Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Thanks Slyolddog , you haven’t half made me chuckle… Cake , Chips, steak and wine it is x lol
Thanks WP23 I feel much better already thanks for the support xx enjoy your wine x

Hi all Just read properly thro’ the post and could sense the despair among the TNBC. I felt sad but was pleased to see that you were supporting each other and that you were now feeling positive. Sending you hugs.You must try and stay that way and enjoy life to the full. Each chemo cycle is getting rid of the buggers.


Today I put my wig on and felt quite angry with my illness, this cloud of uncertainty this curb on my carefreeness but I am not going to let it get the better of me. No way!!


Wendy I am not far behind you.The 10th. Sorry your legs feel so weak and hope the get stronger soon. I too am wearing dark red nail polish. Interesting that the neuropathy isn’t bothering you, then maybe it’s a SE of the Herceptin injection. :frowning: .


Horseshoe sorry about your slow recovery. Onward and upwards


Mogs How frustrating for you. Enjoy your place in Norfolk. We haven’t been to our place in Norfolk for a while. So dictated by appts etc.


hbunny, karen and shoes onward and upwards and Cath hope the mouth ulcers resolve soon. Day 11 of 3rd TC -h cycle. This one has been the best one in spite of the fact I was soooooo tired on day 4 and 5. I got more sleep overall so that might account for the better response. Who knows eh?


Sending you all hugs and good wishes. love Clare

Hello everyone. Sun is out. I am weak but on my feet again, finally day 11 after that rotten TAX stuff. Onto the FEC next, which I am hoping will be a little kinder.
If anyone wants to cheer themself up, read one of the other chemo threads through that are further on in their treatment, say from January! It really makes you realise that there is an end to all this and we will be together talking about much more positive things in a few months time.
My back tooth crumbled in half last night. I cannot believe that we do not get free dental care whilst on chemo. Utterly shocking, considering the effect it can have on your teeth eh. Anothet instance of it not paying to work.
On a positive note, had nice cuddles with the pony. Who seemed pleased to see me and gave ‘smoochies’ ( nibbles and slobber chops on my neck) went for walk around garden to talk to the chickens, ducks and baby turkeys. They had grown loads in 11 days!
So, I made it through a bad TAX. Feel like a warrior. We are all warriors!

Ooooo, you all have to get jamie olivers ’ comfort food’ book , every single page has scrummy food on it.

Whiskers thanks for your post it has made me feel more positive for the future. Good luck in your remmision.

Mogg hope you enjoyed your break. Just having a night out with freinds and a day out with an aunt and nice meal made me forget what is going on in my body.

Slygdog Go on just eat nice stuff as long as we eat to cover the times when we dont feel like eating helps to keep our strenght up. Hope the tax goes well let me know how you do. I wish that we could all join you for a party in your room with loads of wine and chocolate. 

Horseshoe So sorry you are not feeling to good sending you a big hug and lots of positive vibes. Enjoy your 

indian i love spicey food when i cant find my taste buds. Dont leave it to long before you visit the dentist maybe he can put a tempoary filling in so you dont get toothache or an infection. Talk to macmillian about the cost they can be very helpful. I use a NHS dentist and he is good.

Cath c i hope the ulcers clear up soon some of the mouth washes they give you are good. hope you enjoyed your break we all need to get away sometimes and do things that we normally enjoy. Also the fresh air is good for us. This page is full of wine and chocolates. Just goes to show when things get tuff we all have a comfort blanket to turn too.

i am feeling really good nearly normal apart from a bit tired.  Only a few days to go to my last fec which the onc promised to drop to 80% again. Cant belive that when i visited this site in the begining i was waiting for my first fec how time flies. Please all keep well and think about Whiskers with her positive news that will be us one day.  :womanhappy::smileyhappy::cathappy:  Lots of happiness sent to all.



Ahh Cath , you know me too well! Yes I did have a nice glass of wine with dinner. Hope you are making the most of this week before chemo next week.

