2nd Fec tomorrow

Hi Girlys, Hope you are both ok? Susie it is so lovely having you back to chat with I did so miss you.
Yesterday was good. all results have come back good and Cancer markers are good. My red blood count is still low and so is my white blood cells, but Dr said thats the aftermath of 7 months treatment, and little by little it will improve. I saw my Rads specialist too and he is happy and doesnt want to see me again. Got the doctors names mixed up, so I have to see ONC on Thursday at 6.30pm. My Spanish isnt bad but its hard when they speak fast on the telephone. Still we were at the right place at the right time. But it was for the Rads Dr and not my ONC, so another drive to Mslaga on Thursday. But Im sure he isnt going to say anything different then the other two doctors, as they have both checked blood test results and have looked at lung xrays and liver and ovary scans. So hopefully he wont want to see me for a while and we can relax and enjoy our summer. Our daughter is coming over for a month in August. shes a Primary Teacher so she loves to visit during the holidays. I feel quite tired today even though Im elated, buts thats probably just relief. I feel so fortunate because the care out here is wonderful and so effcient.
Take care girlys you will both be there soon, and I intend to stay in contact throught out this time with you both.
Thank you for my good wishes, enjoy your lovely weather in the UK too.
best wishes Shirley XX

Good morning chums!
Oh I am sooo pleased for you Shirley - bloody marvellous news and what a relief it must be for you after all the treatment.
Good luck for today anyway with the onc, but I’m sure he is just going to echo what you’ve already been told and will be just a formality. You enjoy your Summer, you deserve it!
I’m glad to be back and I too missed our chats - I feel like I lost a couple of weeks being ill, but all part and parcel of the process and now out the other side and still smiling :slight_smile:
I’ve now finished rads and look like I’ve been branded with an iron!
Unfortunately I’ve been told to stay out of the sun for now - just my blimmin luck when the weather here is so glorious at the mo. Having said that it is quite oppressive too with frequent thunderstorms and very uncomfortable to sleep at night, especially since my ‘power surges’ are worse at night.
I have a bit of a break now until 25th July which is my first Herceptin treatment. Onc did say he is going to arrange a full body scan to make sure everything is ok.
I had a meeting yesterday with HR at work to discuss my return - and I’ve decided to go back around mid August, albeit on reduced hours.
They have been really good throughout all this and I told them so yesterday. I also had a good chat with my colleagues there and we had a laugh, it was great to see them all and I’m looking forward to going back - though, as I keep being told, I must take things easy at first. Hopefully I should have some hair by then and my nails will have sorted themselves out - fingers crossed.
Liz - how are you doing chuck with your side effects ? Hope they’re being kind to you - let us know when you can.
Well must away and jump in the shower - I’ve had about 5 power surges whilst typing this and it’s also already 21 degrees outside!
Roll on Winter - tee-hee only joking :slight_smile:
Take care and speak soon
Love Susie xxx

Hi Liz & Suzie
Hope you dont mind me jumping in and asking you for some info re bone marrow booster. I had first FEC and when i went 3wks later for 2nd Onc told me I could not have it till next week as Neutropenic(think thats how you spell it). He told me that i would get booster, I think on same day as chemo ??(Is this not alot all on the one day??)
Ironically I have felt fine and eating really well and would have preferred if my bloods were fine next time around to leave booster and see how i go without? Would really appreciate your advise and is it painful?
Txs Rosie

Hi Rosie
You jump in whenever you like chuck and ask away !
I didn’t need the booster whilst on FEC as my bloods where always ok (I had 4 x FEC) but when I changed to TAX, they seem to give this jab as a matter of course as part of the TAX treatment - I was given the jab by the disrict nurse the day after the chemo, which is the usual way.
The booster stimulates your bone marrow to produce more white blood cells to make up for your low blood count. If your bloods are too low, it will delay your chemo treatment.
I wouldn’t refuse the booster if you have been recommended it as your blood needs this back-up to continue with the chemo.
The jab is administered either in your arm or thigh and just feels like a normal jab (quick sting and that’s it) - it’s not into a muscle so not too bad.
Hope this is helpful and good luck
Susie x

Hi Rosie,Susie & Shirley,

Rosie I had bone marrow boosting injects from the very beginning. It appeares to be the regime my oncologist here in Devon prefers. I had no problems with the injections, adminstered by the district nurses, and as yet have never missed a chemo. On FEC I had the injections four days after chemo but with Tax they are starting them the day after. Good luck with it all.
I took a while to ‘bounce’ back after the first Tax - it was if somebody had pulled a switch. I had no energy and quite a bit of joint pain. The joint/muscle/nerve pain was quickly controlled by painkillers and suddenly 10 days later the switch was back on and I felt fine. So much so that I managed the Race for Life last Sunday at Killerton just outside Exeter - an amazing experience.
Thanks guys - hope you’re all keeping well,

