Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Flossie, I do admire you bring back to work, hope all goes well don’t overdo it.

Hi Gill, 11th Nov will come round quickly and at least when you see your onc you will find out what can be done to ease your SE’s. Not much longer now before we are done with this.

Hi Cath, sorry to hear you were feeling so bad at the weekend. I can totally see where you are coming from not wanting to keep ringing when not feeling too good. At least this is your last time just the rads to go now.

Day 5 for me just 2 more days until last chemo (fingers crossed)

Hugs to all x

Hi Berkshirelass and congrats on getting through your last chemo. Last time to get through the SE’s , hopefully you will be feeling back to normal soon x

Just lost a long post in which I finally managed to reply to most of you?. Haven’t got the energy to retry tonight as need to go to bed.

Will try again tomorrow but in meantime had my last chemo on Thursday, not feeling too bad so far apart from yucky mouth and aching legs, finding hills and stairs a bit of a problem.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and I will attempt to reply to posts properly tomorrow

Hugs, Karen xx

Hi July Ladies


Good morning. It’s a lovely sunny Sunday in Hertfordshire.


Cath- Sorry to hear that your high temperature made you feel rotten. Hope you feel fully better soon. Glad to hear that your last session of Chemo is completed.

My 3 weekly herceptin are nothing compared to the chemo stinging and all. I can put up with that. I just hate the long wait for a 5 min treatment. Annoying and really wish I could self administer it.


Hi Wendy, Karen and hbunny- The tired heavy legs will improve with time. Mine did and I can walk faster and have a gym routine now. I even managed to attend a zumba class. My silicone implant feels a bit funny when I’m dancing around but I shall get used to it:smileyhappy:. Wendy, Hope you don’t have to wait too long at your herceptin appts like I do.


Glad you coped at work slyolddog. I found work quite a lifeline as it stopped me feeling sorry for myself and although I had cut down it was good to get up and get out there during my chemo, or I might have become quite reclusive LOL. I am now back to my normal 2 days a week job.


Berkshirelass. The Hercepin does sting. It feels better if the nurse does it as slow as possible then the stinging is at the beginning and when the needle is withdrawn.


Well all, I am feeling 99% well in spite of my chronic sciatica, The exercises are helping to reduce it so I hope it disappears soon as I continue to strengthen my back muscles.

Keep well all and good luck to everyone who is having or starting rads.

Love to all

Clare x

Hi Everyone,


It has indeed been a better week although you are right, Slyolddog, the achy legs after TAX are still on, wonder how long will it take.


Had my rads planning and start on 26th November which means I will be done on 23rd December, seems to be a theme… CathC, our treatment timings are very similar.


it would be good to know how long till a full head cover, the leaflets say 3-6 months, 3months not so bad, 6 months sounds like forever …I have a mixture of dark and light fluffy hair pretty much all over my head, but I hope now without the chemo it will pick up stronger and faster, wishful thinking



Take care and hope that SE’s are kept under control this week

Flossie xx

Hi everyone,

Cath, hope your temp gets back to normal soon and you get rid of your cold. I hope to find out this week when my rads start and finish but like you I really want it all done by Christmas although that’s looking unlikely now. Just want to say goodbye to this awful year.

Flossie, I’m wondering a lot about hair too. I cold capped and have kept a lot but to be honest it just looks a mess, very sparse and frizzy as I can’t blow dry yet. Can’t wait to get it all cut short and start again but chemo nurses said I have to leave it 6 weeks.

Sugar, so glad to hear you feel 99% well, that gives me so much hope for the next few weeks. Must be nice just getting back to some kind of normality.

Wendy, I too have put on a load of weight since starting chemo, at least a stone and still got the rads to go. I can’t afford to put on anymore as I won’t be able to squeeze into anything. Like you I want to start exercising, my poor treadmill is all abandoned, but my legs won’t let me at the moment. Hope work is good and thanks for your tips re rads.

It does seem like a lot of us on this thread have lost people close to us this year. I haven’t but my dad was diagnosed with skin cancer the same week I was with bc and he has subsequently found out he also has prostate cancer.

Hbunny, good luck with rads on Weds, at least you’re on the last leg of treatment now. I’m with you on very sparse lashes and brows and wondering if they will last or are yet to disappear completely. The aching legs and weight gain are driving me mad, although my is self inflicted too much cake and chocolate to cheer myself up during chemo!

Slyolddog, glad to hear you are back to work too and that your taste buds seem to be improving. I can’t wait for that, it does seem like the main lingering SE for all of us is the heavy aching legs. Having said that I’m not even a week past my last chemo yet so probably shouldn’t moan too much.

Shoes, hope you are feeling a bit better?

