Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Cath

Feeling better today, had a decent night’s sleep which works wonders. To be honest I never thought of asking for something to help me sleep. Usually by the time I see my onc I’m feeling fine and tend to forget to mention things. My recon has never been discussed other than that it needs to be after rads and I’m not due to see surgeon again until Dec so I suppose I will have to wait until then.
Hope you are doing ok, how’s your bruising? Have you spoken to anyone about it? Don’t know if my taste buds are up to cake this weekend but might give it a go!
Hi Wendy, I’m moving onto Docetaxol I don’t know if this is the same or similar to Taxotere. Will be 8 steroids a day for 3 days, I think to counter poss allergic reaction but I might have got that wrong !

Must be good feeling shopping for new work wardrobe, I certainly won’t fit into my stuff by the time I go back. Lunch and walk sounds good way to spend the afternoon too. Will be lovely for you to start getting back to normal.

Hi JuSt

Well done, 5 hrs uninterrupted sleep - fantastic! It really does make a difference doesn’t it. Def feeling better today after my steroid less sleep.
An hour’s ironing completed before 9.30 is very impressive too.

Hope everyone is feeling well this weekend, by the time next Bank Holiday comes round we will hopefully all be past this stage and life should be better.

Hugs to everyone and thanks for the support over the last couple of days. Onwards and upwards x

Has anyone else been suffering with watering eyes? Having been to the ‘Look Good Feel Better’ workshop on Tuesday I’m keen to try out my eye makeup but it’s running off each time I apply it. Panda/puffy/red eyes aren’t a good look! Not being caused by the new makeup, though, as it started a couple of days before then.


It’s interesting to read that a lot of you are suffering from constipation as I’ve got the opposite problem, apart from constipation caused by the anti-sickness pills during the first three days when I found a few prunes with my breakfast kept me ‘regular’. I’ve found the Imodium or supermarket equivalent has helped the diarrhoea, and my oncologist is prescribing it for my next and third EC on Tuesday. Amazing to realise that I’m half way through chemo now as I’m only having four cycles. I’ve also got my radiotherapy planned for October with the planning session booked for the day before my last chemo in three weeks, and will be finished by the end of October - just seven months from finding the lump to cured. Not bad, eh?


I hope I continue with few side effects as I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment as my 91 year old mother fell three weeks ago - same day as my last chemo - and broke her right hip and shoulder, which has meant that she can’t use her right hand, and she’s right-handed, so found it hard to feed herself and is now being tube fed with an NG tube and additional soft food. She’s in a very low, depressed state, which is not her at all, so it’s very worrying. She’s still in hospital and is likely to be there some time, and my son is getting married three weeks today and it’s looking more and more unlikely that she will be able to be there which will be very disappointing for everyone. :frowning:


Best wishes to everyone for the next week. Wendy

Well, day 4 since chemo 3. Reeling in anger. They gave me the nurse I asked explicitly not for. My friend was with me this time and agreed, not my imagination, utterly poor, gruff, non communication. The oncologist promised this wouldnt happen. Did they do it as a mickey take? Yes the treatment was more quick but should she just march over, stick your bag of chemical up, not acknowledge you, tell you what it is, no eye contact. Horrible, horrible person. I feel utterly helpless. Gone from being worlds no1 positive to feeling. I have no control. Mad as hell.

Hi all not been on latley and like a few of you by the time i have read through all your posts i am confused who said what. So not able to reply to each of you.

No constpation here infact the horrific opposite standing in a&e hubby said there is a nasty smell went to the ladies disscovered it was me nurse gave me something to sort myself out including paper nickers :smileylol:

One hour later same thing happened shopping so legged it home quick.  since then tummy cramps but nothing happening. Chemo ward thinks its a reaction to the penicillin.

Three days ago i woke up to a pain in the calf of my leg so a&e have been giving me tummy injections every day till i can get to the DVT clinic tuesday.

SE are better this time mouth sore but other wise i am hopeing a better week till next fec on the 4th.

Can i ask is anyone here with triple negative cancer. As i know that when  chemo and rads finished there is nothing else i can have no tablets or injections. Feeling so down about this i saw a counciler before i left the ward. i am expecting a visit from the local macmillan team soon. i really need to get my head round this.