Wendy, been thinking of you today. Hope your chemo went ahead as planned and that you are all done. Just the side effects to get through, hope these aren’t too bad for you. Congrats on reaching the finishing line ?

Karen enjoy your me time you seem to fill it with food and wine [no post is any good unless it mentions food and wine:womanlol:    Hope tax goes well.

Wendy hope the tc goes okay remember think positive.

Horseslave ohhhhhhhhhhh i have just realised the reason for you name derrrrrrrrr how thick am i. I used to working the shoe trade :smileylol:

Cathc Thanks cath i cant believe i AM looking forward to my last fec on thursday. Hope your veins are settleing down. Yep listen to your body as it is the boss as you go on this jorney I have got a pic-line because they cant find my veins. I am now at the mercy of the dreaded district nurse who i have to wait in for twice a week who rarely have the stuff to flush or do the dressing verey stressful. not to sure when i finish my chemo as i think 22 days after my fec i will start the weekly tax for 9 weeks then 5 weeks radiotheraphy. So it could be after christmas i hope i am not on my own on july forum i need my chemo buddies.

there is one thing i dont understand i have not been hungery at all for the last 2 days anyone else had this i feel well and have done alot of normal things this week. So i think i will have a glass of wine :manlol:



Hi Wendy - Glad everything went ok yesterday, must be a great feeling knowing you’re all done now. Hope you don’t suffer too many SE’s
Shoes - I am ever so slightly obsessed by food and drink, wish I could blame it all on the chemo but think I’m a bit like it all the time except I usually have more willpower.
Hope you don’t have to spend too long waiting around for district nurse and that your last Fec on Thursday goes well. I don’t think you need worry about being on your own on here, I’ve got 3 Tax to be followed by rads, don’t know how many yet. Enjoy your glass of wine, you deserve it ?
Cath - Glad you’re making the most of this week and that your mouth ulcers have gone. Hope that you had a nice time with your friends today, this whole experience seems to make you appreciate a bit of normality.
I too seem to have been weeing more than usual but I must admit I didn’t think too much of it, hope this won’t affect my bloods on Saturday.

Pre back to school treat today, all you can eat breakfast at Harvester. It was lovely and filled me up for the rest of the day. Not many eyelashes left now so looks like I’m going to have to grips with putting false ones on sometime soon.

Hugs, Karen x

Hi ladies,
WP23 … Way to go you’ve finished your chemo! That must feel amazing . Soon we will all be saying that and I for one can’t bloody wait ! I’m on the same regime as you re radiotherapy and herceptin so will be keeping you company on your journey.

CathC … Hope your concerns are not realised re your liver an kidney functions. Good look next week.

SHOES220 … I’m with you , I think we should have smiley faces all round ! I’m also due to have my last fec tomorrow 1/2 way there ! Hooray . so good luck …then 3 tax/docetaxel and then radiotherapy and herceptin so will be around for a long time yet.

Karen2609 … Do let me know how you fair with the false eyelashes. I still have most of mine but they are fading fast . So I’ll be very interested to hear how you get on.

Hunnybunny… Good luck with your first docetaxel on Friday. I hooe you have few SEs or even better non at all as I’m on that after tomorrow’s fec. Do let us know how you get on…

Sugar8 …I’m sure the nail issues resolve after treatment has finished…

Horseslave… Did you find any nice new headwear websites. I may need to get some warmer winter hats at this rate !

Just… Hooe you had a nice break in wales and your treatment went well on Friday. Mine was delayed again due to neutrophil levels so I’m in tomorrow. Then off to norfolk for the week probably feeling like crap but I didn’t want to postpone it again. Hubby really needs a break .
Speak or you when we get back and afar be coffee and a chat.

Slyolddog… How r u doing?

To any ladies I have missed I hooe your all doing ok and keeping strong.
I still have days when I can’t believe I am going through this and think I am talking about someone else.