Hi Susie Rosie and Liz,
I hope you girlys are all keeping well. Susie Im also having mega flushes too. sweaty Betty my new name yuk!! I have just changed from generic Tamoxifen to Novoldex, but Novoldex D isnt available here in Spain. Still its worth a try. We have had the hottest weekend in Malaga for 67 years, 40+c for the whole weekend, so that probably doesnt help, otherwise a little achy sometimes but doing ok on this drug so far.
My ONC has picked up on the scan, that I have a cyst on my right ovary, which I already knew about. But he has insisted that it gets checked out again, so I have to see Gyn next week. My blood levels are still a little low white and red. So I have to see him again on the 6th Aug. But at least they are being through. So I wont complain.
Liz where in Devon do you live. I was born in Barnstaple and I lived in a village called chulmleigh in N Devon until I was fifteen. Then we moved to Dorset because Dad had to retire from farming due to an injury. We used to have to go to a special shop in Exeter to get our school uniform. Happy days, lovely memories. Now I live in the country in Spain up in the mountains and its still very much like how it was in Devon all those years ago. I love it home from home and my father loved it too when he visited us here. He is no longer with us but he thought it was great out here. bless him.
Well girls keep strong will be in touch again soon
best wishes to you all love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley, Liz and Suzie
Posted this earlier and cut and pasted it again as short cuts seem to be the way forward lately :slight_smile:
Thanks Guys for all da info re booster injections…much appreciated. Was given 5 injections to take home and store in fridge and district nurse will give first one and show me how to inject myself if i am happy enough to do so. I know they can give you achey bones/joints etc but were you experiencing any other SF?
Well 2nd FEC on Tues went well, bloods fine and asked nurse to administer it slower this time and with a saline drip attached. Last time it was given very quick through my picc line and i ended up with a really bad headache on one side coming into the back of my eye, which lasted about 2-3 days. Now call it coincidental but this time nothing (thank goodness)& feeling ok. I took real craving for a chinese curry and eat half which probably soaked up most of the chemo :slight_smile: as feel great today barr a little tirdness and again managed not to take the steriods they gave me to take home(long may it last).
Then headed off to the ‘Look good…Fell Better’ course with 24 other ladies and ended up with a goodie bag with lots of great brand make-up worth over £200, which was a lovely treat. Then today another Cancer group phoned me re their ‘Clarins’ make-up class, where they have a group of just 5 ladies and each lady gets their own personal make-up assistant during the session for some pampering and a fab goodie bag at the end…how good is that!! They really do look after us!
Having bro build me a patio and barbeque area for the past month and is eventually coming to an end…thank goodness as dust everywhere, but looks great. Have invested in lots of shrubs/flowers and ceramic planters, so will have to get a bit of a Kim Wilde head on as gardening was never really my field but actually looking forward to it. Just got firepit delivered today so looking forward to loads of friends/family evenings sitting outside around the fire and creating lots of pleasant chats and good memories. My little girl and I are going to decorate the little border wall with mosaic tiles and shells and make a masterpiece!! Just our little bit of heaven!
Good to know everyone is doing so well and with a positive attitude.
Big hugs and wishes.

Hi Rosie,

Sounds like things are going well. I didn’t have any side effects from the bone marrow boosting injections. It’s very easy to ‘talk yourself into side effects’ as quite understandably you suddenly become very aware of your body and notice every ache,pain and twinge.
All you can do is listen to your body, rest when you feel tired (not easy when you have a family but very necessary), and take whatever help is offered.
I also went to a Look good Feel better session and found it great fun, at a time was there was little fun around!
There is an enormnous amount of support out there and this web site and the ‘conversations’ with fellow sufferers has been invaluable - everyone’s experience is different but it’s good to know that others have gone through it and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Hope we get the good weather soon so you can enjoy your patio!

