Alternatives to Evacal D3

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone else has looked into alternatives to the Evacal D3 chewable tablets-normally prescribed to manage/prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia.

I’ve been taking mine (2 daily) for 5 years and a) they have more sugar in them than I am happy with b) they don’t taste great and c) I’m dairy intolerant and they have a lot of Calcium in them and I keep a dairy-free diet. I want to approach my GP to have this discussion but thought I’d ask the BC community first as my GP may not be aware of alternatives.

I found the below through a Google search, but wondered if anyone else is taking an alternative to Evacal D3. I am open to recommendations. Many thanks!

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 14.13.55

I have been prescribed theiCal-D3 and have been taking it for 6years. Not sure if the ingredients are better than your medication but I only take one tablet a day and they are definitely not unpleasant tasting. As I understand it the calcium content needs to be high to support improvement in bone density. When I started taking it My DEXA scan showed that all of my bones had osteopenia. Since taking it along with alendronic acid for 6 years my latest scan showed that I now only have osteopenia in the right side of my neck, and the rest of my bones have no density loss, so that combination definitely works for me.


I was originally on AdCal but I found that upset my stomache and I wasn’t keen on the chalky texture when chewing. I’m now on Accrete D3 which you just swallow with water.
All of thes meds will be high in calcium though as that is why they are prescribed to help protect and strengrhen bones alond with the vitamine D3.
I hope you find some that suit you, there seem ti be various brands

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Thanks very much, Lizaki-I’ll look into these as an alternative.

Best wishes,

Thanks very much, Julie. I’ll look into these as an alternative. Do you mind me asking: are the tablets large? I tend to struggle swallowing large tablets. And also, what shape are they? Round? Oblong? Thanks vert much and best wishes, Marla xxxx

Yes the tablets are quite big, they are oblong with rounded ends. I hope you find some that suit you. Best wishes

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Thanks very much, Julie.

When I was first diagnosed with Osteopenia I was prescribed Calci-D chewable tablets. These made my mouth so dry that I was drinking gallons but I had also split and swollen lips and the dentist had to tell me to use a special toothpaste.

However, I was then moved to a daily tablet of Stexerol D3 (again combined Calcium and Vit D) which was fine

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i refused to take Adcal because the manufacturer refused to provide details of the ingredients. I’m type 4 intollerant and i NEED to know the fruit content. prior to breas cancer i was on D3 tablets as obtrained from my health food shop its for dairy intollerant and actually has a much higher level of D3, at the moment i’m not near my medicine cabinet so cant give you the specifics, but my oncologosit has allowed me to take my own over the counter D3. which has 5000 iu as opposed to the 400 iu the team put me on.
perhaps you could write to me to remind me to get the details and reply to you again if i can find this entry and give you the specifics.
Key though don’t be afraid to refuse what they send or ask your GP to prescribe. you knwo your own body, and if your health sho is your best gfriend and more knowledgeable then go with them.
i have had food testing, and been guided long before i incurred breast cancer. I have since read up what the americans say because they are more open. soz i don’t mean to go overboard. moonsox

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Thanks very much, Willowherb. I’m glad you found an alternative to Calci-D. Is the Stexerol D3 a chewable tablet or do you swallow it?

Thanks very much, Moonsox and no, you didn’t go overboard-I like detail:). My concern in finding my own over the counter is whether I find something that has sufficient levels of Calcium and Vit D. I don’t even know what the recommended dose is. The advantage of me going with a GP recommended (and prescribed) tablet is that I get my medications free of charge, so my preference would be to just swap the Adcal D3 with something else, but still under the recommendation of my GP so that I can have it on my prescription list.

Just a smallish tablet and no SE’s like the chewy ones (for me anyway!)

Prescription only . I was told that when I stop the AI they will not prescribe it any more and should take over the counter Vit D like we all should (which has calcium with it ) as the oestrogen will slowly come back and hopefully my bones won’t be attacked any more.

