Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Ladies

Just a quick post to let you know they finally let me out at 5pm yesterday, still don’t know what caused the infection. Been busy today as son’s 9th birthday tomorrow but hope to catch up with you all individual tomorrow.

Take care, Karen x

Hi all,


Cath - thanks for your good luck for yesterday,  Keeping your fingers crossed seems to have worked - canula went in first time and not too painfully (non-surgery arm), had anti-histamine so no reaction this time and was all done by lunchtime - result!  Thanks again x


Hbunny - good luck for your 2nd tax on Friday - I felt so good coming out yesterday knowing there is only 1 to go after this cycle x


Ruby - sorry to hear you had a bad week and hope you are continuing to feel better.  Good luck for last tax on Thurs - wow! nearly there!! x


Karen - hope you have made it back home now? x


Wendy (WP23) - hope work has gone ok and that your planning appt for radio has your next plans all sorted now - good luck with that! x


Shoes - they didn’t mention getting PICC line put in by surgeon, just nurses, but as you’ve probably read, we managed ok with the canula yesterday and I now only have 1 treatment to go so hopefully it was for the best.  Good luck for your tax on Thursday - weekly, eh?  I still find it amazing all the differences in treatment given.  Hope you are feeling less shaky and tired.  Hubby sounds like he is looking after you with the eye drops and his support - good on him! x


Slyolddog - hope your bloods go ok tomorrow and good luck for 5th tax on Friday.  Hope your veins stay ok - I found it reassuring to know they can use surgery arm if really needed, but was also relieved they didn’t need to with mine this time.  I think we just have to take each step as it comes and work out the best way for each of us to get through.  I was talking to two ladies on the ward yesterday - one had had a PICC line in for about a month but had a bad skin reaction so had to have it removed, the other had just come in to have hers put in and it went in quickly and easily so she was pleased and relieved.  There seem to be many choices but guess we will all get through and hopefully look back soon and be pleased we have made it - I think we should be impressed with how well we have done getting there!  Not long to go, good luck x


Horseslave - sounds like the weekend show did you good!  And congrats to your daughter - well done!!  I don’t know the answer to the eating rubbish question but I seem to eat more and more each week! I started off this chemo journey trying to eat healthier, drink green tea etc.  The green tea started to taste disgusting very early on so there’s been very little of that and my taste buds have definitely veered towards more junk each week - just scoffed a chinese takeaway tonight after padding the day out with choccy biccies and choccy bars - oh well!! I reckon we all deserve it x


Hope everyone else is doing ok with minimum side effects.  Take care all x






Just a quick note been to see onc today says i look awful [thats nice] to pale and very tired [how does he know] Hubby agreed that i was tired and upset that i cant do normal things [i sat there thinking traitor wait till i get you outside] anyway they both agreed i needed another week of and to start on the 2nd instead.

So note to myself 1. Never go to see onc with out make up on. 2. Have a good nap before as well.

On a more serious note the onc feels i could be in hospital to soon and want me to try and build myself up before they start again, 

Will read posts and try to reply to you all tomorrow think i will go to bed now lol

Hi All,

Hbunny & Slyolddog - hope your treatment went well today and you are feeling ok. One more to go, must be a good feeling.

Ruby - hope your chemo went well yesterday. Last one whoo hoo, congratulations. Another of our number past the finishing post!

Cath - hope you are feeling ok, how are your veins now? Mine have had a lot of prodding around over last couple of weeks. Are you up to eating cake at the moment?

JuSt - I’m with you on the eating junk food, it’s like being pregnant again and craving comfort food. I don’t normally like sweets (except chocolate ones) but can’t get enough haribo at the moment. Hope you are ok and enjoying the nice weather.

Wendy - glad you enjoyed your LGFB session and got a bagful of goodies, can’t wait for mine. Must be nice having a date for your first radiotherapy, you will be finished that before I’m even finished chemo! Hope all goes well.

Shoes - sorry to hear your chemo has been put back a week as you are not feeling too good. Will be for the best in the long run if it keeps you out of hospital but any delay is so disappointing at the time.

It’s my 49th birthday today, went out for breakfast with hubby but intend to really celebrate next year all being well.

Saw my onc on Weds and due to my being hospitalised for a week he said that I can’t have the same treatment again. Gave me the choice of remaining 2 docetaxol at reduced strength or 6 weekly pachitaxol, which was his recommendation. So although my heart said 2 more docetaxol I went with my head and start 6 weekly on Tues. Really disappointed as kept thinking only 2 to go but I know come Christmas when (hopefully) this is all finished I would regret not taking his advice.

