Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for your thoughts on me finishing rads - all done! Whoop! Whoop!  That actually went really fast and I’ve been out for a celebratory meal and glass (or three!) of wine, which was lovely.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend before treatment starts again Monday and hope the time on rads goes by for you all as quickly and easily as it has for me.

I just have to face the dreaded ‘canula in the buggered veins’ on Monday for my CT scan, so it’s back to see the chemo nurses once again and I can only hope my veins behave now (unlike my last chemo where they had given up completely) - well, I can hope :-/

Hugs to all,




Hi everyone! Hope we are all doing really well! Am I alone in feeling a bit lost or odd now the treatment and constant appointments have ended? Not in a sad sort of way but more a what now sort of way?

Tamoxifen is giving me diarroeah! Hope it makes me lose weight then!
Car decided to give up the ghost. Just before Xmas eh? Hey ho.

Can I ask, has anyone else got stiffness, tenderness in chemo arm - lower arm is crampy and tender.
Its quicker asking on here than waiting to see gps!
I really hope we are all going to be ok now and not face too many more hurdles.

Hi all hope that everyone is feeling well or as well as you can be. Not been on for a while not felt to good even though i have not had chemo since the 23rd Oct. Feeling sick nearly all of the time so onc has decided that i should have a ct scan of head lungs and pelvic area. So fingers crossed. Going for planning meeting tomorrow for rads. Got three weeks with rads and the doc said it will be over christmas so have to go on a saterday after christmas.

Hi Shoes, hope your rads planning meeting went ok, I was surprised how quick it was! Hope you get a date for your CT scan soon and get to find out what’s been causing all your sickness. You really have been through the mill with treatment.

Hi Slyolddog, wine and crisps/chocolate sounds very nice for a weekend treat, it’s nice to have something to look forward too. I wish I’d watched the Michael Palin programme, it sounds really good and quite fancy a bit of spooky viewing.

Hi Cath, hope you enjoy your LGFB session, it really gave me a boost and I am using most of the products most days. Seems like you are getting through the rads quite quickly, although I appreciate it may not feel that way to you but at least you will be all done by Christmas.

Hi hbunny, sorry to hear you are still suffering with your veins are still suffering, it’s so true that the hidden effects of chemo can be long lasting. Glad you enjoyed the wine, although not the se’s. Nearly done with your rads too ?

Talking of hair, despite using cold cap I lost most of mine from underneath but saw on one of these threads about Lush shampoo bar. I’ve been using for a couple of weeks and it is definitely thickening up and shampoo smells lovely. Because it’s a bar it will last for ages which is lucky as quite expensive.

Bit of a cold, miserable day here will have to start thinking about putting the tree up. I love Christmas

Hugs, Karen

Hi all planning meeting went well even though i was sick at the hospital [people avoid you as they think you have the norav sickness].  Start rads on the 11th dec. I know i had 2 tattos but cant find them a bit like you karen. Just had a call and having CT on Saturday.  So should find out soon what is wrong as this sickness is making me feel rubbish.

Thanks for all with your comments i am so glad that no one else has had to put up with what i have gone through i think its something to do with my age as i am 63 and have other illnesses.

Hi to all July Ladies

Wendy, sorry to hear you are having such a rubbish time with herceptin, have you got to have it for a year or 6 months? Sorry I know you’ve prob said before but my memory is rubbish. Hope you can get something soon to make the SE’s a bit more bearable.

Cath, really glad you enjoyed the LGFB session, they are great and such a wonderful idea. Good to hear you getting through the rads.

Shoes, sorry to hear you’re still being sick. At least you have dates for rads and CT scan now. Wishing you well, you’ve been through enough c**p this year you deserve to start feeling better soon.

Due to start my rads tomorrow but had phone call this morning to say my treatment plan hasn’t been finalised as its ‘complicated’ and needs signing off by consultant so first treatment has been delayed until next Weds. Sounds pathetic but I was really upset, just seem to have encountered delays every step of the way. Was told rads should start within 3 weeks of last chemo, this will be 5. Wish I’d asked why my treatment plan is complicated.

Anyway got a grip now and appreciate that Shoes has had to wait a lot longer than me for rads to start so I’ll shut up moaning.