Shirley - I envy you the good weather. I usually spend my summers in Greece looking after rental property for a team of architects so I’m really missing the sunshine. I’m in East Devon, on the Dorset border about 5 miles from the sea, a lovely location with stunning countryside but at the moment cold, damp and grey!
Susie - glad the rads have finished, hope the flushes are under control!
Take care,

Hi All
LizB txs for the encouragement re injections as you say, i think its more the ‘not knowing’. Woke this morn to a furry mouth and what can only be described as the ‘hangover’ from hell, just crept up on me! But think it might have been time im taking the anti-sickness tab at night as by the time ive had a lie in and then get up next morning to take next one, its been a little too long! So will try and take it earlier to see if this makes a difference. Sounds like you live in a lovely part of the country and usually weather forecast is always good for that region. I went out in the ‘grey overcast’ and still ended up with a pink head!(at least it now matches my nose):slight_smile:
Hope everyone else keeping ok. xx

Good Morning everyone - hope you’re all ok.
Shirley - good luck with your Gyn visit and I’m sure it’ll be fine, I’ve got fingers crossed for you chuck x.
That’s the trouble isn’t it with all this, you just get rid of one thing/treatment then sommat else pops up just to remind you!
You’ll probably find that your flushes may calm down a bit once the weather turns a bit cooler - mine are not as intense now it’s cooler here but having said that, I have a couple of bad 'uns inbetween the usual ones every day!
I was at the till in Tesco yesterday and had a mega one - the cashier kept looking at me as if I was guilty of pinching something! Mind you with a baldish red bonce and sweating face, who can blame her :slight_smile:
Can I ask you what generic Tamoxifen is ? Is it a certain brand ?
Rosie - well done you on completing the Race for Life!
I had a problem with the chemo nurses putting the chemo in too fast and I had terrible SEs because of this. My ONC insisted that I be firm with them and ask them to slow down - which I did and SEs reduced massively, so BE FIRM with them!!! After all it’s not them that suffers is it.
We have just had a conservatory and patio area completed and I fully understand the dust thing, glad it’s all done and dusted ('scuse the pun :slight_smile:
Liz - glad you enjoyed your LGFB and I agree with you about this site - whatever situation or problem you’ve got, there is always someone to give you advice or a listening ear.
Well I’m pleased to say swelling in ankles is finally going down, but now I’ve got blisters and peeling under my arm from the rads - just where my bra sits - not pleasant. I just keep slapping on the cream! The rest of my skin is just very pink and a bit itchy but fine apart from that.
I’m just in discussions at the moment with work as to reducing my hours and even my role, as the job I normally do is very stressful and they want to give me a less stressful role. Had a visit from my manager yesterday to discuss and they’re being brilliant with my return to work. I’ll hopefully be going back around mid August.
Oh Shirley - meant to tell you we’ve been planting loads of stuff in the garden and in containers and it’s all flowering and looking lovely! This always amazes me cos we havn’t got a clue what we’re doing, we just take ‘pot’ luck (sorry :slight_smile:
You all take care and will speak again soon, off to do some dead heading in garden !
Susie xxx

Hi Susie
Hope you mean dead heading the flowers and not the people around you! p.s love your puns!!by the way that was PUNS!! :slight_smile:
Your right about not knowing whats going to bloom or wither in my case, but thats what makes it interesting and takes the mind off things! Re: the Tamoxifen…my understanding is the generic one is the most common one prescribed and the ‘cheapest’ from the docs budjet point of view as when i enquired about ‘Novaldex D’ as some women experienced less SE on this one, I was told that it was harder to get as it is a more expensive form of Tamoxifen. Although some women who do not seem to do to well on Generic will possibly be given another form to try like Novaldex D(think this is the right spelling as chemo brain at mo)! Hope dis helps.
Susie hope you dont mind me asking but what is causing the swollen ankles is it the drugs or chemo? Think your very wise in changing roles and the stress as its all about looking after No1 now…
Hope your having good weekend and being good to yourself. xx

Hi Girlys,
Glad you are all doing well and keeping postive. Susie, I think that its great how your place of work is looking after you, they must value you very much. its good to know you are apprciated isnt it?
The special school that I worked in for 5 years were like that very caring and considerent too their staff. But I agree you really dont want high stress levels now, its all about keeping well and Oestrogen down. But sometimes I think this experience helps put life and normal things into perspective, not a bad thing for all of us at times, in this hectic world. Im glad you are enjoying your garden. Im hoping to start a little vegetable patch in the autumn, When im feeling fitter. Its different out here you grow your vegetables during the winter months, too hot during the summer. My hubby is a builder and he has just finished our pool. He has worked so hard on it, and trying to look after me too. We had our first swim yesterday it was lovely. I think it will help my flushes too. Although since I have changed to Nolvedex they arent quite as bad. I too had a mega flush in a supermarket one day. Its horrible isnt it? But I think people dont really notice that much, it just feels like it.
Catch up with you all soon best wishes Shirley xx