Big hugs

Morag xx

Hi all - sorry not been on for a while - so much to keep up with.  Had a good week last week with couple of nights in Wales before the madness started again on Friday.  My veins continued being stingy so ended up giving blood from finger prick again which clotted (not enough in the sample i’d guess).  Subsequently, I was called in to have bloods again Monday before chemo could start which meant waiting almost two hours for results.  Again, veins not giving blood so had it taken from my surgery arm but was advised to get PICC line before next chemo - seems a bit late with only 2 sessions left but the blood just will not come out so, although not looking forward to it, am hopeful that will help.  White blood cell count was high but not much was said about that so will need to speak to onc next appt - anyone else had this?  Finally got started on the docetaxel and thought I was just not tolerating the ice mitts as fingers and toes starting burning but then my body started shaking so we called the nurses who also called a Dr in - apparently, I was having a reaction so chemo was stopped while I was given anti-histamine for an hour, then docetaxel given again but at half the rate for double the time - was a looonnnnnng day, finally left at 5.35pm, rather than the lunchtime I’d hoped for.


Anyway, enough of the negative - once I came back it was great to have no nausea or sickness this time. It’s still only day three so daren’t say too much but don’t feel bad at all so far - just a little ‘woozy’ sometimes and maybe slightly more tired - this seems to be a bonus so far though as i’ve actually been managing to doze in the day a little which is rare for me but has felt lovely!


Morag - hope you get on ok with treatment tomorrow and manage a nice break in Norfolk - we’ll try to grab that drink &  chat when you are back.  Take care x


WP23 - woohoo! Must feel great to have last chemo over - hope you have minimal SE’s for this last one. x


To everyone else I may have missed - hope you are all staying as well as possible on this journey - can’t believe how fast time seems to be going now and it is great that some are already nearing the end of this part and us others are getting there!!  We can do it!! 


Take care all





Hi ladies hope that those who have just had treatment are feeling okay. And those that are due trearment are feeling strong. I cant wait to get the last fec out of the way but not to sure how i will feel about my next 9 week round of chemo. I think i also have 25 sessions of radio over 5 weeks.

Anyway feeling positive for tomorrow so will catch up witth you all later in the week. Take care everyone.


Hi Ladies

Sorry I’ve been missing for a few weeks just been so busy with kids etc etc. 2nd cycle of tax was much better than 1st - I had lots of painkillers for the bone pain and salt mouthwash for ulcers and was right as rain by day 8. Main problem now is real tiredness - I get hot flushes all through the night that wake me every couple of hours - what I would give for a continuous 8 hours or so of sleep!!

Anyway my 3rd session is day after tomorro and I’m not looking forward to SE’s but hey, every day is nearer the end of this horrid treatment. I’m pleased to say I still have managed to keep my hair - the cold cap seems to have worked for me. I’ve lost loads but gradually - I only Wash twice a week Simple shampoo and dry naturally so fingers crossed!!

Night night all and hope you all sleep better than me

Ruby xxx

Hi Slyolddog - hope all goes well for your tax tomorrow.  It really was nice not having the nausea & sickness so hope that is the same for you.  Also, I was given less follow-up meds this time which has meant less ‘icky tummy’ feeling and meds over quicker.  Hope you have a smooth day followed by no/minimal SE’s.

All the best,



Hi slydog and just. Like you tax tomorrow, have you started on the double steroids today? They have definitely given me a headache and icky feeling, but at least only 3 days worth.

good luck everyone having treatment this week or suffering Se’s.

Ps, still having trouble with veins, took 4 goes to get blood this am and bruised to hell, oh well only another 2 to go after tomorrow. Love to all. Hbunny xx

Hi hbunny

Yes, I’m on the double dose of steroids but u feel ok. Feel really tired though but that might be down to a busy day. I got my nails painted a Cadbury bluey/purple.

