Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Good luck today, Cath. Nearly there, hope all goes well x

Hi everyone

I’ve been missing for ages trying to recover from my final Tax session - day 13 today and still so so tired, all other SE’s gone now and looking forward to my radiotherapy planning appt next Monday. I’m having 20 consecutive days starting on 27th Oct so finish date of 21 Nov - hurrah. Then just 13 more Herceptin injections together with hormone treatment for 100 years and then I’m done!!! Doesn’t it just seem to go on forever!!! Can u tell I’m fed up with it all now?? They did warn me I’d feel blue after chemo finished - I just didn’t believe them!!! Never mind - onwards and upwards everyone - it’s Christmas soon ? xxxx

Hi Slydog all chemo completed I will be having Herceptin  every 3 weeks for a year. It is a targeted therapy for HER2 positive BC.


CathC no side effects so far, although  still have my numb toes and damaged nails  but feeling well and my energy level is increasing every day. I have even been to the gym a few times, My test will be the zumba class which I am hoping to attend in 2 weeks time. Wow, only one more chemo session for you yippee. I bet you can’t wait.


Wendy good luck with your radiotherapy. Hope it all goes smoothly.


Good luck to the rest of the July ladies. Sending you hugs and hoping you  have minimal SEs






Thanks so much, Anna. Email notifications coming through again.

Appreciate the speedy response. You should update your title to Super Forum Coordinator .
(Although no need to wear your pants over your tights Lol)



Cath - Can’t quite remember, how many FEC have you got left. Is it just the one???. Well done you, so very nearly there. Sounds like you have the SE’s under control this time, hope you are feeling ok and will soon be able to manage some cake!

Wendy - Well done you too, so nearly finished the rads. You must be really looking forward to that bottle of champagne, not long now. Hope you enjoy your weekend, a cruise sounds wonderful I’m sure you will be really tempted. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have our old lives back and be able to book a holiday with barely a second thought.

Hi Lilac55 - welcome to the forum, hope you are doing ok. Does seem a bit of a slog getting through it at times but we are all getting there.

Ruby - congrats on finishing your chemo, hope you don’t feel down for too long, at least you have dates for your radiotherapy sorted.

Hbunny and Slyolddog- your final sessions are next Friday aren’t they? That’s coming round really quickly, hope you both enjoy your good week before the final hit!

Clare - Sounds like you are doing really well since finishing chemo, I admire you planning to go back to Zumba so soon. Hope all goes well with your herceptin and that your toes and nails recover soon.

Had my second paclitaxel on Tuesday, another stressful session. Arrived for my 2.30 appointment, finally got called through at 4.30 and started having chemo at 5.30. All the nurses trained in fitting the cold cap had gone home by then, so another nurse had to fit it following a booklet, let’s hope it works! Only just managed to get a cup of tea before the lady went home. Got out at 9pm, back again next Tuesday for number 3.

Sorry to any July ladies I’ve missed, hope you are all doing well and not suffering from too many SE’s

Hugs, Karen

Hi Wendy

Herceptin injections have been absolutely fine. I don’t think any of my SE’s relate to them although I have had my first 4 at the same time as my chemo so a little difficult to distinguish what causes what!!!

Feeling a lot brighter now as each day passes and I move away from chemo.

To all you guys still having chemo - stay strong and steadily count each day as an achievement. You will get there and we’ll all
be stronger women when it’s all over.

Love Ruby x

Can’t sleep. Day 9 I guess after FEC. Really bad hip pain? Whopping mouth ulcer, I popped bonjela on it. Wil difflan rinse tomorrow. All I can hear is a raging pulse in my head. Boom boom, so cannot sleep! I always get it when I am emerging from the effects of chemo around the day 8/9 stage. So wierd!

Is anyone else finding they are becoming a bit of a recluse. I don’t want to go anywhere, do anything. No enthusiasm.

Hi Wendy

Herceptin injections have been absolutely fine. I don’t think any of my SE’s relate to them although I have had my first 4 at the same time as my chemo so a little difficult to distinguish what causes what!!!

