2nd Fec tomorrow

Hi Shirley
Sorry I havn’t posted for a while - a mixture of poorlyness and busy when feeling better :slight_smile: I’m me own worst enemy!
This 2nd dollop hit me a bit harder I think as it’s took a week to feel back to normal again, not sick or anything just terrible indigestion and generally uurghh ! (Not sure about this spelling but you know what I mean).
You sound really upbeat and happy and it sounds like you’re having a great time with all that snow and your daughter being with you. How did she react to your ‘new look’ ? It’s such a relief isn’t it when the SE’s wear off, it really makes you appreciate feeling well.
All our snow has gone now and we’re having a mild spell - not exactly cracking the flags but pleasant all the same, a hint of spring maybe? Ooo I hope so!
Can I pick your brains a mo please? When you lost your hair, did the whole lot come out eventually and how long did it take for the lot to go?
Reason I’m asking is when mine started falling out big time, I had it shaved which was great. But apart from the sides and back, it still seems to be growing like a mohican in the middle which is quite uncomfortable and spiky sensitive if you know what I mean.
(Sometimes it helps to compare experiences).
My Hickman line has calmed down now and just have to have it flushed by the District Nurse once a week. Must say chemo went in tons easier - maybe a tad too fast - I’ll be having words next time methinks!
Well must away and ring my conservatory man to agree final plans - really eager for work to start now and quite excited :slight_smile:
You take care too and make the most of that lovely snow, it sounds idyllic, bet the doggies are loving it!
Speak soon chuck and it’s great to keep in touch
Love Susie xxx

Hi Susie
Glad you are ok. I suffered bad indigestion too, so I mentioned it to my ONC and he prescribed something for me, I take one a day and I have had no problems since. My Doctor out here, told me that there is no need to suffer side effects from chemo silently,because they can usually give something to control them. So too always ask. So dont suffer my friend!!
Well our lovely daughter has just gone back to UK today. But she will be back to see us agsin in 8 weeks time. One of the perks of being a Teacher. We had a lovely time together. I now have a weeks rest, then No4 chemo on Thursday, providing my blood count is ok this time. But like you its taking me longer to bounce back each time. Im ok not poorly, just feel more tired. But they do say it gets harder as you go along. Next weekend, My mum amd mum inlaw are flying out to see us for 10 days. I will get lots of TLC then, bless them. They are great friends and neighbours, They just live round the corner from each other. They are so funny when they come here to visit. They share a bedroom and swap clothes etc, they are in their mid 70s of age but teenagers at heart.
My hair is like yours I seem to lose it more from the sides, and its very baby fine. It also gets tender and sore at times. I suppose its part of the yukky process we are having at the mo !!
Susie you must be coming up for number 3 chemo soon now too.
I hope it goes well, keep postive my friend, take care loads of love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley
Thanku for the indigestion advice and I will definately mention to my ONC next time. My 3rd dollop is on 4th March - can’t believe how fast it comes around, it doesn’t seem that long ago that I was in a right old stew about starting it and now both you and I are ‘old hands’! Gosh you’re on No.4 !! Two more to go - you sound like a very strong lady and determined like me, which, I think helps us massively during this tough old treatment :slight_smile:
Your Mum and Mum-in-law sound hilarious! Isn’t it lovely that they have each other at their time of life and are such great friends.
Unfortunately I lost my Mum at a very early age, and my Dad died of a heart attack 10 years ago, so my Mum-in-law treats me just like a daughter bless her. She too is in her 70s and has a great sense of humour! She goes dancing and on holiday with her mates and has a great social life.
I will post again before your 4th dollop on Thurs and I’ll keep everything crossed for your blood count chuck.
Take care and get plenty of that fresh air ! (nice little rhyme there:)
Loads of Love
Susie xxx
ps - my hubby thinks it’s great that we are in touch through this as we’re both more or less at the same stage - he too sends his love :slight_smile: x