Wendy, I’m with you in hoping 2015 going to be a better year for us all.

Sending love
Karen x

Hi Karen

I know exactly how you feel having your rads put back. Mine was only put back one day but that upset me. We are still ticking to our individual treatment clocks and dates become obsessively important. I hope once you get started you don’t spend too much time on the travelling. I’m 7 down now with 11 to go. All well so far but an average of 2and a half to 3 hours out of my day for 10 minutes of treatment. Bummer.

It will soon be all over. Keep the faith ladies! Xx

Thanks Slyolddog, hearing about your travelling times I feel a bit guilty for moaning now. Mine should only take about 40 minutes each way depending on traffic. Hope yours are going ok and not too sore.

At least the finish line is now in sight!!


Hi Wendy, good that you are on 6 not 12 months herceptin, hopefully the time will fly by. Am I right in thinking its you having 5 weeks leave at Christmas? If so you must be starting that soon.

Yes, I am having rads to the left side and I know that means they have to be extra careful because of the heart. I’ve been thinking about why my plan should be complicated and think it may be because the tumour was very deep and close to the chest wall, so much so that they couldn’t get clear margins. Maybe that affects it?

Hi Cath, I didn’t realise you had to travel 3 hours a day too. No wonder you feel so tired, hope you enjoy a driving free weekend. Have you got many left?

Christmas tree up and as it’s the weekend going to treat myself to a glass of red and watch Elf with the kids, well the youngest at least I’m sure my girls will disappear to their rooms with their phones after 5 minutes.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Karen x

Evening ladies

Well, 9 down and 9 to go. Feeling ok, just a little bit sore so far. I did struggle to drag myself out of bed this morning though, looking forward to a lie in tomorrow.

Went to see the BCNS this afternoon about the pain in my arm. I have cording, which is why if now hurts down to my forearm. Apparently it can go right into the palm of the hand. I need to massage it every day in the hope that it eventually ‘snaps’! Really looking forward to that day I can tell you. I had previously looked at pictures of cording on the Internet but didn’t think I had it as the pictures are horrendous. My BCN sats that the bit I can see, which looks like cat gut under my arm, is probably not as bad as what can’t be seen. Anyway, just another thing to add to the list of body breakdowns.

I hope everyone has a good weekend planned, especially if it involves plenty of rest. Here’s to a glass of something to lift the spirits. Keep smiling, soon be Christmas! Xx

Hi Ladies - hope everyone is getting better and stronger each day.  I had my CT scan Monday - the lovely nurse on the chemo ward said she’d put me a ‘big one’ in, (just in case of which procedure I was having done) which was pretty painful and also turned out to be unnecessary as the staff at the scan said I didn’t need one that large! Oh well, at least she found my vein first time so I was pleased to know I have one left in my non-surgery side that still works!


Have been having an issue with chest, then throat pain along with noisy breathing when I lie down.  The suspect is acid reflux - anyone else have this?  Have been put back on lansoprazole and the pain has eased but I still have a feeling of a lump in my throat and a gurgling rattle in there.  Am hoping it will go away on its own, but has been there quite a while now so I have to go back to GP in a few weeks if no better to see about having a camera down throat.  I was really hoping to just feel better by Christmas!


Shoes - hope your scan has gone ok today and that you get some answers and sorted out really soon x


Karen - I also had my rads start date put back by almost a week and was told it was because of a delay in the planning of my treatment so hopefully that is just something that happens sometimes due to logistics rather than because a particular case is complicated - I was told it was just because there are several people involved in the planning.  Good luck with rads from Weds x


WP23 - you must really be looking forward to your five weeks off.  I think you have done great to work as much as you have - yes, we want to get back to ‘normal’ but it’s hard when people don’t make any concessions just because we look well.  Hope you have a lovely rest and recharge x


Slyolddog - cording is horrid isn’t it?  II asked if I should be referred for physio or something but was told no, just keep stretching it and massaging it.  Did you get told anything more specific? I heard about one lady who had similar and that it did take about a year but her arm improved, so hopefully we’ll get there x