Feeling a lot brighter now as each day passes and I move away from chemo.

To all you guys still having chemo - stay strong and steadily count each day as an achievement. You will get there and we’ll all
be stronger women when it’s all over.

Love Ruby x

Horseslave - I found salt water mouth washes the best thing for my mouth ulcers, 3-4 times a day. And yes, I was very much a house-bound bed bug for months. You’ll come alive again when it’s all over. Ruby xxx

Concentration not good at the mo so if i forget anyone i am so sorry


Thanks for all the hugs and good wishes these really help to keep me going. nearly gave up with all the thing they keep finding wrong. My tummy has so many brusies from the injections i have to have and one a day for 6 months i dont think will give them time to heal up. Had my first tax yesterday and only 8 left to go.

Cathc i must have missed something big pants?

got to go be back later






Hi Ruby - glad to hear how you are feeling brighter as you move away from chemo. Must be a wonderful feeling , I can’t wait. Hope all continues to go well with your herceptin.

Horseslave - I also get the raging pulse in my head, usually when I wake up in the early hours and can’t get back off to sleep. Don’t know what that is. Hope you start to feel a bit better soon. At least we are coming to the end of chemo.

Cath - I feel exactly the same about the chemo, in some ways it seems to have flown by but at other times it seems to be dragging on. I think these last few weeks are going to go really slowly. I’m a bit reticent to say I don’t appear to be suffering from the paclitaxel as last time I said that about Docetaxol I ended up in hospital for a week! At the moment i just have a really dry mouth. I’ve been drinking loads of water, used Difflam and a saliva spray from the chemist but nothing seems to help. Still can’t complain at the moment as could be much worse.

Hope you got chance to crash on the sofa this afternoon, it’s times like this we just have to listen to our bodies and rest when we need it. Hope your hubby is keeping you supplied with cake.

Wendy - glad the hospital has provided you with some accommodation next week, 100 mile round trip is not what you need on s daily basis. Have you seen where you will be staying yet? Hopefully will give you chance to rest and recharge your batteries.

Berkshire Lass - I’m with you on not being too keen on driving at the moment. I only started driving late in life and am not confident at the best of times so I’m not venturing far at the moment. Chemo brain certainly has a lot to answer for.

Shoes - I’m at Southend too, but to be honest even when I was on 3 weekly Fec I was always at least an hour late going in. They haven’t told me to ring before I leave home but I might do that as my next appointment is 2.30 again. What are the daily injections you are having? I haven’t been given any since changing to paclitaxel and am slightly concerned that my white blood cells won’t build up enough on their own. 2 sessions in and I’m feeling fine apart from the horrible mouth, I’m not feeling nearly as tired as with the Fec or docetaxol. How are you coping? You do seem to have been through the wars, hopefully paclitaxel will be a bit easier for you, you’ve been through so much but nearly there now.

Looking forward to the day when we have all finished our chemo and recovered from all the SE’s, until then onwards and upwards

Karen xx

Cath - hope you got through your drunk day ok! Talking of which I do miss having a good week on paclitaxel, although I haven’t felt too bad I haven’t felt back to normal either, and I’m missing having a glass of wine. Still like you say not long now. Take care and make sure you get as much rest as you need.

Shoes - hope you are ok, is the chemo affecting your breathing too? Sounds like you are really going through the mill, fingers crossed for you that you can complete all the treatment.

Berkshire Lass - hope you enjoyed your evening out and got to wear your new dress. Since my mastectomy I have so many clothes that I am unable to wear any longer. High necklines only for me now.

I for one am enjoying the autumnal days, good excuse to wrap up, put my hood up and hibernate.

Wishing you all a good weekend

Hugs, Karen x

Hi all, just having a quick catch-up with all your posts - lots to read!  The last few about chemo brain made me laugh as I have just come up to bed for the night having got a glass out of the cupboard for my night-time drink, carried it upstairs then realised I forgot to put the water in it!  Glad it’s not just me lol.