There you go i am moaning too but i know that my chemo buddies will understand.

keep well any one who is going through treatment this week. i am just trying to keep out of hospital:smileysurprised:


Wendy Thanks for post i have grade 3 too. On 3 FEC then i think 6 taxol weekly. Then 5 weeks rads.

i am trying to be positve :manfrustrated: but i am sure with the support i get on here i will get through it.

Oh Cath c and H bunny i must admit i sat and cried after reading your posts i can feel the love.

I am sorry that i have made you think about your tnbc it was not intensional. Hbunny please dont google it will frighten the life out of you i only look at the breast cancer sites.  I also wonder how they will test me in the future and how often. I am seeing the onc tomorrow and have a big list of questions for him. Unfortunatly i hate blueberries. 

As for my update i dont have a blood clot but i have phlebites thats an infection in the vein in my leg. So i use voltorol gel. as for the tummy probs i think i am stuck with that for a while so i wont go out with out spare clothes lol.

Hope anyone that is going for treatment this week has minimal SE.

Just reading the latest posts which, although I’m not TN have struck a cord with me. I too have started veering back to Google as I did in the days just prior to and post diagnosis, and like you hbunny it scares the life out of me. Maybe it’s something to do with being halfway through chemo and no longer as anxious about side effects that fears about the future creep back in.

just have to focus on the fact that the cancer is now gone and that with the chemo and rads everything is being thrown at stopping it coming back.

Sending very big hugs to you Shoes, Cath, hbunny, Wendylois and anyone else with TNBC, it’s a good thing that you can share your fears and support each other xxx

Karen we all support each other and half way through a treatment i am sure we all think ahead its only natural we want to know what the future holds. what ever canaer we have. But we are all so positive on here that we dont dwell on it to long. i will ask about vitimain d when i see the onc tomorrow.

let you know what he says.



Morning everyone! I am emerging from the chemo stupor slowly. Very weak this time. Terrible nausea and vibrating, pulsing head yesterday. Couldn’t eat a thing. Husband is making me some dippy egg as I type. Fresh eggs from our french faverolles hens in the garden. Small pleasures in life.
I am hoping that what people say is right, the tax that I have just endured is the worst bit and the fec chemo will be easier. I feel worn out!
I imagine lots of surgery, then chemo, is bound to make you feel exhausted, as the month add up.

See i new it WE ARE ALL COMING OUT FIGHTING this is the best site ever. I feel much better today after reading your comments and armed with my questions [i am going to chew his ears of] he wont get a word in edge ways today.

To my great chemo buddies have a good day and someone is feeling really poorly [sorry cant remember your name] chin up and stay in bed today and give your self a big hug from me.

update you all later.:womanhappy:.


Seems like we are all bouncing back to positivity together! Def feel better today then saw my onc this morning who made me feel even better. He took the time to listen to my fears and spoke about some of the advances that are being made. Apparently they are close to developing a blood test that will be able to detect any stray cancer cells or cancer DNA!

I also confessed that I’m finding it very hard to eat healthily during chemo as I just crave comfort food all the time, he said if I want to eat junk then he’s happy for me to eat it - plenty of time for healthy eating once I’ve got through this. He also advised my hubby to make sure fridge is well stocked for the first T, as the doubled steroids mean I will be raiding it for midnight feasts . He has also doubled the strength of my omeprazole in the hope of controlling all the excess acid.

Hbunny - the research you have uncovered on tnbc sounds very encouraging. Also I normally love blueberries so once chemo is done I shall def up my consumption.
Cath - glad you feeling bit better, except for the mouth ulcers. I’m only a day ahead of you so look forward to being able to watch GBBO next week with a cup of tea and cake that I can taste.
Wendy - fantastic that Monday is your last chemo, you will be the first of us to finish. It’s a good feeling that some July ladies are coming to the finishing line of this part of the journey.
Shoes - hope you get on ok with your onc today, it did me good speaking to mine. As you say this is a great site and the support we give each other is a real boost.

Thank you ladies for the kick up the backside - I will STOP BLOODY GOOGLING


Ahhhhhhhhhh Karen lets see what mine has to say. Cant wait to see him as when i have seen him while i am in hospital its shorter than when he is in his office. I have me boxing gloves  on so i can come out fighting for my last fec next week. I like junk food too but i also like soft fruit when i cant taste anything.