Hi all
Ooo Shirley lucky you having a swimming pool ! How fab just to jump in and cool down when having a flush moment.
When it gets too hot here (not a regular occurrence) we just get the hose pipe out and spray ourselves - not as nice to look at as a pool but it cools you down a bit :slight_smile: What a lovely man your hubby is - he sounds like a grafter like mine, he can’t sit still and is forever sawing and hammering something or other! (while I’m dead-heading ha-ha)
Yes you’re right it is nice to be appreciated and I’m really looking forward to going back to work. Having said that, the gals from work went to bingo the other night and I was shattered when I got back, like I’d done a day’s work. You don’t realise how quickly you tire until you do something different for a couple of hours. I’ll only be working half days to begin with until I build up some of me old stamina !
Rosie - you made me laugh with the dead heading - when I read my last post it does sound a bit like I’m about to commit mass murder doesn’t it!
I don’t mind at all you asking anything you want chuck. I was told by onc that the swollen ankles was an SE to the TAX and would take a while to go, which is has, but it still hasn’t completely gone.
Think I’ve sussed it now - the trick is to keep on the move with short bouts of putting feet up inbetween (that’s the easy bit).
The hospital where I had my treatment, gave me an exercise DVD which tells you what you can and can’t do with regard to mastectomy arm and SEs from chemo. It’s on the coffee table waiting to be played at the mo - mmm must try harder !
Thanku for the info re Tamoxifen - if the flushes get any worse, I’ll enquire about Nolvodex D - I’ve also heard there’s less SE on this.
Hope you’re coping with your chemo - how many have you had - is it two? Drinking loads of water helped me enormously , but you’ve probably already been told that :slight_smile:
Well it’s time to have a short bout of ‘feet-up’ time methinks.
U take care and speak again soon
Love Susie xxx

Hi all,
Hope the hot flushes are under control for the both of you Shirley and Susie.
Unfortunately my cancer was triple negative so there is nothing I can take after the chemo and rads, although research into TN continues but any other treatment will be a long way off.
5th Tax on Thursday - can’t believe how fast the year has gone. Seem to be getting ‘reasonable’ side effects so far, three days of painful aches (ibuprofen and paracetamol took care of it),sore finger and toe nails but at least they haven’t fallen out…yet! At least this time around I know what to expect.
Took off in my camper van last weekend to North Devon to meet up with friends - dreadful weather but it was good to get away and important to lead as ‘normal’ a life as possible.
Work isn’t an issue with me at the moment, hopefully next summer I’ll get back out to Greece.
Hope the Gyni appointment goes/went ok Shirley.
Rosie hope all is going well, why the reluctance to take the steroids? I took them after the first Fec then the regime changed and I was no longer prescribed them for the other doses of FEC but because TAX is much harder on the body I have to take them the day before treatment, the morning of the treatment and the day after. Can’t say I’m having any adverse reaction to them except perhaps a bit of water retention!
It’s interesting to read the different regimes and approaches to BC.
and good to have this forum to bounce questions and stuff off each other or just to keep in touch.
Take care all,

Hi Susie, Liz and Rosie,
I hope you girlys are all keeping ok and well. sending my good wishes and postive vibes to you all through your treatment. Whatever stage you are at. I got over another hurdle yesterday. I have a cyst on my ovary which I knew about, but my ONC wanted it double checked. I went to Malaga yesterday and saw my gyni, she gave me a through check with ultra sound and camera. she was very pleased all is good, the cyst hasnt changed since the last check before my BC diagnose. It isnt causing me any problems. So she will check me again in 6 months Out here they recommend having 2 checks for the first year and then yearly whilist taking Tamoxifen, as it can cause gyni problems for some ladies. I dont have a problem with that it just helps too make me feel very well supported after all the treatment. So now its off to see ONC again on the 6th August with Gyni report and more bloods results. Hopefully they will have improved and then maybe I wont have to see him for awhile. We want to return to the UK to visit family and friends but we have decided not too travel until all my bloods are back to normal. We dont want to risk me catching anything whilist my immune system is still low. EG Swine Flu etc,
well take care guys loads of love Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley,
Great news, It certainly sounds as if the support you’re getting is as good as that in the UK, is it a recipricol service or do you have to rely on insurance?
Hope the bloods come back up soon, is it both white and red cell count? I ask because the two doses of Tax have really hit my red cell count and I’m looking at a transfusion next week if they don’t improve by Monday. Eating lots of liver and spinach!
Radiotherapy planning at the hospital today and then back home to watch mindless daytime TV! Hope our weather improves and I can get some sunshine soon.
Hope things are OK for Rosie and Susie.
Take care everyone.

