Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Hbunny, I should have known better really than assume the hospital would have been efficient enough to organise both appointments! Strangely I had been suffering quite badly from dry eyes before bc but they seem to have improved recently. Hope you manage to get something sorted with your eyes, thumb and wrist soon.
Good to hear from you Flossie, my eldest has just started her GCSE’s so we have lots of exam stress at the moment too. My eyebrows are not great either so I’m still filling them in (when I can be bothered).
Hi Cath, I’m not doing too badly waiting for the results. My cough is not so bad but just a bit worried that while investigating that they will find something else. Just trying to tell myself that until I get results I’m ok, things may change afterwards so I should try and enjoy the next couple of weeks. I don’t know if that makes sense but it seems to be helping.

I have also been looking at pictures from yesterday’s Moonwalk, and if all is well next year would be quite keen on getting involved. I have received so much support since being diagnosed that I would like to give something back.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, Karen x

Hi Ladies

Slyolddog, I’m so glad your Dad’s send off went well. Such an emotional time, especially as you had to wait so long, sending you lots of love and hugs.

My arm is not looking too bad but I dread needing another blood test. The exam stress is not too bad, my daughter is remarkably laid back about them, seems a little too laid back to me but we will see come results day. As for the C25k - I’ve done day 1…

Cath, I know what you mean about not wanting to talk about cancer too much at home. I feel like everyone has had enough of it, but that’s why this forum is so good. Even if we no longer post as often we are still here for each other. Although I’m still waiting for results sometimes it doesn’t feel real anymore, can’t believe I went through chemo and surgery, even though the very obvious physical effects are still there.

The reality was all bought back to me with a bump this week. Another mum from my youngest son’s class has just been diagnosed and gone through surgery. Last I heard she was still waiting for results, I was in exactly the same position this time last year so my heart really goes out to her.

Hope everyone enjoys the Bank Holiday weekend

Hugs, Karen x

Hi Wendy and Everyone else,


Have been really looking forward to Thursday for my mammogram and I was having so many mixed feelings, hubby accompanied me but he was not allowed in. But, they say 2 weeks for results, as they have 2 specialists analysing the pictures in minute detail separate from each other to make sure no changes. So if I don’t hear anything this week it must be good news, as the radiographer said that if there is anything worrying they will contact me straight away, otherwise roughly 2weeks for report. Fingers crossed now.

The radiographer herself said that her husband was going through cancer, so I felt her genuine empathy.


Great to hear Gill that your results came back good,  I truly wish that all of us will never have to go through this experience again, I feel ripped off of a number of things, but not dwelling on it as it will not help me get over it.

Last night I did it !!! My daughter and I walked the 7.5 miles Midnight Walk for St Helena Hospice in Colchester, in memory of my neighbour Allison (she was diagnosed a few months before me with terminal pancreatic cancer and died a cople of months after finishing her chemo). I saw a lady that was possibly a chemo patient herself doing the walk and I was so moved and impressed… I could not have walked up the stairs during chemo, let alone a long exausting route. 


Anyway, exams are in full swing, only 3 left after half term then hopefully teenage depression and stress will go away :smileyhappy:


You are right about not wanting to talk about cancer anymore, but it feels soothing that we can still get the support on the forum. I too think that I had a bad dream and often it does not feel real that I went through it for nearly a year.

Started to take Nourkrin for my hair and also had blood tests as I may have an underactive hypothiroid. The GP wants to rule this out before more in depth examination for my very dry eyes.The dry eyes started in 2011 out of the blue, but this year they have got worse.

Not sure I asked this before, but anyone going through menopause due to chemo? Any advice? 


Love Flossie xx

Hi July Ladies

"No evidence of recurrence or distant spread " my oncologist’s orders were for a celebratory lunch and to come back in 6 months ???

I must admit I’ve been avoiding this site for a couple of weeks as was anxious about results and just wanted to forget about cancer.

Many congrats Cath, you must be thrilled about becoming a Grandma. So lovely after all of the c*** of the last year!

Hbunny, so pleased your mammogram was fine. Another worry out of the way

Wendy, hope your husband’s op goes well and that the house renovations are proceeding to plan

Slyolddog, good luck with the mammogram, hope it doesn’t hurt too much!