Thanks hbunny, I’ll take a look.

Shoes, I’m sure you’ll be fighting fit for last Fec next week

To all the tNBC ladies… You are amazing , positive and are giving each other such support its just fabulous.
I didnt even know what triple negative meant but having looked it up feel so in awe of you all.
I know we are all on different journeys and some of us will fair better than others but with support , help and advise coming from the ladies on this forum our journeys just seems so much more bareable.
So thanks to all of you for just being there !

Hi all reporting in after my chat with the onc.

I asked has this one worked as i have had less side affects he said thats good looks as if i got the dose right so we will go for 80% fec if thats okay with you. Wow he asked my permission.

Tummy problems he is not surprised it goes one way or the other.

Heart burn has been bad this time so i can have 20mg omerprazol in the morning and 40mg at night.

Said i should wear the stockings that the dvt clinic gave me if i am not mobile for a few days after my fec.

Then the bomb shell pachitaxel every week for 9 weeks. i thought it was either 3 or 6 weeks.

okay then i asked him is there a blood test to find cancer cells he said no he seemed adimant thaty at the moment there is not one…

He does feel that the treatment i am on will have a positive result. I am happy with that but i wanted to know what happens when all the treatment is over he said he will see me every 3 months. So i asked do i have to wait till i find another lump he said no i will get other signs like tired not eating jaundiice. i think he will elaberate more when the time comes. He said they will not scan me straight after the treatment so just be positive its doing its job.

I feel good after speaking to him he has away with him i feel safe in his hands.

So my wobble over the last few days has gone and I AM GOUNG TO BEAT THIS.


Hi ladies

it appears that we are now getting anxious re outcomes. I was the same after I came up for air after 3rd cycle. I have emailed my questions to my BC nurse who’s going to pass it on to my oncologist. :smileyindifferent:

Looks like these time  treatment bringson all the questions.


Anyway inbetween resting i am trying to catch up with my social life as it helps me to normalise. Meeting friends weekly now that I am feeling well and working odd days too. Going for long walks also helps.


Now the fatigue has lighted my main SE is the slight neuropathy of toes and my fingernails now have  slight purple moons. Does anyone knows if that resolves with time?


Clare x


Wendy Good luck for the 1st Sept.The last cycle woohoo x x x x



Hi anyone else on pachitaxel?  According to the onc its more gentle on the body. Just a quick post on here as going out tonight wow not done that for the last few months. Anyway i will pop in tomorrow.


Take care and stay positive ladies.

Hi shoes220, I’m from the July 2013 group and now all finished. Thought I’d let you know how I got on with it. I had an allergic reaction on my 2nd dose of tackling so they put me on it for the last 2 doses. Apparently it does exactly the same but with it being coated it is so much more kinder to our poor bodies. It is very expensive hence why its not used as much and I had to phone through the morning of my treatment to confirm I was coming. Now for the bit that is the most annoying and upsetting but great news for you. Compared to the fec and the one dose of docataxol I had it was a complete walk in the park and I recovered so quickly with very little discomfort or pain.Such a terrible shame that this much kinder drug isn’t more widely more available and it as always comes down to cost :frowning: good luck with the rest of your treatment, I’ve not long had my 1 year mammogram and all clear and moving on :slight_smile:

Bloody auto correct lol docataxol not tackling :confused:

Morning all,
Disappointing day again yesterday as my neutrophil levels were 0.8 so no chemo until next Thursday.
I have been delayed every session so it just got me yesterday . this would have been my third so I am already 2 weeks behind everyone else.
I know it Sounds really selfish when all they are doing is trying to help me but we were due to go away for a week next Thursday . Only to our house in norfolk but hubby and I just need a proper break and now I will feel rubbish for my week away.
So I had a bit of a melt down in the chemo unit yesterday but I am looking on the bright side today and going to enjoy my chemo free weekend. Sod the healthy eating, beetroot juice, Manuka honey, Himalayan ginseeng as that obviously makes no difference to my neutrophil levels. I’m going to have a few glasses of wine and see if that works instead! Lol.
I hope you are all coping and trying to keep positive . have a good weekend ! Cheers x