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Thanks very much, Willow. That’s interesting that they said they won’t prescribe it anymore once you stop the AI. I stopped my AI a month ago but my Adcal is still on my prescription list. I honestly don’t even know if my practice keep up with these things-they are so busy these days. I’d love to speak with my GP about an alternative to Adcal but wanted to gather some information from this forum before I approach them.

Willow-just a quick Q-are you sure it containes calcium? In my Google search it mentions Vitamin D3 but doesn’t mention Calcium. Does it contain Calcium too?

Interesting - I have had a quick look and Vit D3 is colecalciferol.

Quoting the NHS website

Colecalciferol is a form of vitamin D. It helps your body to take in more calcium and phosphorous from the food you eat, and helps your kidneys to keep more calcium instead of peeing it out.

We usually get our vitamin D through exposure to sunlight and our diet. Not having enough vitamin D in your body can lead to bone conditions such as rickets and osteomalacia in children, and osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) in adults.

According to the blurb inside the packet - it is prescribed for the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis

Possible side-effects are too much calcium in the blood and/or urine

I am on the 1000IU per day dose… Though it has sent me into a bit of a tizz as I have kidney stones and it can cause them and should not be given to those who have them!. The Pharmacist at the practice said my calcium levels were fine and so my stones were not calcium so I can keep taking the tabs.

Have not had a DEXA scan in over 2 years so have no idea if they have done any good in halting the osteopenia.

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Hi Maira13
Thank you so much for getting back to me. Sadly the way GP view vitamin D3 levels is insufficient for those of us who have gone through Breast Cancer. ie when they check your level via blood test if it falls between 56 and 75nmols they are satified. But we need above 75nmols to keep healthy and safe. We will never compensate this through being outside.
I buy 2 months supply of D3 with 5000iou for £4.29 from my health shop. the product is GOOD HEALTH, Made at Saddleworth Business Centre,Delph, Oldham, OL3 5DF. I don’t have contact details. Most health shops supply. I also take: and buy Calcium Magnesium: 400mg Calcium 186mg Magnesium. This is the correct ratio for taking. I buy this via Helenia - remind me to send you further contact details for them if you cant find online. They are great, My oncologist agrees for me to take these supplements and accepted my levels, and wishes the NHS could supply at this level.
I fully understand hoping for your GP to supply, but they cant and wont because they deem you meet the required levels.
In my last communication i meant to say i have type 4 Allergies, hence my now vast knowledge of the supplements i use. I have helped and guided others. Perhpas you should look at ‘Stop it all’ karen ruggles web page, she has done the research further and supplies supplements, but at a higher price that i can no longer afford. but its worth reading her knowledge, and if you have pets…
Let me know how you go on and thank you for coming back to me.
finally i hope the breast nurses allow this script through, especially as it has been approved by my oncology team.

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Hi Willow-many thanks for the additional info. I’ll consider everything you’ve all shared with me and make a decision as to what I do moving forward.

Best wishes,

Thanks very much Moonsox-lots to consider and think about. I believe the Adcal I’m on at the moment is 1500 mg/ 400 iu. My last two Dexa scans have shown osteopenia, but the oncologist assures me this is consistent with a woman of my age 56-in other words, even without having been on Letrozole my bones would have lost some density, etc. It’s hard to know how much of this was due to the drug, and how much to the aging process. I need time to digest all these messages and will arrange to speak with my GP over the coming weeks.

My Dexa Scan showed Excellent and no bone issues no osteoporosis that because i’ve been on these supplements for over 30 years, and am 10 years your senior. My fitness has been affected only by recent events, BC and prior to this an insect bite which went bad. But i continue to do as many strenghtening exercises as i’m able and sure these have helped my bones not deteriorate with age. I used to ride and row, and i’m determined to get back in the saddle once i’ve lost some weight, and got my energy levels back. I wish you well, and keep warm its cold out there today. M xxx

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Best wishes to you too.

Moon-sox’s post was fascinating reading

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