Going to make the most of this weekend as no more good weeks until this is all done. Does anyone know much about pachitaxol and it’s side effects?

Sorry to anyone I’ve missed, I still get confused scrolling up and down on my phone!
Hope everyone has a good weekend

Love to all x

Happy Birthday Karen. 49 eh, just a youngster. I hope you’ve had a good day and are still fully recovered from your recent infection. Like JuSt all I’ve heard about pachitaxol is that it’s easier on the system. Lets hope that turns out to be the case for you.

I’ve had my second Tax today and as last time I’m feeling ok at the moment. I’m high as a kite on steroids, came home from the hospital and got busy with the Hoover and then went and did some gardening. Only had 3 and a half hours sleep last night so I am technically knackered but still full of energy! Go figure, as the yanks say. No doubt I’ll start to crash in Sunday/Monday after the steroids have stopped.

I hope everyone has a good weekend with manageable side effects. We’re getting this done one cycle at a time. X

Hi Ladies

JuSt - thank you for the birthday wishes I had a lovely day, thanks. Hope you are feeling good and enjoying the weekend.

Slyolddog and hbunny - congrats on having completed number 5, it’s amazing that you only have 1 left as it doesn’t seem that long ago that we were the newbies on here worrying about our first treatment.

Good on you Slyolddog getting everything done while you can, feel free to come and clean my house when you’ve finished. Hope you don’t crash and burn too much come Monday but if you do, make the most of it and rest.

Hbunny - sorry to hear about the problems with your veins, I’m always worried they won’t be able to find one when I go. Have you had lymph nodes removed in arm they had to use? At least you only have to hold out for one more session, hope you manage a couple of good days before the SE’s kick in. I’ve never managed to suck ice pops whilst having chemo due to bad timing and melting issues and although I tend to get a sore mouth and horrid taste I’ve managed to avoid ulcers so far, hope you will be ok too.

Cath - hope you are starting to feel a bit better and I’m very glad to hear you are still up for eating cake lol! Only 2 left for you too so that finishing line is def in sight.

Thanks for all the info about pachitaxol, I’m relieved that it seems slightly gentler than docetaxol so have my fingers crossed that although I won’t have a ‘good’ week it won’t be too bad.

On another note, am I the only one who still has to shave her legs? That was the only side effect I was looking forward to but my legs are still spouting on a regular basis!

Have a lovely weekend, all

Hugs, Karen

Morning Ladies

Cath - glad to hear that the nasty taste isn’t so bad this time round. I sometimes think this is one of the worst side effects as it lasts so long and I do love my food!! I find that even though most good tastes awful I just keep eating in the hope of getting rid of the taste.

Hbunny - I didn’t think about cases where both sides are involved so you have no good arm. I had node clearance on one side, thankfully only 2 nodes involved. They were worried as my symptoms first showed up in lymph nodes rather than breast so I had ct and bone scan immediately while waiting for biopsy results. Up until a week ago I wasn’t worried about my veins holding up as only had 2 more treatments, now I’ve got another 6 so got to keep my fingers crossed.

My onc did say that hair would prob start to grow back on Tax so sounds promising that you have some sprouting already. I cold capped so can’t really tell if there is anymore coming through yet, I do have quite a lot of hair left although it is thin and wild.

Enjoy your Sunday

Hugs, Karen x

Morning! Yes the FEC is a zillion times easier than TAX. In my opinion. I felt more queasy on FEC but less knocked out?
This Thursday is 5/6 so I will be able to say just one more to go after that.
That gives November and December off to recover then back to work on phased return January. Work have kept me on full pay until then, I am really fortunate that I haven’t had to worry financially.

Your oncologist can refer you to a scheme where you get reduced rate at the gym locally? Its an idea for rebuilding, getting fit again as I for one, feel so unfit and tired all the time!

Good morning ladies,


I feel guilty for not appearing that often on the thread, but always busy with work or too tired to write up. I do, however, read your threads and feel uplifted by your resilience and courage and giggle a lot seeing some of your funny comments, Hbunny and CathC.


Hope everyone is coping this week, some of you, like me, would be on your 5th treatment (my 5th TAX was yesterday), I am behaving like the energizer bunny for a few days, due to steroids, I was up a few times last night and ended up getting up at 4am and starting doing packed lunches, cleaning up the kitchen and offloading dishwasher. I know this will only last till Wednesday though…


Look good feel better- great afternoon and very nice goodies, I am a makeup addict anyway, so that fed my addiction really well.


