Alcohol and Breast Cancer

Hi everyone

I think I opened a real hornet’s nest when I posted last about this topic! But it’s all very interesting stuff.

Since then I had my second 6-month check up with the oncologist last Monday and asked him whether it was worth going on the Genesis Prevention Diet, or giving up alcohol or was it like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted to which he responded, ‘Probably’, ie it’s already happened, the bomb has already dropped so stop beating yourself up and get on with life, which is exactly what I thought. But we all know eating healthily in general, not drinking too much, not smoking, is the way to go whether you have breast cancer or not.

I hate the term ‘all things in moderation’ as I’m not that type of girl, but I’m afraid it’s the way forward, for me at any rate.

Cheers everyone, it was a most interesting debate.

DruChurch - thanks for bringing this subject up again as I found it very interesting and only sorry the discussion got somewhat out of hand. Six months ago I started Arimidex (I was on Tamoxifen 17 years ago) as I had a recurrence in the same breast. I had such awful flushes with Tamoxifen that I decided to keep an Arimidex diary. Very interesting as I do find that if I have more than a couple of glasses of wine my flushes are noticeably worse the next day. I, too, am not an “all things in moderation” Granny - maybe age will slow me down! Am going to have a blood test soon as apparently Arimidex can have an effect on your liver function tests. I now try and have 3 dry days a week but enjoy a social drink and do not intend to deny myself what I consider a reasonable quality of life.

Hi girls

Yes, the discussion did get out of hand which was a great shame. I feel I added to it by getting on my high horse so do apologise if I offended either of you. This topic is obviously one of great interest, we all want to do the best for ourselves but at the end of the day we have got to live too and enjoy ourselves. I found it very hard last night opening a bottle of wine for hubby and me. I kept thinking goodness, is this going to make the BC come back, got in a terrible state over it, probably didn’t help with grieving for my Dad either. I do not like being lectured at 50 years of age nor being told what I should or shouldn’t be doing. This site is great for everyone to give their opinions and views, to help and support others in time of need and just to be there with a listening ear. As said above this subject is one of great interest to a lot of people, having a glass or two of wine at the end of the day is a great stress reliever, helps to calm down, and anything to help with the day to day stress must be a good thing. Could go on for pages and pages so will stop talking now - should get a medal for the best talker!!!

Wasn’t go to participate in this topic anymore but I feel that I shouldn’t run away because of things that were said that - for me - were offensive. I, as all of you, have the right to views and opinions, so keep them coming.

Love to you all

Hi All

I too thought the other thread was interesting until it got out of hand with strong opinions. We are all entitled to out opinions. I too when I have a drink think ‘should I be having this’. Life is for living and I personally think bc (to a certain degree) is one of those things. I have moderatley drank over the years and of course it flashes through your mind - have I dont this to myself - but am not going to beat myself up about it - or stop drinking for that matter. It sure is a stress reliever - especially at a time like this (and a time like this for you more than most Kelly).

I am going to try to live my life as best I can - difficult when treatment still going on etc but after this has all finished I am going to grab it with both hands. Being a nurse I have always said - good job we dont know whats in front of us - but go I think that even more these days - more and more and more. Life is definately for living!!

Love and hugs to all

Hi Fiona and girls

If I am truly honest, this has affected me a great deal. Am I to blame, could I have avoided it, will it come back if I continue enjoying a glass of wine!! When I was standing in my kitchen last night, bottle in one hand, corkscrew in the other, wondering what to do, I thought Goodness, a lot of harm has been done, doubts put in my mind that weren’t there before. I have made a lot of really close invisible friends here and what happened has spoilt that. Then I got to thinking, what about that cream cake I enjoy once a week, what about the Chinese takeaway on a Friday night. Then came the opposite, what about all the green veg, the wholegrain bread and cereal, the fruit I eat every day: lets calm down, put things into perspective and LIVE: yes, I am very emotional at the mo with my Dad’s passing, my son has been very poorly, not exaggerating, when he gets a cold or chest infection its life threatening, hubby says its far better to live and experience a life and enjoy it, be happy, than drudging through life and letting it become a chore. I too have strong opinions on this whole subject, but I hope, REALLY HOPE, that I have never been domineering or forceful to the extent that I affect any people’s lives to their detriment; the past thread did that to me and I am sure that BCC would not want that to happen again to any other person. I am just glad that we were not all in one room together as I feel that tempers would have been lost.

You are all very dear to me, if ever I come across as too forceful or closed to other opinions PLEASE tell me, we are here for one another and its important to give support.

I have had two glasses of wine, feel confident in what I am saying and love you loads. I do not want to be aggressive or pig-headed, but my son always says tell the truth, be honest and be yourself, he says I have a lot to give and a lot of love to share, but also for me not to be rude or argumentative, hope I have achieved what he tells me.

As a last little comment “did I, didn’t I” open that wine last night or not?

Love K


I have never found anything you said offending or in your face or anything like that.