Hi Shirley
Just wanted to wish you luck for no.4 tomorrow chuck and everything crossed for ‘good bloods’ for you.
Take care and much love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie
How are you my friend ?
Hope it well ok yesterday and your not feeling too awlful this morning. Thank you for your good wishes. It went ahead last Thursday, but Im slightly anemic, which explains why I was feeling more tired this time and didnt bounce back so quickly. So now I have Iron pills yuk!! But hey if they help so be it!!
My mums are keeping me amused here, with all their chatter, bless them. But hubby retires to the shed sometimes bless him!!
Still we are getting there my friend, every dollop is a step closer to the end.
You take care and I will be in touch again soon
loads of love Shirley XX

Hi Shirley
Sorry to hear you have to take iron tablets along with everything else - it’s a wonder we don’t rattle with all meds we have to take !!!
As long as they do the job that’s the main thing :slight_smile:
At least you have another dollop under your belt - not long to go for you now !!!
Well we had a bit of a nightmare on Thurs, loads of waiting around for blood results and then waiting around in the chemo suite.
Got the results back for HER2 and unfortunately it’s positive, so my road to recovery just got longer as I need to go on Herceptin. Bit peed off with that news but just have to crack on with it and as long as we get the result that hopefully all will be clear at the end, that’s the ultimate goal (fingers crossed).
The conservatory is half built now and the messy work done. Our cat Jess decided to have a good stomp around in the wet concrete and then dash into the house and have a mad half hour jumping over everything and took great delight in leaving Jess prints absolutely everywhere! Hubby and I spent half an hour trying to catch her to clean her paws - Oooo she didn’t like that one little bit, hissing and complaining as if we were trying to murder her - little tinker !
(We were calling her something a bit stronger than that at the time though!)
Glad to hear your mums are keeping you entertained and I bet they’re spoiling you rotten too - make the most of it.
You take care too chuck and lovely to keep in touch and compare notes!
Lots of love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie
How are you doing my friend. I hope you are keeping well and busy. Im sorry to hear you have too have Herceptin, but if its going to help you have complete recovery it can only be good. Stay postive my friend.
My mums went home yesterday so feeling a little tired today, but it was lovely to have them here, they are so funny together. We had lots of laughs such a good tonic for me. I cant believe Im due another dollop on Thursday No5 gosh time does go quickly. The iron tablets arent giving me to much hassle, and I have been feeling quite good this time. You will be soon having dollop No4 too wont you? I really hope you are keeping as well as I am my friend.
Have a good weekend and take care
Love to you and hubby he sounds great, arent we lucky to have such supportive, and understanding men catch up soon love Shirley XX

Good Morning Shirley
Hope you are still feeling ok and recovering from your tiredness following your mums visit. Visitors are lovely and really give you a boost but sometimes, it’s not until they’ve gone that you realise just how tired you are - weird !
Seems the iron tablets are doing the trick for you if you’re feeling good - isn’t medicine marvellous :slight_smile:
Well I’m just about feeling human again after No.3 - gosh I felt like I’d been hit by a 10 ton truck for about 5 days, it really knocked me for six! Even stayed in bed for a full day while my hubby fed and watered me then I just slept.
I hate staying in bed but had no choice this time.
Got a bit down during these 5 days because I felt so ill and even contemplated stopping the chemo - how mad is that ??? Hubby, family, friends and GP all gave me a good stern talking to and I know deep down it just isn’t an option to stop the treatment and wouldn’t even contemplate it when feeling normal!
Pleased to say I’m fine and positive again now and looking forward to No.4 (not!!) on 25th March then it’s onto 4 dollops of Taxotere.
Yes we are lucky to have such supportive hubbys - I don’t think I’d have got through this without him bless him.
We’re planning to go to Jersey for about 10 days once the old chemo has finished as it’s a place he’s always wanted to visit (I’ve been before) so really looking forward to planning that !
Well must away and brew up for my hardworking builders - conservatory looks HUGE and can’t wait to furnish it and sort out my pots and plants and things (hubby raises eyebrows at this, guess it’s a woman thing :slight_smile:
You take care and I’ll be in touch before your No5.
Big hug to you and lots of love Susie xxx

