Any one in Hampshire/Berkshire/Wiltshire border area?

Hi Katie
Just found your threads. I am 54 and was dx in March, had WLE and node bx (nodes neg, Gr1, E++) at Basingstoke, then dxt at Southampton in June. I took Tamoxifen for 5 weeks, then had to stop as allergic rash all over body. I am still getting the rash intermittantly and was also taking Omeprazole. Dr T wants me to be on Arimidex but my GP got me to try Tamoxifen again and after two days I was itching madly. So I have stopped taking anything and will go back to GP in 3 weeks for advice. Next hosp visit was supposed to be Feb 2010 with Miss S but has been cancelled and I’ve been given end Nov’09 instead!
It has cheered me up reading this topic as I was starting to get back to normal but have been feeling really low these last few weeks.

Hi Dolphin, nice to “meet” you.

I’m off to the docs this afternoon to see about the tamox, nervous because of side effects - allergy wise.

How have you found Miss S? I have Mr H who’s been great. I’m a bit of a challange for Dr T but she’s been great too!

Sorry you’re feeling down. Once I get my schedule I’ll try and arrange aget together for coffee somewhere local to us all. Where are you roughly?

take care


hi from me too dolphin !!
Hope visit to doc was ok Katie

Hi Chipper

Got to have blood tests Monday and scan on my ovaries and womb asap. Checking for cysts and Ovarian cancer markers. Need that all doing and discussing with Dr T before I can have the Tamox… It’s never straight forward, hey ho - pass the Guiness.

See you

Love Katie x x x

Coffee time??

It’s been a busy old month, hospital scans, doctor’s appointments, blood tests, simulator and parents…

Now have my schedule and have had my simulator and tatoos done. I’m in southampton every morning for 8.42 from the 11th November. This means I can now make coffee Mondays and Wednesdays (I’m going to try and work the other days!) any time allowing for where we meet and traveling time.

Anyone free this Monday or Weds pm?

Hope you’re all doing well.

Katie x x x x

Hi Katie, As i am not working at the mo I am free some Mondays and Wednesdays. Certainly know the rads dept at the general very well !!Let me know when is ok for you ? I would love to meet up.

Rachy xx

would love to meet once I’ve done a bit of work, but you two do go ahead - have already had the pleasure of meeting Katie the other week :wink:

Hi Rachy
would you like me to come over to Newbury or Winchester for coffee and can you make this Monday? We’ll all get together when you’re free Chipper.


Hi Katie, Winchester is easier for me and know the town quite well. I can get there for about 2pm.PM me details.

Rachy xxx

have a lovely time girls xxx