Was due for last tax on Monday but had a wasted trip to the hospital for my review on Friday as my onc was off sick and they tried to get someone to cover her appointments but eventually came back to say they had been unable to so had to re-jig the reviews for Monday so chemo put back to Tuesday.  Oh well, at least I get an extra ‘good’ day on Monday before it all starts again.  Had been really looking forward to getting the last one over and done with, but not so keen now it’s nearly here - think it’s just the thought of those dreaded se’s kicking in in a few days.


Sorry not got time to catch up with everyone individually but sending hugs and best wishes to all,


speak soon,




JuSt - sorry to hear your last chemo has been put back a day, it’s so frustrating when this happens but at least it’s only a day and your last one. Make the most of your extra good day tomorrow and hope all goes well Tuesday with minimal SE’s.

BerkshireLass - glad you got out for a couple of hours last night even if you did have to come home early. You’ll have to make up for it at the next party you go to, hopefully not long now before you feel more normal. Hate the insomnia which comes with chemo, unfortunately I’ve got a feeling it may last for a while yet. Will be especially hard to deal with once back to work.

Cath - hope you managed to get out and about for a while today, much as I love snuggling up on sofa it does tend to make you a bit stir crazy. Nice to get out for some fresh air before the rain hits. My treadmill is finally going to be delivered tomorrow, just hope I’ve got the energy to actually use it now!

Shoes - I haven’t got bone ache yet either, hopefully we will avoid it on the paclitaxel but like you my mouth feels awful. I feel for you having to have all those injections, your poor bruised stomach. I’m back on Tuesday for my next chemo but the week after I’m in on Thursday so maybe we will bump into each other. Hope you don’t have any further problems with your breathing and that you manage to stay out of hospital.

Bit of a panic today, found out this morning that I have been overdosing on omeprazole for the past couple of weeks. When on Docetaxol I was taking 40mg morning and evening when my chemo changed my onc dropped it to 30mg but I didn’t realise I should have only been taking once a day. It’s only when I noticed I was running out this morning that I checked the label. Luckily when I rang the chemo unit they didn’t appear overly concerned, think I’ll blame chemo brain but have to make sure I read all meds properly from now on.

Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep, I’m off to bed now and will hopefully sleep through the thunderstorms forecast.

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Shoes, hope you got on ok at dr’s. Were they able to do anything to help your breathing? I’m there at 1.30 next Thurs so I will most probably still be in waiting room when you get there. I’ll be the one who looks like a scarecrow!

Lilac, now that your wig has had its first outing next time will probably be easier. I do admire you going off to Barcelona before your next treatment, hope you have a wonderful time. You might not find Tax too bad, I felt better after Tax than Fec but unfortunately picked up an infection which left me hospitalised for a week so I wasn’t allowed to have it again.

Cath, my legs don’t feel right this week either. Really achy as if I’ve walked miles but I haven’t! Treadmill was a bit bigger than I realised so couldn’t put it where I’d planned and have had to leave in living room at the moment. Hoping to have a go tomorrow before chemo. Hope your legs are feeling a bit better now, don’t rush back onto treadmill if you don’t feel up to it. Plenty of time after all this is over to work off those cakes. All my clothes are getting very tight now but I’m not going out and buying a bigger size so will have to get my act together at some stage.

3rd Paclitaxel tomorrow, my appointment isn’t until 2.30 again but hoping to be out of there before 9 this time, however I don’t hold out much hope,

Love to all, Karen x

Awake again at an unholy hour! Been up,since 3am. Got my shopping delivery done, every cloud…
Read through all your posts. Sorry for those having horrid Side effects, it won’t be forever.x

One more chemo to do on the 23rd! Then thats it! I have already had my mastectomy and joke of a recon. What a mess. Uncomfortable Saline thing that they will pump up in the future. Looks rubbish.feels like I have a crumpled whoopee cushion poking out. Bet Angelina Jolie hasn’t got to put up with that. Ha!

So, I expect they will sort that out, sort the other side out to match at a later stage. They don’t tell you much, i feel as though we find out via osmosis.
Still recovering from the lymph node surgery, which has bothered me far, far more. I am an artist and its been like some sort of sick joke to lose mobility due to nerve damage in my right arm. However, I am determined to get it back and avoid lymphodema or whatever its called, so spend evry morning painting, drawing, getting that arm moving regardless of discomfort.

