’s no end in sight and there’s more to come next week. I want it to go away now as we’re in the process of buying a conservatory and new french doors and I want me concrete base to set !!!
So pleased the week’s break did the trick for you and your 3rd went as planned and best of all YOU’RE HALFWAY THERE woohoo for you :slight_smile:
Well my marvellous sister has just bought me my next supply of small bottles of water ready for the next zapping so need to pop over to hers to collect (I find I can drink loads more it it’s in small bottles).
You have a lovely week-end too Shirley and enjoy your daughter’s visit, guess you’ll have lots of catching up to do!
Will post again next week after me next dollop and I’ll tell you how the Hickman fitting went (Keep your fingers crossed for me)
Take care chuck
Sue x

Hi Susie
Thinking about you today, I hope it all went well at the hospital. I hope it wasnt to uncomfortable,or painful. I will be thinking about you tomorrow good luck for your next dose. I have been a little off over the weekend very tired achy etc yuk!! But hey at least we know now that it does last and it will soon pass thank goodness.
Take care rest lots Shirley XX

Sorry chemo brain I ment it doesnt last to long hee hee!! Well for the first time every I have a real excuse for being scatty XX

Hi Shirley
Thanku so much for your ‘Good Luck’ post.
Well the Hickman Line went in, but without going into too much detail (in case I give anyone the eebie jeebies) it was not the most pleasant of experiences … but it’s in now and another hurdle passed. Had 2nd dollop yesterday and so much easier with the line !
Woke up at around 2.30am this morning with raging indigestion, took the remedy, a drink of water and back off to sleep - unbelievable after steroids! I took a Fybogel sachet last night in readiness for the expected ‘bungedupness’ and it worked a treat, but think that’s what gave me the indigestion.
Isn’t it amazing how one symptom leads to another?
Hope your’re coming out the other side of your yukky phase and yes at least we know it’s only temporary :slight_smile: - you just have to keep thinking “I’ll feel better tomorrow” and you usually do!
I, like you, am pleased to have something to blame for my scattiness but trouble is, for the people that know me well, I detect a touch of doubt about my excuse of chemo brain as they know that I’m normally dizzy anyway :slight_smile:
Well must away for me Weetabix, and steroids and anti-sickness for afters (lovely).
You take care too Shirley and lovely to keep in touch
Susie xxx

Hi Susie
Hope you are ok and not feeling to yuk now. Im on my second week now so have started to feel almost normal at times. The weather here is lovely and yesterday I went out in my garden and pruned my Roses. It took me longer then normal, but hey I did it. Felt really good!!
Hope you have a good weekend. Im really excited as our daughter is flying over for a week and she arrives tomorrow. It will be lovely to see her. She hasnt seen the new look mum in hats and scarfs yet. As the last time she was here, was at Christmas. I had only just started chemo then.
Hope you are picking up from dollop 2 and keeping well.
take care best wishes Shirley XX

Hi Susie
Just a quick hello. I hope you are ok my friend, noticed you havent be on for a while. I hope its because you are feeling good and keeping busy. Daddy and daughter are playing in the snow today at S Nevada. There is masses of snow up there, the best they have had for years. Im feeling good and will be off out with my doggys later for a walk.
You take care and keep in touch
best wishes Shirley XX