2nd Fec tomorrow

Hola Shirley, many thanks for the Spanish info,it sounded all very promising. Congratulations on all your good results,its quite a long journey isnt it? Do you have to take translators with you for every appointment? Were planning a trip mid-Sept,Ill only be exposing my non-radiated side, Adios love Mags x

It’s all gone very quiet here.
Hope everyone is OK and doing well.
I start my rads next week and have just had a fortnight in Greece - a much needed break.
The good news is my hair is growing back - curly and grey, previously it was wavy and light brown (with the help of a dye!!). No eyebrows or lashes yet.

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all keeping and doing well. Partcularly those still having treatment. I dont have to see my ONC until Xmas know. When I will be due a mammogram as it will be a year since diagnose. My hair is growing still a little thin in places, it has grown back wavy and dark and grey in places eek!! I had a straight blonde bob before. Im not ready to go grey yet,so i have had my hair dyed a reddy brown colour. I love it!! and lots of people are giving me compliments which really helps too. I have noticed my waistband has started to feel tight too. Probably the Tamoxifen, and menopause. But im not going along with it. I have joined Weightwatchers in Spain and I have lost 5lbs in two weeks. Im dead chffed. I want to lose 1 stone by Xmas, and that will put me back into a healthy BMI weight. So hopefully i will be back to the same weight I was before diagnose.
Keep in touch everyone let us all know how your doing?
best wishes Shirley xxx