Hi Liz,
I hope you are well I too suffered from low blood counts through chemo, I had to delay once for a week. This time it was the Rads that knocked me back a little. My next tests are in about 10 days so hopefully they will have improved. Mine came back a little low white and Red this time. Im feeling really good and swimming everyday now and feeling much fitter and stronger. Im really excited today as I have visited my hairdresser, she is also a good friend and now I have complete coverage of hair, albeit very short. We are going to dye it, in a couple of weeks. Its grown back very grey was blonde before, welll mousy brown with highlights hee!! But my eyebrows have grown back very dark so we are going for a completly new look. she is off to the hairdresser suppliers this afternoon too collect a non permanent vegetable dye for me. We are going to use them until I am past the 6 months post chemo mark. Better for your hair it seems. Im so excited another step to normality and my hair was always a big thing for me. So vain!!
I hope you girlys are all doing well and staying postive. Catch up with you all again soon. Our lovely daughter is flying out to spend some time with us for two weeks with her new boyfriend too. We are really looking forward to ssing her as we havnt seen each other since April. which is a long time for us. But with all the treatment its not been practial to fly back to the UK.
love to you all Shirley XXX

Hi Shirley,
may I ask you a few Spain related questions,nothing legal just general? the reason is that we were planning to live there (Oriheula
Costa)after 4years of testing the waters.The move was planned for Dec.08 then I got dx in Nov.08 so our lovely Spanish home has been empty since,God willing we hope to drive there and stay a month in September. Can I ask,Are you in their health system legit,the 64
question is how much my medication is going to cost when we go permanently,my cousin asked at the Farmacia and was told 168euros per months supply. This would cause hardship,as and when we make the move,Im wondering if to ask my english onc.if I can go on something more affordable. Im on Femara(letrozole)which I believe cost £80 here whereas Tamoxifen are about £5. We dont plan to move till Im on 6monthly checks and fly home twice yearly,who would you suggest I
contact if I have any minor niggles? I would really appreciate ANY
advice on any B.C.matter, love Mags x

Hi All,
Hurrah - I had the last chemo yesterday - it’s been a trial but manageable, just got the last few side effects of this dose to go through, probably if it runs the same as before I’ll have 10 days or so of feeling rough in various degrees, and then that side of it is done and dusted.
My red cell count has fallen a bit more but my GP is monitoring it, it means I feel the cold more than most and get a bit more tired - but I can cope with that!

I also asked them to take out the Hickman line. Its worked well but was a constant reminder - I was glad to see the back of it although the removal was a very strange sensation but lots of local anesthetic meant no discomfort when it was removed.

I’ve been marked up for my radiotherapy, a daily zapping for one month - Monday- Friday - 20 sessions in all. As yet I’m waiting for the appointment.

But I’m taking a break before all that and returning to Greece for a fortnights visit at the end of August, staying in a small fishing village I know well, just down the coast from the main resort area, in an apartment just back from the front but within easy walking distance of everywhere, including a swimming platform straight into deep water -I can’t wait!
Enjoy the good weather which seems to be back here in Devon for at least the weekend!

Hi Girlys,
Hope you are all keeping well. Liz well done for finishing Chemo, I hope you are ok. Are you having Rads?
Mags, Thank you for best wishes, We are in the system in Spain my husband is a self employed builder. But I had some of my treatment private too, We came out here with no morgage and money put back for a rainy day. Unfortunately that day came when I was diagnosed, but it meant, that we could chose, so I had the op privately just so the lump was removed quickly, within less then a week. You can bounce between private and social care here. The Spanish tend too do that to if they are in the position. Its good as it takes pressure off the system. I would continue getting your medication from the UK, when you first come out, particularly as you are going back regularly. You have a two year period for health cover when you arrive here, you need to contact the health service info in the UK for expats etc. They will provide you with info and card number etc, to apply for. I havnt found my Tamoxifen too expensive its about 14 euros for 60. But you can then inquire about costs when your here yourself. Dont be concerned about the care here the doctors and hospitals are fantastic and VERY CLEAN!! Good luck with your continued treatment. I hope all goes well.
Susie and Rosie I hope you girls are both ok and keeping well.
I went to see my ONC last week and brillant news, My bloods have all returned back to normal and I dont have to see him again until December after my 1st mammogram since diagnose. So life is now begining to return to some normality hurrah!!
We are having a great time at the mo our daughter is out with us so much celebrating hee!!
Best wishes to you all catch up soon love Shirley XXX