Julie, hope you get your date for your CT scan soon and that it goes ok.

Flossie, congrats on doing the Midnight walk, we too are getting towards the end of exams (thankfully they weren’t last year).

Gill, congrats on clear mammogram and glad you had a lovely holiday in Barbados - that seems to have gone very quickly.

My onc arrived straight from airport this morning after attending conference in Chicago, he was very excited by advances in treating Er+ cancer, he also told us that he doesn’t give Docetaxol to any of his patients now but puts them all straight on to paclitaxol.

Sorry if I’ve missed anyone

Take care all and enjoy the sunshine

Hi Hbunny, thanks for the good wishes and yes I did have a couple of glasses of bubbly stuff to celebrate. I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Hoping that after my appointment with the surgeon at the end of the month that will be me done with hospitals for a while.

Sorry to hear about the problems you have been having with your eyes, chemo has a lot to answer for. Is there any other treatment for your condition other than laser?

I expect the July 2015 thread will be starting soon, it doesn’t seem nearly a year since we all started we’ve all come such a long way since then.

Enjoy the sunshine x

Hi July ladies

Good to hear that everyone’s progressing well, that all tests are clear and life’s going fine, Holidays (Gill to Barbados) , grandchild (congratulations Cath) and all getting back to normal working life. 


I had a lovely Mediterranean cruise and restful holiday in Switzerland then went to a conference in Birmingham 20th and 21st May. Can’t believe how quickly May went by.


I have 2 more Herceptin injections left Can’t wait! I want my old me back and can’t wait to stop the 3 weekly hosp visits. seems like forever  :smileyvery-happy: my journey started since 4th Dec 2013 when I found my lump. Anyway I saw the plastic surgeon who has now put me on the wating list for reconstruction and risk reducing surgery. Now I wish I had done the double mastectomy right from the start as I didn’t have radiotherapy after all. It’s dragging on and I would  really like to see the back of hospitals ASAP. Anyway enough moaning :smileywink: and I must thank my lucky stars and the NHS for all the good care I have had to get me this far. 

I would also like to thank all the July ladies for their support over the year.


onward and upwards everyone 




Hi, hope you don’t all think the worst of me for not visiting here for a bit but I needed some time to pretend it hadn’t all happened? Selfish, I know, as I should care about others and offer more support.
All clear here. No idea when recon happens. Still exhausted and drained from chemo. Hows everyone else?

Hi Cath, I can’t get used to the short curly hair either. I haven’t got the hang of making it look ok yet, straightening it seems a bit hit and miss, sometimes it looks ok but not others. Taking the plunge and going for highlights tomorrow!!
Glad to hear the mammograms are going well for those that have had them, apparently I should get one arranged after I see my surgeon at the end of the month. I’m hoping to be referred for reconstruction then too, my onc was surprised this hasn’t happened yet as the waiting list is at least a year and I’m not even on it yet?

As Cath says no one needs feel guilty about how often they post, it’s nice that we are still here for each other and can pop in whenever. It’s also good that as we all start to get our lives back we don’t have as much time.

Hope everyone avoids the thunderstorms and has a great weekend


Hi Julie and Cath, hair growing out rather than down and looking like Leo Sayer, yep I can relate to both of those! Mixed feelings after trip to hairdressers, bad is that I had caramel and blonde highlights put in but my hair doesn’t look any different, in fact no one has even noticed which considering my natural colour is greying brunette isn’t great. However she did say that the roots seem to be coming in straight and that they are much smoother…yippee

Hi Clare, good news that you have your abdo and renal scan this week, let us know how you get on. Sounds like you won’t have to wait too long, fingers, toes and everything else crossed x

Hi Cath, Why are you not allowed your Anti TNF medication any longer? Did you have to stop it before chemo? Sorry to hear things aren’t great for you at the moment, is there any chance of improvement?

I can’t believe you can’t see my highlights either, they are very fine but even so…as you say though everything is so much better than this time last year. I’ve been trying to think of some advice for my friend who is due to start chemo, it seems so long ago now!

Hi Cath, thanks for the link it is very informative. I had no idea of what you have to contend with even before having cancer to deal with. Certainly puts my gripes about frizzy hair and long wait for recon into perspective.