Reading through the posts there does seem to be a lot of positivity around, even though we aren’t quite there yet everyone appears to be coping well. I suppose we are lucky to be finishing treatment at this time of year and can look forward to 2015 although life will never be quite the same again.

Good luck to anyone still having chemo, I must admit it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be at the start. Did have some bad times like being hospitalised for a week but it was all doable and it’s amazing how quickly you forget - a bit like childbirth.

Hugs, Karen x

Hi CathC , I am having 4 weeks, last one is a booster I am told. 


Hi Karen, I am with you on this one, I’ve put weight on, nearly a stone and it drives me bonkers, I am so self concious, that and the hair… Surely we should stop worrying about it when other people are suffering with serious issues, but it just is in women’s nature I suppose. Can’t exercise yet, as still quite achy, need to have more patience :womanfrustrated: 


Love to all,

Flossie xx

Hi hbunny

Just wanted to say a quick good luck for the start of your radiotherapy tomorrow. Please let us know how you get on and how you feel during the process.

Gill - pleased to see they’re changing your chemo and you’ll be done earlier than expected. Is there anything to follow?

On the radiotherapy front mine’s been put back a day as the radiographers are on strike on the 25th!! When they rang to let me know I was a bit disappointed, but its only a day.

Glad to see I’m not the only one here with hair (and body) like Friar Tuck!! Too much fat and not enough hair, need to get those switched.

Have a good week everyone. Xx

Hi to all sorry been a bit down and not been feeling how i thought i might this week. Looks like i could take till after christmas before i will start to feel better. Should see the rads doc next week to see if i will be having radio treatment. Appetite is not to good so on steroids for a week cold sores round my mouth one goes and another one comes. Still still short of breath and tired. 

Hope all that have finished chemo are on the up. Karen Cath slydog hope you are well catch up with you all soon.

Hi all,

Cath, hope you enjoyed your lunch with friends and that you could taste and enjoy your wine!

Shoes, sorry to hear you’re not doing too well at the moment. How many weeks now since your last chemo? Is it about 3? They told me it takes 6 weeks to get out of your system so hopefully things will start to improve for you soon. I’m not surprised you’re feeling down, it’s been such a long haul and you expect to feel better once chemo has finished.

Been really busy this week, backwards and forwards to hospital for appointments and eldest daughter is looking at 6th forms for next year. Intended to post a couple of times but ended up nodding off instead!

Saw onc on Weds, really good meeting and although he was running 1 1/2 hrs late he took time to make sure I’m ok emotionally as well as physically and talked about trying to ensure I don’t spend all my time worrying about recurrence. I’ve now been put onto Letrozole for 10 yrs as a blood test revealed I am post menopausal. Bit of a shock that I’ve been through menopause at 49 and didn’t even notice.

On Thursday saw Radiotherapist, I’m going to need 15 sessions followed by 5 or 8 boosts, unfortunately she told me this means I won’t be finished by Christmas. Strange but now I know for sure I won’t be finished by Christmas it doesn’t bother me so much.

Chemo brain means I can’t remember much but are we all finished chemo now? Good luck to anyone having rads or herceptin at the moment and hope everyone finished treatment is beginning to get back to some sort of normality. Hopefully the reason this thread is not as active as it was is because we are starting to get our lives back.

Love to all, Karen x

Cath - good luck for your rads tomorrow, hope it all goes well and you don’t suffer any ill effects. We’re due to finish about the same time so it will be interesting to see how we do.
Hope you’re still feeling better. Xx

Hi everyone! Not been on here for a bit. You have not been forgotten but I just needed to put some space between myself and whats been happening.
I see some of you are having rads and others I exoect, have surgery to go through still? Its different treatment for everyone but I hope its all a success in the end, unpleasant as it may be.
Fatigue. Nearly 4 weeks after last FEC. I can still barely stand. Muscles ache. Heavy cold doesnt help. No energy.
I refuse to start taking this tamoxifen just yet, I want to feel recovered from chemo first!
Is it normal to be so weak? Would you go to the doctors?

Went to doctors and have chest infection, so there you go! Antibiotics and feeling better today. So if anyone is in doubt just get it sorted! Dont leave it for a week like me…

Hi Flossie, my last chemo (paclitaxel) was on 6th Nov and my only lasting Se is aching legs/feet ( esp at nighttime) and swollen ankles. Always planning to have an early night as feel so tired but going to bed feels like such an effort I never get there as early as I would like!

Hope everyone is doing ok, been busy with parent evenings, 6 th form open days, drama and football. Things are getting back to normal on the outside but will never be quite the same again, I feel like I’m avoiding social situations when I can.

Rads start 4th Dec so won’t be over by Christmas/ New Year but I’m not so bothered about dates now I’ve finished chemo. Bit hung up on fears of recurrence at the moment, even though my onc was very encouraging and determined I would get on with my life. Even if he had said my chance of surviving next 5 yrs was 99% I would still be thinking but what if I’m the 1%?

