Hi all! I’m awaiting biopsy results and feeling very anxious. I hope it’s okay to seek some support here, even just for someone who understands this feeling.
I’m 41, had my first mammogram last week and got a call the next day with M3 results which they were very reassuring was more of a precaution. I went back yesterday and the Dr felt a small lump in my left breast on the physical exam. I had a 3D mammogram which didn’t seem to show anything concerning, however during the ultrasound they found a lump in the same spot (as well as some cysts), which they said was likely to be a fibroadenoma. To be sure they did a core needle biopsy with a couple of samples which I now have to wait a week for the results.
They were all very reassuring that it seemed likely to be fibroadenoma and I shouldn’t worry but from reading about it further, it sounds like this is more common in younger women and there is potentially an increased likelihood of a connection to cancer in 40+ women. I know statistically it’s likely to be okay (even if this leads to a cancer diagnosis) but I can’t help running all the different scenarios through my mind and I’m struggling to concentrate on anything else.
You are more than welcome to join this community, you have found yourself in a difficult and worrying situation. This is a great place to express your concerns, and receive support. I have found it most useful reading comments, suggestions and recommendations.
You have made a good start by having it checked out. The medical team will be there to support you regardless of the out come. If the news isn’t so good, they have the resources to remove and treat, and it will be dealt with quite quickly, if that is the case.
I don’t have much in ways of advice, but just wanted to reach out as I’m currently going through this stage myself…
Had a biopsy last week as I found a lump in my left breast, and got an appointment next Wednesday for results, but honestly not on your own with the anxiety and worry of waiting! It does consume you and your normal daily life at the moment…
I’m holding on to hope that they suspect it to be fibroadenoma with me, and that’s what the results will be next week, and I really hope the same is for you!
I hope you don’t have to wait too long for answers, and I’m keeping everything crossed it’s good news for you! xx
Thank you so much for taking the time to support, it means a lot reading other’s experiences is really helpful and I’m doing my best to not obsess too much and take care of myself during this waiting game.
Thank you so much for your reply - it’s comforting to know I’m not alone! Keeping my fingers crossed for you also. I’ve ended up calling in sick to work today as I just don’t feel like I can focus so trying to take it easy and keep myself calm. I hope you’re coping okay x
You do whatever you need to do during this time, don’t feel guilty or anything for looking after yourself! Just take one day at a time and hopefully you’ll have more news as soon as possible
I’m not doing too bad thank you, having up and down days of my mind going into overdrive, but just keep distracting myself with plans with family and friends,
Just make sure to look after yourself, and if you ever want to chat just drop me a message
And if you feel you can, keep us posted on any news as well
Thank you again, it means a lot. It’s kind of a rollercoaster isn’t it? One minute I feel better and optimistic and then the next I burst into tears feeling overwhelmed with the possibility of bad news! It’s been helpful just resting today and hopefully I can put it on the back burner a bit more until Tuesday. Also extending support / an ear if you need anything also!
I don’t have any words of wisdom either but just wanted to say I totally understand how you are feeling as I am also in the same boat at the moment. I found a lump in my left breast just over 2 weeks ago, I have had a mammogram and ultrasound, biopsises on the lump and from another area that showed up on the mammogram. I go back for the results on Friday, the wait is agony, 2 more sleeps - if you can call it that!!
I too am finding it very hard to concentrate on anything and have a million and one thoughts going through my head. I am 55, had cervical cancer 20+ years ago, my mum has had breast cancer twice and my dad is currently having radiotherapy for prostate cancer so as a family this will not be new to us but even so it’s still an anxious time.
Good luck to both of you for your results next week, just hang on in there a bit longer xx
Awh I’m so sorry that you find yourself in the same position, and sorry for how awful cancer has and is affecting you and your family I can only imagine how worried you must be,
I really hope you have good news tomorrow, stay strong, and please keep us posted on any updates
1 more day! x
Thank you so much for the support and sorry to hear what you’re going through also. Will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow and hope you have good news!
I found it really helpful to have a day to myself yesterday to just rest… so doing my best to be kind to myself and take a bit extra time for me (which is rare!)
I hope you both are able to have some moments of peace also - sending positivity and strength your way x
Had my results today which confirmed breast cancer as I expected.
Don’t really know what else to say at the moment but just wanted to let you know.
Will come back with more info later.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you both for next week xxx
I’m so sorry to hear this. It seems like this is an excellent place for continued support and I hope you are able to focus on your action plan and things go as smoothly as they can from here. Sending you love and strength
I’m so sorry to hear of your news
Sending you all the love and strength right now and through your whole journey
Stay connected with people on this forum, you’re not alone and you will have so much support xx
Thanks everyone for your support, here’s bit more info.
Of the two areas they took biopsies from one is benign the other is 1cm grade 2 ER+ and localised so I will hopefully only need a lumpectomy not a masectomy. Still waiting on further results for HER2.
I am doing ok, I knew deep down what the result was going to be and hopefully it’s been caught early although strangely neither of the areas they investigated are what I thought was a lump! I asked to be transfered to the Royal Marsden as it is closer to home & work. I had a call yesterday there was a cancellation for MRI so I am having that done today at current hospital.
Hopefully all my paperwork will get transferred over and I will hear from Royal Marsden soon as current consultant said there was no point discussing treatment as I am moving over.
Praying the MRI doesn’t find anything else. Thinking of you all xxx
Good luck, so hope you get good news.
MRI was ok, bit bizarre taping cod liver oil capsules to your nipples but hey ho, you’ve got to laugh. Now waiting again for more results.
Fingers crossed xxx
What on earth were the cod liver oil capsules for? I hope the cod did not die in vain.
I like a bit of cod myself especially from Hastings tourists. I fly down on to steal it from their fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. Yum yum