My first TAX experience was not very good, constipation had taken its tool for nearly the whole 3weeks, getting a nasty **bleep** fisure (they gave me lactulose and some rectal cream which helped). I has 4 Filgrastin injections which helped with the blood counts and was told to take Gabapentine, which I did, but was wondering if that was necessary as I have had only a couple of days with bone pain and think those Gabapentine tablets have lots of SE’s themselves, if anyone can feedback on this, would really appreciate it. My plan is to not take them this time and brave it with regular painkillers… watch this space…

This time round I am armed with the knowledge, so hope to prevent some of the SE’s.


I was really busy last week as felt pretty well, went on a business trip as well, only UK based though, planning to go on Wednesday too, all being well. It’s what keeps me going, having normality is priceless…


Had a fab weekend, with one of best friend’s wedding and even danced a few times, then Sunday - daughter’s 13th birthday and baked her a Lorraine Pascal chocolate cake, covered in Maltesers :smileytongue: yummy… death by chocolate.


Anyway, that’s the summary so far, not had radiotherapy scheduled but they will do this on my last TAX which all being well should go ahead on 20th October. Counting down now - 6weeks till PICC line comes out and approx 11 weeks till all ends, just in time for Xmas do :smileyvery-happy:


Hope to hear only the best news from everyone this week, jumping in the shower now (or as my hubby would say: step in carefully) and get ready to go to work.


I will try and report on Friday, as it’ll probably be my off day if anything goes like the first TAX.


Love to all xx




Hi ladies,
Shoes… I’m sure your weekly chemo will fly by and hope it is much gentler on you . I am seeing onc today so will pile on the makeup and leave hubby at home ! Lol

Candyflossie… Congrats on your 5th chemo and your energiser bunny energy. Hope this continues and you have min SEs .

WP23… Wow! A finishing date , that must feel amazing ? A countdown to normality. Hope all goes well with the radiotherapy.
Cathc…glad your feeling ok. Our poor veins , I find myself apologising to my body for what I’m putting it through but it will recover . Glad to hear you haven’t lost your appetite for cake !

Slyolddog…glad 2nd tax went well and hope you have min SEs .

Hbunny…my hair does appear to be growing back. I actually went outside and could feel the wind blowing through it ! Odd sensation but nice .i was thinking the tax would get rid of it but now Im thinking I might just hold onto it !
HorseslAve…thanks about the gym advice I will ask about that today. I miss the gym , I have been doing a bit at home but its not the same. I’m glad your having an easier time on FEC …nearly at the finish line .

JuSt… I am going to meet up with you this week, by hook or by crook !

Not been on for a while , 2 weddings in 2 weeks (knackered) and yet again chemo 4 postponed due to low neutrophils 0.6 ! So Bloods and review today and hopefully first tax on Thursday and herceptin on Friday.
Should have been my 5th this week but delay after delay …will get there in the end but I was hoping it would all be done by Christmas and now it looks like radiotherapy will be in the new year!
I hope everyone has a good week, eats what they want, doesn’t worry about too much and feels the wind blowing through their hair(even if it’s only one hair ) soon.
Love Morag

Karen2609… Happy belated birthday ! Hope you had a fab day x

Hi July ladies

I haven’t been online for a while but reading through your posts shows that everyone appears upbeat which is great news. Your SE’s are continuing their patterns. Knowing what they were always made it easier for me to preempt and treat the symptoms to reduce the SE’s  and cope better hence I could continue working through out treatment.


Belated Happy Birthday to Karen :smileyvery-happy::heart:


I am now on herceptin an thought the process would be quicker. Not!  Had a 3hr delay on Weds for weight, Blood pressure then injection, 30mins observation for any SEs then home. I really thought that I would have been in and out of the hosp within an hour. Expectations eh? LOL


Wendy have you started your herceptin yet? What was your experience like?


Keep strong ladies. You will get to the end of chemo soon and start feeling much better. Sending you hugs 



Clare (sugar8)

Sorry guys unable to use unternet in hospital been in twice in one week. Found out i have blood clots and haveing to have injections every day for 6 months. Then they thought i had blood clot on my  lung but not the case i am glad to say. it seems its my COPD thats a problem. So for 2 weeks not been able to have my weekly tax so start next i hope The FEC has certainly upset my system it has caused the blood clots my legs and feet blew up and the skin was so tight .so when i went for the ultra sound she found some clots between my groin and knee.

Anyway hope you are all okay will try to catch up with posts tomorrow.


Wendy - sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, I hope your cold clears soon and the radiographers get a bit more chatty. For my part I’ve found the whole process a bit impersonal, just a conveyor belt to ride. The only time I felt there has been any care was when I was on the ward after my ops, the nurses were great.