I’m hoping these fears will subside a bit and I will learn to live with them without obsessing but I just keep thinking my chances of getting bc in the first place were very slim but I still managed it.

For those of you wondering about my unnoticed menopause, I was put on the POP a couple of years ago due to heavy periods and therefore haven’t had s period for about 2 years. Mentioned hot flushes and night sweats to GP but she didn’t seem concerned, said if it was menopause I would know all about it.

Doesn’t say much for my temperament if hubby and kids didn’t even notice me getting more moody!!

Hope everyone is ok, sorry for not replying to individual posts but feeling v tired.

Love to all, Karen x

Hi Cath

Hope you get out for your walk, very wet and miserable here. Like you I’ve not been on the treadmill for a while, everyday I intend too but can’t summon up energy at the moment, maybe this afternoon I’m sure I will feel better if I do.

Also like you I never used to worry about my health before, I’ve never really been ill and used to think I was invincible, things like this always happened to other people. I think this is the hardest thing for me to come to terms with but I suppose it’s early days for all of us at the moment.

Hope everyone has a good weekend x

Ah Clare, that’s lovely. What sort of dog is it? Mine’s just turned 3 and we love him to bits. So nice to hear some happy news.

Enjoy him/her

Hi Cath, glad you enjoyed your walk at the weekend, unfortunately I didn’t make it! Legs and feet still seem very achy at times but mainly in the evening so not really an excuse for not getting some exercise.

Glad to hear your skin is holding up well at the moment. Can’t believe you are on your second week of rads already that seems to be going really quickly. I just want to get started on mine.

Went to Look Good Feel Better workshop today, I really enjoyed it and def felt better for it. Got some good tips and lovely make up so have now made an appointment to have my hair cut tomorrow. I’m going to have to go really short which I’ve never done before but it’s so thin at the moment needs to be done.

Hope you start to feel a bit better soon, one of the drivers at the hospital told me most people going through radiotherapy tend to hit a low a couple of weeks into it. At least you will be all done by Christmas and can start the New Year afresh.

Hope everyone else is feeling ok

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Ladies - sorry, not been on for quite a while but have still been keeping up with your posts when I can.


I’ve now done 2 weeks rads, with only this week to go - roll on Friday! Have found it ok so far and skin is fairing pretty well to date. Been doing the simple soap/aqueous cream. Hope everyone else who is having treatment is doing ok with it.


Karen, Cath (and probably many others) - I’m with you on the fears of recurrence. Some days I really feel positive about the worst being over, it being sorted etc but it doesn’t take much for the fear to return. As you say, hopefully the fears will reduce so we can gain a fair degree of normality (whatever that is now!) x


Clare - lovely news about your new dog. Enjoy your walks and getting to know each other x


Hugs to everyone - hope you are all keeping as well as can be,



Hi JuSt, great news that you are on your last week of rads, so nearly there and sounds like your skin is holding up well. Hope you have a nice treat lined up for the weekend to celebrate!!

Hi Slyolddog, I too was anxious about starting hormone tablets (Letrozole in my case) reading some of the threads I thought I was going to have to put up with awful SE’s. Well, early days so far but everything is fine at the moment so fingers crossed!
Glad you’ve got your first rads under your belt and still on course to finish on the 18th. I would def book up for a LGFB session if you need a pick up. I really enjoyed mine and it did make me feel better, I even took the time to put some on this morning.

Hi Fiona, good news that your grosheng line is our, lucky you no rads. Good luck with the tamoxifen.

Hi hbunny, glad to hear you are getting on well with the rads and have even managed a swim. I would love to go swimming but not going to be possible for me for couple of years until I’ve had reconstruction.

Hi Cath, well done you getting back on the treadmill! Glad to hear your skin is still holding up well on the rads. I’m sure you will enjoy your LGFB session next Tues, as well as being a boost to your confidence it’s lovely to meet other ladies at different stages in this journey. I can honestly say that I would not have known any of the ladies on the session with me we’re having treatment for cancer. The goodie bag is amazing too.

Took the plunge and got my hair cut today, I’ve never had it this short and it’s going to take a lot of getting used to but the thinning wispy bits had to go. Hubby said it looks ok but would be better if I hadn’t put on so much weight as the hairstyle would look better if my face wasn’t so round!! What a charmer eh? Can see what he means though.
Hope everyone is having a good week
Hugs, Karen x

Hi Cath

Whoo hoo - 2nd week of rads done, your half way through before I’ve even started!

JuSt - Congrats on finishing rads.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, I’m enjoying feeling pretty normal at the moment (apart from only 1 boob and an extra stone in weight)

Hugs, Karen x