CathC - Get that tree up!! Just kidding - have managed to get ours out of the loft and on it’s stand but it’s just stood there looking pretty sad now surrounded by lots of boxes of lights, decorations etc - as you say, manana (can’t work out how to get the little squiggle on the n!).  I like that word more and more lately! Hope you have a restful weekend x


Wishing a restful weekend to you all - unless you’re gonna go out and party like I am tonight.  Well, can’t miss out on the annual treat of a meal and disco, even though I feel guilty for not being back at work.  Had better go get myself glammed up - to wig or not to wig? that is the question.  I have now gone from ‘Sinead’ when I shaved my hair off (and it was still fairly dark) to Annie Lennox now it has come back pretty white!  Am wondering who I’ll turn into next - probably Charlie Drake as it looks like it’s going a bit curly!


Hugs to all,




Evening Ladies, chilly one tonight!

Hi Slyolddog, hope you enjoyed your lie in this morning. At least you are halfway through now and by this time next week will be nearly over. Your cording sounds awful, hope you manage to get it sorted soon. It does seem like everytime we feel we are getting there another obstacle appears x

Hi Wendy, you must be so looking forward to your leave I do admire you going back so soon. Sorry to hear they are piling on the pressure though. It’s funny that we all keep being told how well we look, I do think that I make more effort than I did before treatment when I know I’m going to see people I know. I don’t want to look ill or have people feeling sorry for me but maybe this attitude doesn’t do us any favours as although we look fine on the outside I doubt any of us will be the same inside. Have a lovely weekend then just a few days to get through at work x

Hi Cath, hope you are enjoying your drive free weekend. I’m actually flavour of the month with one of my teenagers at the moment as I managed to get her 12th row seats to see One Direction at the O2. Won’t last though!

Good luck with your last normal rad before the boosters. Do you know if the procedure is any different for the boosts?

Hope the Christmas shopping went well, I really need to motivate myself in that direction x

Hi JuSt, sorry to hear you are having problems with your chest/throat, although if the lansoprozle has eased some of the symptoms maybe the feeling of lump in your throat wll just take a bit longer to fade. It does sometimes feel like one thing after another though. Glad you got your CT scan done now.

Have a wonderful time at the party, I like the sound of the Annie Lennox look! A good night out sounds like just what you need and it’s so nice to be able to do normal things for a while. Enjoy? x

Shoes, hope your scan went ok today and that you start to feel better soon x

Hugs, Karen x

Hi July ladies,


Nearly half way through rads 12 more to go and so far so good.


I simpathise with you Just, I have a lump in my throat feeling nearly constantly, I have no idea what causes it and plan to ask the oncologist, hopefully I’ll be able to get an appointment.


Muscle ache in my legs is still there, although has improved slightly. You are all right about we may look fine on the outside, but there is a lot of repair work going on the inside which will take months if not years. I don’t like the sound of it, but it is the reality. I guess the alternative of not having treatment would have been pretty bleak, so that’s where I find my consolation.:womanfrustrated:


Christmas will be here soon, but like some of you, tree isn’t up yet, maybe next weekend we’ll get a real one and put it up.

My obsession at the moment is hair growth and started having a weekly session of photos to see difference. I have also seen the photos/video of Laura Price and it gave me some sense of progress, as she described some of the emotions that no doubt all of us went and are still going through. It’s good to have an idea of how long different stages take and I can see some light at the end of this long tunnel.


Take care and lots of hugs,


Flossie xx



Hi all thanks for all your wishes. Feeling a bit better tonight.  Tree up !!! hubby has got some good uses. CT was okay but after watching them trying to get the canular in for the dye i can now see why the doc insisted i had a pick line put in. Karen you never know we may bump into each other in the rads clinic find out my times on thursday. Sorry cant remember everyones post so in genral i hope that you all are looking forward to the end of this year i know i am. Keep well all.

Evening Ladies

Candyflossie, hope your rads went ok today, my legs are still very achy and heavy too. Sometimes it seems they are back to normal and then they ache again. Stairs seem to be a bit of a problem too some days but other days I’m fine. I’m also keeping a photographic record of my hair, I’ve noticed that its not all growing back white/grey the back seems mostly brown.

Hi Shoes, glad the CT scan went ok and that you are feeling a bit better. I will look out for you when having rads, like you I don’t know my times yet.