Theres many other things to take on board and endure beside chemo, during this journey.

Back to work january, whatevr. As I would go into half pay then , so no way can I stay off longer. I would really like to have another 6 months off to recover fully from chemo and surgery but if wishes were horses…

Horseslave, are you having radiotherapy or are you finished after chemo? I go onto half pay in early November but won’t even have started rads by then. As the hospital where I will be having it done and my work are so far away from each other I can’t see me being able to go back until after Christmas.

Sorry you’re not happy with recon so far, I agree they don’t seem to keep us informed on that side of things. My recon is delayed so apparently they won’t even discuss it until 6 - 12 months after rads and then I will have to go onto waiting list. When I had mastectomy I was given impression recon would be around a years time realistically now looks more like 2 years.

Hope you start to feel a bit better soon, not long until your last chemo. Maybe once you’ve recovered from the Se’s you will feel a bit brighter.

Hi Cath, glad to hear your legs are feeling a bit better. I had a short go on treadmill this morning and really enjoyed it, hope it’s not just the novelty factor I feel like a kid with a new toy at the moment!

Not too long until your last chemo either, at least you will be finished this month - Woohoo?. I’m off after lunch to number 7 of 10 , I’m resigned to having a long wait and being there all evening and I’m not going to let it get to me. I have spoken to some people in there who haven’t got out until midnight!! Compared with that 9pm doesn’t seem too bad.

Time for cream scone and cup of tea before I leave, hope everyone has a good day


Hi Slyolddog, how are you feeling today? Hope your sore throat and sniffy nose haven’t amounted to anything, don’t want anything to jepodise your last one! Good luck for Friday must be a lovely feeling to know this part is almost over.
Glad you enjoyed your weekend in Bath, I know what you mean about not being able to walk so far. When my boss came out to do a welfare visit at the beginning of September I met her at station and she had to ask me to slow down as I was charging ahead but at the weekend I was walking up hill to the High Street with my daughter when I had to ask her to slow down.
Glad you’ve got your onc appointment, hopefully you will be feeling ok on the day. I saw mine this morning and he has now referred me to Radiotherapist, hopefully I won’t have to wait too long to get started.

I too have been looking more to the future as we come to the end of this part of the road to recovery. Life will never be the same for any of us, up til now I have always taken my good health for granted. Like you, I know now that chemo is certainly doable but I really don’t want to have to go through it all again although the thought of recurrence is never far from my mind.

Paclitaxel 3 went ok yesterday, out of hospital by 8.20 so slightly earlier than last week. 3 weeks to go ?

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Cath, yes can’t wait for next three weeks to go by, just hoping there are no more delays. If everything had gone to schedule I would be having my last dose tomorrow. Never mind, the end is in sight now.

Great news that you now have a date for radiotherapy and so soon! I’m always looking ahead to the next stage and having a date for something to happen makes me feel better.

I’m with you on the sore mouth although mine isn’t so bad since I stopped overdosing on omeprazole. Yes cream cakes and ice cream do seem to help. It’s strange but before all this started I wasn’t really a cakey sort of person, more crisps and chocolate. Now I can’t stop eating cakes and fruity sweets which I would never normally touch.

My eyebrows are very sparse now but I haven’t got the knack of drawing them in, hoping they will be able to teach me when I go on my LGFB session.

Saw my GP today who told me I need a flu jab so booked in for that on 25th Oct.

Good luck Slyolddog and hbunny on your final Tax tomorrow, hope all goes well. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone else having treatment this week.

Love to all, Karen xx

Hi Fiona, when is your last chemo? Don’t know about you but it doesn’t seem that long ago since we started and now we are all either finished or nearly there. Despite the times when I despaired that it would never end it hasn’t been as bad as I imagined.
Do you need further treatment after chemo? I’ve still got rads to go after I finish, really hoping to have it all done by Christmas and have a fresh start in the New Year.
Good luck with your last chemo, Karen x