My veins are still complaining but when the chemo nurse rang this afternoon she said they’d start to recover in a week or two as the Tax is kinder. Bloods were holding out too. On the downside she said the taste in the mouth is likely to be worse and make sure I have plenty of paracetamol and nurofen for when the bone/muscle/ joint pain starts, normally on day 3. She was also keen to reduce my anti sickness meds as it is less common to feel sick on Tax, but while I’m happy to give up the ondansetron I’m clinging on to the Emend just in case.

Cath - I shouldn’t have laughed at your eyebrow situation. After I posted this morning I went to put some makeup on and noticed some of my eyebrow hairs had fallen out! That’ll teach me!

Have a good weekend everyone. Once more into the breach!

That should say ‘I feel ok’ and not ‘u feel ok’!

oh slydog you mad me giggle keep us posted it might be the one hair that sees you through to the end.


update on today last fec yipee the red one they put in a pump i said its going in to fast so they slowed it down the last drip mad my nose tingle the nurse ask if i need to scratch my throat from the inside i said no anyway he slowed this one down so i think they were trying to get me out quick as i dont have reactions to fec. Anyway on the way home my throat started so i had a good cough. I feel really tired so will go to bed very soon.

See i am being positive thanks too all of you on this site so a big big thankyou.xxxx 

i forgot got eye drops my eyes are sticky

Wow, so busy on here. I’ve missed one day but so many posts I can’t comment on each one!! (Laptop broken so doing this on my phone and I get lost scrolling through)

Shoes - well done last Fec hoping you have minimal SE’s.

JuSt - sorry to hear about your probs with Tax, hope the next one goes better.

Hbunny, Ruby - good luck tomorrow, I’m just behind you with 1st Tax on monday. Wonder how we will all get on.

Clare - It’s so awkward when people comment on the wig isn’t it? Like you I haven’t told everyone but don’t like to lie outright when people compliment my new hairdo and ask if I’ve just had it cut/coloured.
Wendy - I haven’t been told how much radiotherapy I will need either. Apparently I will be referred to radiologist after 1st Tax. Hoping it won’t be too many as I need to get back to work as going on half pay from 11th Nov. I had mastectomy but have lymph involvement.
Cath - hope you managed to get back to bed. Chocolate to boost energy levels sounds good idea - esp as it won’t taste so good next week.
Like you I’m an eyeliner and lip balm girl so the idea of drawing on eyebrows and sticking on lashes fills me with horror. Although my lashes are going I’m lucky that they were quite thick and very dark to start with so I’m ok at moment.

Slyolddog - good luck with your first Tax tomorrow too, I’m also going to try the dark nail polish, will be interesting to see how we get on. I’m hoping the nausea will be better but think its psychological with me now, I feel sick just at thought of putting cold cap on.

Sorry to anyone I’ve missed, going to enjoy this weekend before next chemo on Monday ( fingers crossed bloods will be ok). A lot of you having treatment tomorrow, I’ll be thinking of you all and fingers crossed for minimum SE’s.

We’re getting there!!

Hugs, Karen

So day 16 after my last TAX and made good recovery from the draining SEs and debilitating weakness caused by it. Hoping everyone is right and that the FEC is going to much easier in comparison. They will put me on max antisickness, being a very sicky type.
Tramadol works on bone pain, if anyone is after anything stronger.
Has anyone else has small nosebleeds recently? I wonder why they are happening?
Whilst I don’t seem to be putting weight on ( not eating for 7 days might of had something to do with that)
My appetite is huge for junk food! Mass cravings for salty, spicy food! Anyone else noticed they crave unhealthy foods?!

Definitely craving unhealthy foods, Horseslave. One of my daughters and her friend came home with Pot Noodles the other day and they smelt lovely. I’d not had a Pot Noodle for over 30 yrs when I was a teenager myself but I had to get one and really enjoyed it! I never thought the day would come when I craved a Pot Noodle. I’m going to have to try not to eat too much junk though as I’m not going to fit into my clothes soon.

Glad to hear you are feeling better and hope Fec is better for you, feeling apprehensive about Tax but just want to get 1st one done so I have some idea what to expect.

Karen x