Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Well done CathC and slyolddog for finishing your rads, I guess you won’t feature here anymore which will only mean that you are getting back to living :slight_smile:


My new wig has not been worn yet but I will start this weekend. It isn’t a replacement, more like an addition to my collection, now I have 3.


3 more boosters and then off, can’t wait 


Love to all 


Flossie xxx

Sorry havn’t been on here for a bit! Glad to hear everyone so upbeat. Lots of posts to read too! Chiristmas id nearly upon us, heres to a better year 2015!!! I am back to work in January on a phased return. Starts with two days then builds up as and when I feel strong enough. They are being really good.
We went out and treated ourselves to our first new car! Live for the moment!
As for further treatment. I have no idea. Not heard anything from them. I have an appointment in January. I want to ask for the other side to be removed to reduce risk of it coming back there.

Hi Cath, Karen, Flossie, Wendy, ,Slyolddog, hbunny, JuSt and any one else i missed. I just wanted to pop in and say how happy I am for most of you, rads treatment is almost over. Liliac good luck with your rads treatment in January.


I was not given rads so could not share that experience.

I have been very busy and occupied with my new dog. His name is Baxter and he’s a Schnauzer by the way. So intelligent but like a wind-up toy that never stops. He could walk all day if you let him :womanvery-happy:


 I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and a ‘normal’ 2015.


I am still having my 3 weekly Herceptin injections with no obvious SEs.(can’t get rid of hosp visits yet!!) Still have my numb toes but my finger nails have improved (purples colour at tips only now). My hair is growing back well, silky and black with a few greys as before but interestingly thicker and faster in the areas the cold cap didn’t save :womansad:. In hindsight I would not have bothered about the cold cap but I suppose it helped me to gradually come to terms with my hair loss. :slight_smile:


Well Christmas cards posted and decorations up so looking forward to a quiet one with my boys.




Good to see so many positive comments over the last few days. Sounds like lots of fun being had also with trips to Legoland and new puppies.
Life feels good at the moment, ok it will never be quite the same and the underlying fears will always be there now but physically and emotionally I’m in a much better place than back in July.
Hope everyone is ready for Christmas, I finally got my cards done although not sure if they will all get there in time x

Just popping in between cleaning, wrapping and cooking to wish everyone a lovely Christmas. Eat well, rest well (some chance!) and have a glass or two for medicinal purposes. I will toast you all!

Have a good one ladies. Xx

Happy Christmas to all the July ladies, I think we all deserve to eat, drink and be merry this year.


Sorry it’s a bit late in the day but just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!  Hope you are all feeling well and enjoying some quality time,

best wishes,



Finished my rads on 23rd December, just in time for Christmas. No more treatment for me yippee as I am triple negative. I do feel for ladies that have not yet finished and will pop in from time to time to see how you are all getting on.

What next once we’re done with treatment? I guess a lot of ladies are asking themselves? What is the answer?


Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, you all deserve it after a year of trials and tribulations.


Lots of hugs 

Flossie xx

Hi Gill and Wendy, I’m also suffering with the heavy, achy legs still. Although it’s not all the time it doesn’t seem to be getting any better at the moment but I’m going to make a concerted effort to lose weight in the New Year so maybe that will help.
Hi Cath, hope you enjoy your long awaited soak in the bath on Thursday. My last rad is tomorrow but skin has split under arm, have had it dressed and need to be extra careful for next couple of weeks.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas, best present I had was noticing that I have little stubby eyelashes starting to appear and eyebrows coming back too?.
I will raise a glass to all you lovely July ladies tomorrow night and wish you all a very healthy New Year, can’t wait to put 2014 behind us xx

Hi everyone

Sitting in bed in a hotel in Lincoln as I’ve come up to see my dad. It appears I’ve brought a sore throat and sniffles with me. Dad seems bette, back home now but he has gout in his feet so can’t get out. We’ll spend tomorrow evening at his until he falls asleep then return to the hotel. How’s your dad now hbunny.

I also have stubby eyelashes and my eyebrows are filling in. Is it just me or does anyone else find it weird to see eyelashes grow? I had baths all the way through my rads, no one told me not to! I did make an effort to keep my troublesome boob out though. I just flung it over my shoulder!!

I hope everyone has a good night tomorrow, personally I think it’s overrated but that’s because I’m a grump. I can’t do forced enjoyment:( Here’s to us all having a better year. Xx

I’m with most of you ladies in not usually liking New Year, I’m normally tucked up in bed and get grumpy when the fireworks wake me up! But as a few of you have mentioned this has been such an awful year that I want to see it off, somehow seems poignant that the last day of the year is my last day of active treatment.
Let’s hope 2015 is a better year for us all x

Wow last radio theraphy today so starting the new year with no more treatment. Happy New Year to you all.

Hi all.  As we start a new year, I would just like to say thanks to everyone who’s contributed to the July 2014 thread over the past six months - I’ve found this site to be so helpful throughout diagnosis and treatment and it has been a huge support having contact with others in a similar situation. 


I think we should all be proud of how far we have come!  I guess as lots of us have finished, or are close to finishing, active treatment, we’ll probably have less contact as time goes by, but hopefully we’ll ‘pop in’ now and again to see how we’re all doing and help each other out if necessary. 


Good luck to everyone for the forthcoming year, especially those with any remaining treatment.


Good riddance 2014!  Hello to a much nicer 2015.


Best wishes to all,




Happy New Year to all of you brave ladies !!!


It has been a different year end for our family, went over board this year and spent lots of relaxing time over Christmas, as well as lots of money oops :smileytongue:

For New Year we booked a Hilton in London and went to watch the fireworks and did not have a care in the world, very unusual, as we normally do a low key at home type of thing and fall asleep way too early.