Berkshirelass - sorry to hear you’re not well. Hospital is the best place to be, I hope you are soon rehydrated and feeling better.

Hbunny - not only are we on the same course of treatment at the same time bit we’re also going to the same place for a break! I’m off to Bath on Wednesday for 3 nights for our anniversary, I hope the hotel lives up to its website page. Can’t wait for a change of scenery, a bit if retail therapy and loads of overeating! The grotty taste in my mouth is peaking now but should be ok by the time we go.

Sending good wishes to all but especially those who have been laid low. Xx

Just to say hello to all of you and I do feel lucky when I see some of you have been struggling and are spending time in hospital and some are having to cope with long journeys for your treatment.


Like my previous TAX, day 5 was worse, no going to office yesterday, just laying there in pain, but luckily much better today, even managed to bake an apple strudel with my daughter… Unfortunately, can’t taste it, which angers me no end :smileymad: as I am such a foodie,


Pam  - PICC line is a good idea as it will take your mind off the canulating every time you need a blood test or chemo. I bought a Limbo cover for my arm and can have a perfectly good shower, it is only temporary, I suggest you go for it.


Not looking forward to another treatment, but, hey, it will be my last TAX, 5 weeks to go to the final line of chemo and PICC line will come out too.




Radiotherapy wise, can’t wait for the dates, I should get my schedule on 20th October and hope it will all be fitted before Xmas.



For those that are going through radiotherapy already, what is the deal with tatoo-ing? Is this a permanent thing?

I hope not, I’ve never been a tatoo person :smileysad:


Lots of hugs xxx




Day 4 on FEC. ALthough nowhere near as bad as TAX was for me, still very washed out and weak. No queasiness yet.
Sorry to hear of people struggling with SEs but it will all be over soon. One more chemo to go for me and thankfully no radiotherapy.
Should attempt to get up and have a nice shower. Picc line got removed as body rejected, so nice to shower arm where it was!

There I was happily leading myself into a false sense of security. Thinking tax was soooo much easier than FEC and then day 4 after I’d cooked lunch for 8 …bang ! ! Feel like I’ve been hit by a bloody great big lorry! That will teach me . Lol xxx

Mogs, it sneaks up on you TAX. The FEC Is more instant. Catering for 8 was ambitious. Take care of yourself and give it time. Rest lots.xx

Berkshirelass - glad to see your our of hospital and on the mend. Get those anti sickness drugs sorted, as I’ve said before I still insist on Emend before I have Tax. I’d rather have and not need than the other way round. I think generally hospitals are too quick to reduce the meds.

Mogs - Horseslave is right, Tax does creep up on you, which is one reason I prefer FEC, it’s not sneaky. And dinner for 8 was pretty ambitious! The more you do the more people expect you to do I’ve found, which has prompted a few reminders in this house. The longer you go through chemo the more it takes out of you, so you have to make sure you don’t overdo it. I’ve found days 4-8 to be the worst on Tax so I don’t plan anything for those days. I know I’ve said it before but u don’t know how people go to work after treatment.

I hope everyone’s doing well at the moment. It appears I’ve finally succumbed to something, I have a bright red rash on my right cheek. Doc thinks it might be a skin infection but not sure, anti biotic cream for 48 hours and if that doesn’t work then oral anti biotics. I’ll take whatever they give me, I don’t want to miss my date for my last treatment.

Have a good week ladies, try and stay dry.

Hi Wendy

Sorry to hear that you hate having radiotherapy, think I’ve been so focused on getting through the chemo that I just assumed rads wouldn’t be much of a problem. Having been through so much the last thing you need is to be treated so impersonally. Still at least you are nearly done, you’ll be finished before I’m even done with chemo , just keep focussing on that bottle of champagne x

Got my second weekly paclitaxel tomorrow, the se’s haven’t been too bad so far except for the awful mouth, I hate the thought of having a mixture of horrible taste or no taste for 6 weeks with no good week inbetween. Wouldn’t be so bad if this stopped me eating but I seem to eating more than normal in a bid to make my mouth feel normal.

Lots of hassle at chemo unit last week, first the booking in staff told my I couldn’t have my next weekly appointment for another 3 weeks as they were fully booked (luckily they were overruled by Dr), then Dr complained about me being put on weekly chemo saying that being hospitalised after Tax is fairly normal and no reason to change treatment before trying to talk me out of continuing with cold cap! As if I’m going to have spent all those extra hours sitting under it just to give up now!

Hope everyone is doing ok, we’re getting there

Hugs, Karen xx