I was not being flippant and didnt just ‘scout’ over the alcohol issue but my god - I ate healthy, am size 10, never ever smoked, have 1 child (altho never breast fed - not going to give myself a hard time for that one either tho), before this went to the gym 4 or 5 days a week. I have had a very stressful past year and a half with very sick family (which still continues), but I can do nothing about that!!! I have unhealthy friends and they are the ones without bc. We could beat ourselves up forever about getting this, how we got it etc or we can get on with the treatment and live our lives how we want to live them - yes listen and look at other peoples opinions - but as far as I am concerned - and I do not think I am burying my head in the sand - there is some new research out each week or each month about some dietary thing, or some environmental thing etc etc etc which COULD cause breast cancer. I have no family history of it, but will be referred to see if the gene is there (for my daughters sake) , as I do feel this has to start somewhere in a family. If we were to stop eating and drinking everything they said and listened to everything else - we would not be lliving our lives.

Kelly I too feel so much for a lot of people on here - and look forward to reading their opinions on things - then its my choice - take it or leave it - look into it more or dont - its all about choice.

Sorry if I’ve been rambling on.
Having a bit of a bad day myself - my best best friend wrote a verse/poem thing about cancer and how its made her feel so useless etc - and it was beautiful. I dont think sometimes we realise how much this affects our closest around us (not speaking for you now Kelly as I know what you are going through now).
Anyway, sorry again for rambling

Sending the biggest hugs to all of you out there
Take care wherever you are on your journeys

well, for some conditions a little alcohol is actually recommended. Only excess - of anything, i think should be watched for. But, saying that, if whatever it is gets you over a hump then it cannot be all bad.

I’ve had a rough few weeks so missed the other thread - but, if Paul can tell Timothy to have a little wine every day for the sake of his stomach - 1 Timothy 5:23, then it cannot be all bad

My beef is since i started chemo i can’t face a glass of wine, or coffee :frowning:


Thank you so much for your reassurances. I can’t believe I let myself get hauled in, hook, line and sinker (I think that’s the saying anyway). Yes me too, never smoked, don’t drink excessively, never took the pill or HRT, only known my husband in the naughty sense, watched my weight etc etc etc, could go on for ages. It seems so unfair that when we try our hardest we still get kicked in the teeth, I am NOT saying either that if you do these things you deserve anything, its just life. So yes, have had two glasses of wine today, a nice healthy roast dinner with no fat, all dry roasted in the oven, fruit and bio yoghurt for dessert.

So, bottoms up everyone, thank you for all your support, it has made me feel so much better.

Love K

I have to agree not to beat yourself up on what you have or have not done in the past that might have brought on BC, whats done is done and as far as I’m concerned life is too short to worry anymore. When I was really poorly I didn’t want wine or coffee too, but I am now feeling better I am really enjoying the odd glass of good vino.
Kelly-I’m sorry your having such a hard time at the moment but please don’t worry so much, get on and live your life!

Hi everyone,

I absolutely love being able to come on here and express my views, share my worries, hopes, guilt, whatever with all of your who, to be honest, are the only ones who can possibly know what we are all going through. No matter how much fantastic support we get from our friends, families etc. only someone who is going through it can truly know how it feels. It’s great to talk and if people want to get things off their chests, let them I say!!

Alcohol is obviously a subject of great interest to a lot of people and at one point I though sh!t, am I the only one who’s sitting at home worrying about it, but now I know differently!!

Let’s not beat ourselves up about anything, whatever gets us through it and good luck to us all.


PS I would love to see where everyone’s from, how old they are and their treatments etc. on the profiles, I wish they would being them back soon. I don’t think there’s a group in my area for people with BC to meet for a coffee and discuss things but I’d love to meet you lot face to face!!

I echo that Dru

Norma x

ditto dru

we have a BC support group 15 miles away, long walk from any parking and upstairs - so i cannot go at all. But not despondant as i have this site :wink:

Gosh what a thread.
For any of you feeling guilty for drinking and causing Bc, I have never really drunk alcohol (occ glass at the odd wedding) and i still got this Bl**** disease! So please dont beat yourslves up any longer!!!
love julie

Thank you Julie for those comments!!

Norma x

Just had to add this

Have recently finished 8 sessions of chemo and last night OH opened bottle of red, which has tasted absolutely cruddy for the last five months. Tried a small amount - it was FANTASTIC - I enjoyed the next glass even more!!

A little of what you fancy does you good - that’s my motto and I’m sticking to it.

Anne x

Hi Ann

Well done on finishing you chemo- good for you. Yet another hurdle overcome .

All the best and cheers!

Norma x


Congrats on finishing your chemo - glad you enjoyed the wine in the end - .

Cheers to you


Hi Anne & all,

I’m right there with 'ya!!! A little of what you fancy DOES do you good, thats absolutely my philosophy and I’m sticking with it!

Congrats on finishing chemo, I am due to finish on weds and, once a few days has passed, me and my OH will most certainly be cracking open a bottle of champagne!!! I enjoy a drink and will enjoy that one even more I reckon!!

I absolutely refuse to beat myself up over this with ‘what if’s’ and ‘why me’s??’!!! It’s happened, its sh*t, but I don’t believe for a second I’m to blame for it!

Take care all,


Hi all,

Having just read the thread, and previous one with great interest all I have to add is-

Isn’t it great we all have one thing in common, fighting the same battle and being able to contribute our views. The one thing that this bl***y condition can not do is take away our individuality and mould it to clinical stereotyping.
I think this site is a valuable place to feel safe in expressing our thoughts and if we do upset some people on the way they seem to understand and forgive so readily.

Take care all