Hi Cath, hope your rads are continuing to go ok, sorry my memory is terrible are you moving onto the boosters tomorrow?

Need to snuggle on the sofa with my blanket and a cuppa, my feet and nose are freezing!! Got to resist the mince pies.

Take care all

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Lilac, congrats on finishing your chemo. I still have achy legs and trouble walking up stairs some days and I’m 5 weeks post chemo. Def easing though and some days are better than others.

Hi Cath, thanks for the updates on boosters. Glad they seem to be going well, sounds like you are nearly done now. Had my first rads session today and some good news, apparently my treatment plan has changed and my boosts will be incorporated into normal rads so I will only need 15 sessions, my last being 31st Dec. Psychologically this was a real ‘boost’, just knowing I will be finished active treatment this year made me feel better.

Think I was being a bit too smug about my regrowth, just been examining hair in mirror AGAIN and noticed that most of the stuff on top and at sides is very def white!!!

Managed to resist the mince pies so far but did go out for pre rads big breakfast this morning! Are you still using your treadmill? I haven’t been on mine for ages but will make a determined effort in the New Year.

Hope everyone is well and snuggled up indoors away from the horrible weather, although not too bad here at the moment.

Karen x

Hi Karen, CathC 


Just thought I’d say hello and hope you are having a good weekend. I have 2 more rads + 5boosters left yippee that went quick and so far not a great deal of SE’s, only slightly tender boob.

Yesterday went to work Christmas do, it was a good one and made me feel quite normal.


Mince pies - check! had quite a few, but not too worried, as some of the weight i’ve put on during TAX is off already.


I have bought a new wig to last me for a couple of months, that’s how long I think will take for the hair to completely cover my head. You are right about white hair, too young for that…


Have a lovely weekend and look forward to ending this dreadful process.




Flossie xx



Evening Ladies,

Hi Cath, last week of rads, wow you are so nearly there. Will be great to relax and enjoy Christmas next week with all treatment completed. Hope all continues to go well this week and that your skin holds up! I so admire you getting on the treadmill I still keep meaning to…

Hi Candyflossie, you are so nearly there too and at least you will be all done by Christmas. Hope your skin is ok too. Glad you enjoyed your Christmas party, I don’t feel like partying this year as still feel very conscious of my prosthesis, think I will still be stuck with it next Christmas too but maybe I’ll be more used to it by then. Gave in to the mince pies and hubby opened one of the boxes of chocolates tonight, I def need to get on that treadmill in the New Year.

Hi Shoes, hope your rads are going ok?

Bit quiet on here recently, busy time with Christmas coming up. I’m determined to have a good time this year to celebrate this year being over and hope that 2015 is a happier one for us all.

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Cath, yes mince pies, chocolate and crisps all tasting good, even better when washed down with some wine but limiting that to weekends and sticking to tea the rest of the time! Like you my taste is still not back to normal and my mouth feels really dry and horrible all the time. I thought that it would all be back to normal after chemo finished but is taking longer than expected unfortunately .
Good luck with the last of your boosters, seems a long time since this thread started back in July and we have all been through so much together.
Hi Slyolddog, congrats to you finishing rads on Thursday too. Have a great time in Legoland, I’ve never been there but I bet it will be wonderful at this time of year. Hopefully the weather will hold out for you, it will be a lovely way to celebrate the end of treatment.
I’ve had 5 of 15 rads so far, my 8 boosters have been incorporated into normal sessions somehow. Not quite sure how that works but at least it means I will finish this year - just!!
Hi Wendy, you certainly are busy with all those birthdays, I’m struggling just to cope with Christmas. Really must write my Christmas cards but keep putting it off.
Hope everyone is doing well, I’ve been surprised by how long it’s taking me to get back to normal considering I’ve always been healthy up til now. My legs still feel like lead and very achy most evenings and can’t see me being able to run up stairs again for a long time yet. Still early days I suppose.
Anyway I should get on and write some cards but think I will give in temptation and read my kindle for a bit before settling down to The Missing with a cuppa x

Just a quick good luck and congratulations to Cath and Slyolddog finishing rads today, whoo hoo ?
Will try to post properly later xx