Hi Shirley
Just wanted to say good luck for no.5 tomorrow.
I reckon your bloods should be fine now after taking your iron tabs.
Keep yer pecker up chum and I hope the SEs are kind to you.
Take care and much love
Susie xxx

Hi sue,
Thank you for good wishes tomorrow. I still feel very tired after my vistors. But I also think it normal as your course of chemo, goes on. So fingers crossed I go ahead with next dollop tomorrow.
You will be half way there on 25th march wont you, thats good!!
I hope your ok now and feeling more upbeat. I tend to get very tired and low about day 5, its like someone has pulled the plug out of the bath, and I feel, very tired and emotional, it just comes over me really odd. I usually take myself off for a nap and then I feel slightly better once I have rested. But we all need to remember we are going through a tough treatment, so it is, too be expected I suppose.
I hope all is well with your conservatory, and you will soon be sitting and relaxing in it, and enjoying the spring sunshine!!
Take care my friend
love Shirley XX

Hi Shirley
Hope you are feeling ok after your 5th dollop - yay one more to go for you !!!
I had my 4th FEC (halfway) yesterday and feel ok so far (but then I always do the day after). I had a long chat with my onc about the first of the Taxotere next time and I have to take loads of steriods even the day before (no sleep for me then :slight_smile:
I also told him about feeling quite poorly for most of the 3 weeks since the 3rd FEC and asked him was it anything to do with the speed they administered it and yes you’ve guessed it, it has a LOT to do with it! He insisted I speak to the chemo nurse before yesterday’s dollop and be firm with her. This I did and she put it in very slowly and mixed with plenty of saline. Don’t know whether it’s psychological but I do feel better so far and even went looking at new tiles for the kitchen yesterday! (Don’t want to speak too soon tho:)
Well we had a lovely spring like week last week, but alas have now reverted to wet and windy and a forecast of even colder by week-end.
I bet your weather is getting warmer now - gosh it makes you feel so much better when the sun is shining.
Take care flower and keep yer pecker up - NOT LONG NOW :slight_smile:
Love Susie xxx

Hi Susie,
Lovely to hear from you. Im glad your ok my friend. I have not had a good week I have felt poorly since Sunday. I have had diarrhea since Tuesday. I dont have a temperture so thats good, and I can drink fluids ok. Im not sure if I have caught a bug or its the effect of chemo, so rang Dr he said keep off diary foods for a few days and eat bland food. I will see how I am today, but will go and see him tomorrow if I need too. Im checking temperture regularly but it remains normaal. Thank goodness!!
I hope you feel better this time, Im glad you said something to the onc. Will your hair start to grow back when your change to Tax. Im sure I read something about that !!
You take good care and I will catch up with you again soon, loads of love
Shirley XXX

Hi Susie
How are you doing my friend?
I have now come up in a rash, and I have just come back from hospital this morning!!
I have shingles. Bloody marvellous!! Still that explains the rough week. The good news is my temp is still normal, so I didnt have to stay in. I just got sent home with more pills. Our house is beginning to resemble an old peoples home, with pills and potions galore!!
Still only one more to go, and it shows the chemo is doing its job!!
I hope you have a good weekend, and your feeling better this time.
best wishes Shirley XX

Hi Shirley
Oh poor you, blimmin shingles that’s all you need isn’t it? At least you did’nt have to stay in hospital though and your temp has stayed down. How long will it take for you to recover from that - hopefully before your last dollop, you don’t need that last one delayed - not when you’re soooo near the end!
Well I have continued to feel ok-ish, bit of a ropey week-end but just starting to come out the other side - just goes to show it must have definately had something to do with the speed at which they administered the chemo.
I know exactly what you mean re the lotions and potions - think I’m covered for any eventuality and have got meds for side effects from the side effects !!!
Do you find you have achey eyes with FEC ? It drives me bonkers when I’m trying to read or on the computer.
Well I have a few upcoming plans for the next 2 weeks (trying to fit them all in before the dreaded Tax) - I’m going for a meal with a few workmates from a few years ago, a get together for a friend’s birthday, a shopping trip with another friend (have put a few pounds on and need sommat to wear :slight_smile: Really looking forward to it all now the weather is getting warmer. Plants and flowers are bursting out all over the garden - even stuff we’d forgotten we’d planted!
Needless to say we’re not the most expert gardeners, we just bung stuff in, water it and hope it grows - looks nice when it all comes out though so we must be doing sommat right!
Well I do hope you feel better soon chuck - keep eating healthily (which I know you do) and plenty of rest and relaxation.
I shall check in again soon to see how you’re diddling.
Take care and much love
Susie xxx