Triple negative has its worries, but let’s not let it drag us down, as my hubby says, we’ll cross that bridge whe we come to it and pray to God that never will :heart:

On a good note, like some of you, eyelashes and eyebrows are coming back which will help us looking human again and hair is growing slowly, still too fluffy to expose, or it’s just me being too vain…

I am fedup with wigs, I have three now, two of which have seen better days, they tend to tangle at the back,  just want some normal hair


Love and hugs,


Hi Flossie & Cath,

I’m with you on the ‘doing more’ side of things. Got my big 5-0 coming up next weekend and hubby is whisking me away to the sun a week Thursday - can’t wait for some warmth. We’ve decided to do something different from our norm so have booked to stay on a small boat and hired a convertible car. I think our favourite saying at the moment is YOLO (you only live once, if anyone is not familiar with it) but we might have to reign it in a little as it could get very expensive to keep doing everything because of YOLO! Still, I intend enjoying it for a little while first.

I’m sure my hair is still growing but it’s hard to notice a difference now it is slightly longer, unlike going from bald to fluffy-head. Seems very slow.  Definite movement in the eyebrows and lashes department though - although like you, Cath, they didn’t seem very even at first. I actually cut a few longer ones off instead of plucking them but not sure that was a good idea!!

Hope everyone is doing well,



Cath, my taste isn’t completely back yet either. It seems like my mouth is going to be the last thing to get back to normal, it feels permanently dry but at the same time I apoear to keep dribbling from the corners of my mouth!!
Thanks for the tip about hair colour, Wendy. After reading your post I brought some from Holland & Barrett and am actually doing the sensitivity test for the first time!
Sounds like there’s a few of us hitting the big 50 this year, we’ve booked a posh night away in lovely hotel in March. Hubby wants to hire a fancy car to get there and as my daughter and a couple of you have said YOLO. We are going to Stratford on Avon so I really want to visit Warwick Castle ( reading too much Phillipa Gregory) but he’s not too keen.
Hope everyone is doing well, I have been making a conscious effort recently to step away from the forum. I will still keep an eye on our thread and want to know how everyone is getting on but feel that now active treatment has finished I need to stop using it so much as a crutch. I will always be grateful to this forum and all the ladies who have posted for getting me through chemo, I sm due to work next month and don’t want to be defined as a cancer patient. I want my old life back but will always appreciate the friends I have made of this forum.
I do hope everyone continues to post, however infrequently just so we know we are all ok.
Much love, Karen x

Hi Everyone

sorry sorry that i have not been on for a while maybe that is good news  showing that i dont need the support so much that you all gave me over the last 6 months i could not have got through it with out your help i am sure.

Anyway update is that the CT scan on my brain lungs and pelvis was clear but i still have the occasional sickness and nausea. But i am sure it will get better.  All treatment is finished as with Tiple Neg there is nothing left to take. Seeing onc next month.  Trying to get back to normal but its a bit of a struggle but i am sure you all understand what i mean. Went to visit freinds the other week and had a drink opps a bit to much got tippsy [thats not normal for me] lol.

Well catch up with you all again soon.

Take care Heather oh i am sharing my name now. xxxx

Thought I’ll put a little post to say I do get to see your posts and I’m glad that everyone is trying to get back to normal or even doing things that they’ve put off before the diagnosis/treatment.


We too are doing the same, we went to the boat show in London last week although not having a boat or boating, but you never know…

Holiday was booked months ago, this year we are going to Hawaii for a fortnight, can’t wait :smileywink: if anyone has been, what tips do you have for me?

Not getting a puppy yet, my husband is a huge doglover but I freak out thinking about the mess they must leave behind and not ready to give in just yet.


Fingernails are looking horid, but kind of learnt to live with and eventually they’ll grow properly. The hair isn’t too bad, I’ve decided not to wear my wigs anymore, apart from work, but only for another week or two as I am totally fed up with the wigs by now.

I’ve started going to the gym and can see some of you did too, as my fitness levels were so low, gradually I seem to be getting my energy back, the only thing is heart rate is going up to 170 on quite a moderate exercise level.

Foodwise, the taste is fine, but don’t seem to be in love with food as much as I used to be and hate it, I am eating as I feel hungry or need to make sure I keep onto my meals. Anyone else feels the same?


My oncologist appointment is on 25th March, not sure when my mamogram etc will be.


Take care and lots of hugs xxx


Hello my lovlies! Not forgotten any of you but been busy trying to get back into work! i’m on a phased return…
Got sort of all clear so far last week by doc , just a bit of plastic surgery to do. After chemo, pah! What a doddle!
Started learning to drive! Automatic car as I’m brainless and wouldn’t cope with thise gear things…x

Hi all,
Cath, I’m on Letrozole but unfortunately this hasn’t affected my appetite. My mouth feels permanently dry and ‘yuck’ not matter how much I drink but I’m not sure if this is down to Letrozole or a lingering Se from chemo.
I have managed to cut down on the amount I’m eating and lost a bit of weight, also managed to get on the treadmill for 5 days in a row so feeling pleased with myself. However I’m back to work week after next so will be more of an effort then.
Horseslave, good luck with the driving lessons I started driving late in life and will never learn to love it but has made such a difference to my life that I now don’t know how I coped beforehand.
Lilac, glad to hear you are nearly finished with the rads.
Loving reading all the recent posts about puppies and holidays, it seems like we are all starting to get our lives back.
Hope everyone who has snow is wrapped up warm and cosy, nothing down here in Essex but I’m thankful no more cold capping in this weather!!
Take care, Karen x