Any one in Hampshire/Berkshire/Wiltshire border area?

you’ll find everyone really friendly at Southampton Jane - must be hard to be away from home - when I was having rads there seemed to be people with suitcases obviously staying over for the weekdays.
Good luck on Tuesday Katie xx

Saw Onc today, start in 2 weeks (Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate and flurouracil ??). Have to see cardiologist first to have heart checked as have valve prob so still not 100% sure of date just asap. Hopefully will know next week.

Hope everyone’s ok and enjoying the bit of sunshine we’re having. I’m off to the beach tomorrow with my little one.

Take care



well done ! Have a lovely time at the beach chipper xxx

Hi Katie That’s good news that you should be getting some dates soon - it does help once you know things are moving along and you can plan ahead a bit. Hope you had a great day at the beach. It’s lovely to have some sunshine and I intend to make the most of it whilst it’s here - winter will be here soon enough. I’m off to have a cuppa and sit on my swing seat. Hope that we can all meet up soon.

Chipper if you are in the Four marks area again pm me beforehand and you could drop round for a cuppa if you like or we could meet up at Rumours.

Hi Jane It would be great if we could all get together. I would echo what everyone has said about the team at Southampton who are just fantastic. Hope to see you soon,


Julie xx

passed through Four Marks and did think of you this very afternoon on my way with my son to Alresford to look at the watercress beds (we know how to live !) We did have smoothies at that lovely Caracoli place too as it was so hot.

Hello everyone, sorry to not reply to all of you hants, berks, wilts ladies when Katie first posted. Yes slinky dinky I am the Rachy from stars and like you it ended up being a bit of long trip going down to Portsmouth. Fareham is it a bit easier but nicer to be meet up a bit closer to home. Winchester is very easy for me to get to as only 9 miles from me as is southampton.I find ways to get to places despite not driving ! MY OH is very good if I need him for lifts. I echo what everyone has said about the rads dept at Southampton - excellent. Good luck with your chemo katie, I had epirubicin but not cmf as was on tact 2 trial. I am coming up to year since chemo and so far no probs except the dreaded arimidex, tamoxifen etc. I have had more long term problems with the hormone suppressants than chemo, surgery and rads put together !
Thanks for remembering me slinky dinky and would like to meet you all some time.

Rachy xxx

Hello, I am new to this site, it seems so friendly and informative that I thought I would dare to ask a question. My mother was diagnosed at Christmas and has undergone two big operations. She now needs 6 weeks of radiotherapy with daily visits to Southampton hospital (from Old Basing, Basingstoke). My father is having kittens about the drive (he doesn’t ‘do’ Southampton trips). I know there is a transport scheme available and wondered if anyone had the telephone number? I know it would help my parents greatly as they are worrying more about the transport than the treatment. I will be able to do some of the drives but I have a son who has a medical condition that needs constant attention and I can’t leave the area for long. My parent’s asked at North Hants hospital yesterday about transport (Dr Tinkler and her lovely staff) but it was all very vague - I think the team didn’t realise how much it was bothering them. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be so grateful. Many thanks, Elizabeth.

hi Elizabeth - am sorry to hear about your mum -she will most certainly be able to have transport and it is a brilliant service,lovely drivers ! When I saw Dr Tinkler she noted my request for transport and details about how to book it came with my schedule for radiotherapy - the letter has a number on it for you to ring and arrange. So once your mum’s schedule comes it should all be there - then your mum will be picked up every day at around the same time and brought home again…I don’t think you can pick and choose which days she has transport though - it’s all or nothing ! Your dad would be able to go with her,or you, and wait in waiting area (there is a nice little cafe too) Hope this helps xxchipperxx

you must ask first though about having a person to accompany (just for space in the car really) Sometimes it was just me !

Dear Chipper, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! I’m with my parents now and read out your lovely posting. They feel so much better already and said how very kind you are to have bothered with them! Thank you again, best wishes to you and all the ladies here. Elizabeth

Elizabeth - it was my pleasure to be able to help ! I can completely understand how anxiety making the getting to and from Southampton could be - not least parking there - it’s a big place ! The drivers will drop your mum off right outside the Oncology Centre and either wait there for her and whoever else is travelling that day or else in the waiting area. She needs to be ready about one and a half hours before appointment time but whatever time the driver gets her there the radiotherapy team will fit her in.
If she’s anxious about anything else to do with the radiotherapy then do please send me a PM - I 'd be happy to help ! xxchipperxx

Hello ladies

wondered if you were up for a coffee a week Monday? The 14th. I had my first chemo yesterday and am hoping to be ok by then. Is Winchester ok?

love Katie

hi Katie - hope you’re doing ok ! I can’t make that date but maybe next time ?

Shame you can’t make it Chipper. I love to read your posts, so helpful and would love to meet for a proper chat. Hopefully next time, perhaps you could suggest a date/place.
Take care and good luck with the Tamox.

love Katie

aww,thank you Katie -you take good care of yourself and let us know how the chemo is going xxchipperxx

Hi Katie,

Lovely to hear from you - had been wondering if you were OK and how things were going. I would probably be free to meet up for coffee on the 14th, unless you prefer to leave it and make a date when everyone is free. I will leave it with you to decide.

Hi Chipper hope all is well with you too.

Rachy Are you OK? Would you be able to make 14th?


Hello everyone, I cannot make the 14th either as have a training course at work that day. I am ok. I have been on tamoxifen nearly 2 weeks now and seem to have ‘lost’ weight. I am pleased about this.A side effect that is good for a change !!!

Rachy xxx

Hello all

well coping ok with SE and in fact went back to work yesterday for the day then popped in for 2 appointments today. Am now totally nacked! However my mind is a bit clearer and I enjoyed being “normal” for a while. I’m going in for a couple of hours tomorrow then off Fri and in Sat - I’ll take each week/day as it comes…

After me trying to arrange to get together I can’t do that date either! Soo sorry. My Mother’s coming!! It’s a long story.

Anyway I can do 16th, 21st or 23rd Sept then it’s Oct!

Hope you’re all ok
Love Katie

Just to say hi to everyone!

Been a busy couple of weeks with my parents visiting (emotionally exhausting), me having to go to various allergy clinics to see what I’m reacting to (they think I have an intolerance to the Epi so going to try this week giving me antihistamin and hydracotisone before the evil muck goes in and to do it slower, very nervous) also had to take mt OH to hospital a few times for an ongoing condition that he has. What with that and sleeping I’ve managed nothing else.

Every year in “pink” October I have put an article in my shop window about checking yourself for BC (I’ve never sold “pink” stuff or done a pink window). Not sure what to do this year it’s so much more personal…

Still would like to meet up and determined this next 3 weeks will not be as bad.

Hope you’re all holding up ok


Hello Ladies.
How’s every one doing? I’ve finished with Chemo - officially told today!
I’m definately having allergic reactions to the Epirubicin. Last time even after everything they gave me before I had the evil stuff I had a very bad reaction v quickly. Anyway Dr Tinkler has discussed with Southampton Allergy Drs and they have decided no other options that they think will be safe for me so I’m going to have Tamoxophen (spelling?) from end Oct and radiotherapy from then aswell. Basically they will keep an eye on me and if I get anything in the future they will hopefully have chemos that I can tolerate… I couldn’t have done the chemo again anyway, they would have had to drug me to get me in the room! It does mean I have more control over what I’m doing so perhaps we can get together for that coffee at last!
Chipper I’ll be checking with you on the SE.