Hi Susie
How are you? Have you moved into your conservatory yet? It will be great to relax in.
I seem to be getting over my shingles quite quickly, and I feel ok at the moment which is great!!
I have been shopping and walking my dogs this week and really enjoying the warm sunshine.
I am due my last chemo next Thursday so fingers crossed by bloods will be ok. Arent you due yours on the same same day?
I hope you have a good Easter. Take care best wishes Shirley XX

Hope you don’t mind me butting in.
I’ve just registered and found your postings and I just wanted to say how helpful they have been.
I start my first dose of FEC-T on April 23rd and have been worrying about the side effects and how I can help things. I know each of us react differently but it’s been useful reading your experiences.
Hope it all continues to go well.

Hi LizB
Don’t you worry about butting in - you’re welcome chuck.
Honestly try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know) but just take each day at a time, you’ll soon learn how to manage each side effect as it happens and it IS manageable. Main thing is rest when you’re tired, sleep is the best medicine! Also I found the steriods make me mega hungry, but, especially during the first week after chemo, I try to eat little snacky things so as not to overload my stomach. (Still putting weight on tho :slight_smile:
I found once I got the first one over with, I kind of knew what to expect the next time and have to say, although I felt ropey on the 3rd one due to the reason in my previous post, it’s not been half as bad as I thought and any advice or help that you need is only a phone call (or email) away.
I wish you the very best of luck and keep us informed how you get on.
Anything else you want to know, ask away chuck
Take care
Susie x

Hi Liz
Welcome to our post, please keep in touch, and let me know how you are doing. I will try to help with anything if I can. I cant believe its already my last chemo on Thursday. It is tough but doable, just try and go along with it the best you can. This website has been a Godsend for me, because although the care is good in Spain, you dont get the support and BC nurses like in the UK. So I have learnt so many things and had such good advice from others on this site. How many FEC are you having, mine was 6.
Take care best wishes Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley
Sooo pleased to hear you’re recovering from the shingles so quickly and getting out and about.
My next one is next Wed (Taxotere) so your LAST ONE is the following day - I’m keeping EVERYTHING crossed for your bloods chuck.
Are you doing anything to celebrate your last one ? (side effects permitting of course).
Well following a brain scan last Monday, I’m over the moon to report that all is clear. I was advised to have this due to a constant nagging headache since my 3rd FEC. Onc said I did the right thing by mentioning it and he wasted no time arranging the brain scan.
Do you find your ankles swell up now and again ? Mine go up and down like a fiddlers elbow - mind you with all the food I’m consuming it’s no wonder.
Yes conservatory is finished now, apart from the floor. But we’ve stripped all the tiles and wallpaper from the kitchen/dining room and have just had that all replastered. So once the new tiles are on we can put the new flooring right through (we’re gluttons for punishment !!!)
Well you stay feeling ok chum and you have a good Easter too (can you believe I’ve just eaten a full Easter egg (a small one)
Take care luvvy and best wishes to you too
Susie xxx

Hi Shirley and Susie,
Thanks for all the good advice. It certainly helps to talk to people that have gone through it and are coming out the other end.
I’m having what appears to be a standard treatment - 3 doses of FEC and 3 doses of Taxotere, each one three weeks apart.
The need for chemo came as a big shock because initially all that was mentioned was a WLE followed by radiotherapy. I got the results from the operation which was good margins on the lump and no node involvement but beacause it was 3cm and Stage 3 they recommended chemo. I’d mentally prepared myself for chemo if the nodes were involved so was pretty happy when they weren’t but then came the recommendation with a high statistical benefit to me - so here I am!
Hope all goes well with your final doses - I’ll keep in touch.