Sorry to hear the NSAIDS aren’t much good, sending lots of love x

Hi Clare, good luck with your last herceptin and enjoy your well deserved champagne ?
I don’t wish to worry you but I’m on Letrozole too but my onc says it will be for 10 yrs not 5. Like you and Cath my mammogram is overdue although they are apparently sorting out a date now.
Cath, I’m also having problems with my mouth. Mine is not so much lack of taste but I just have a really dry mouth most of the time, don’t know if it’s a hangover from the chemo or down to the Letrozole.
Saw my surgeon yesterday and I’ve finally been referred to the plastic surgeon, although my bcn says waiting list is 12 - 18 months. Still at least I’m nearly on it.
Take care all
Karen x

Hi Cath, yes I too have a glass of water by bed every night now. I spent £12 on a mouthwash the other day as I’d read somewhere that it was good for dry mouth, it was a couple of days later when I realised I’d got the wrong £12 mouthwash ?. Got the date for my mammogram today, 2 weeks time.

Hi Slyolddog, good to hear from you, glad you had a good holiday. All very different from this time last year. Letrozole seems to have the same effect on me as anastrozole on you, I really notice it when I get up after sitting down for a while.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sun and the fabulous thunderstorms last night!! My son had his football tournament today and Rod Stewart was there watching his son play. Tried to nonchalantly take a photo with him in the background but failed miserably.
Hugs to all

Hi lilac55

Thank you so much for hosting a Strawberry Tea and raising so much money for Breast Cancer Care.  I’m glad the weather was kind and hope you had a good time.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Ladies, what a lovely day. I actually managed to have a lie in this morning after a very hectic week and am sitting here enjoying a cup of tea!
Clare, my original mammogram didn’t pick up my lump either but due to swollen lymph nodes I had an ultrasound too which found it. My lump was 25 mm but think the reason my onc says 10 years on Letrozole is that he is a great fan of hormone treatment, he did say he would put his patients on it for life if he had his way. Like you my aches and pains from it are intermittent and the more active I am the better I feel.
Cath, hope you hear about your mammogram soon, the waiting is so frustrating. I’m with you on persevering eating to get rid of the bad taste I was the same during chemo and even now trying to get rid of the dry mouth. Drinking water seems to have no effect but Haribos make it better for a while (pre chemo I didn’t even like sweets that weren’t chocolate). My son’s team didn’t do too well in the tournament but it was a good day out and we all met up in a country pub for a meal and drinks later.l
Gill, Wow congratulations on raising so much money, well done. I’m afraid I haven’t heard of
zolendronic acid either, does it have any side effects? It’s nice to be discussing haircuts now, might be my imagination but mine doesn’t seem quite so curly. Did you know about your hairdressers mum beforehand? So many people are affected by this awful disease.

It was my eldest daughter’s prom this week, she looked amazing. I’m so thankful that I didn’t have to go through all that c*** this year, seeing my friend just starting brings it all back.

Take care all, Karen x

Hi Cath, I would phone your BCN, the surgeon got mine to arrange my mammogram at my last appointment. I always tend to phone mine with any queries/worries and if she can’t help she will always point me in the right direction. Good luck!
Clare, thanks for the link it made interesting reading. I’m currently on Ad cal supplements but have been told that after my next bone scan that may change as Letrozole takes its toll on my bones.
Hbunny, so sorry to hear about your dad it must be a real worry for you. As Clare says make sure you look after yourself too, hope your ligament pain eases soon.

Wendy, congrats on your house move and well done to you and your girls on your 5k, fabulous achievement after the past year or so. Hoping that your husband had his catheter out on Friday and that you can both start getting back to normal.

Have a lovely evening, mammogram tomorrow for me!

Love Karen

Hi Clare, it was my understanding that everyone on Letrozole gets a bone scan but I could be wrong. I started Letrozole in Nov 2014 and had my scan in February this year. It’s not a full scan and the nurses didn’t even need to leave the room but it did reveal that I am in the early stages of Osteopenia hence the prescription for a calcium/vit D supplement. Maybe worth asking your BCN if you are due to have one?

Take care
Karen x

Hi Wendy, like Clare and Cath I’m really sorry to hear of you and your husband’s ongoing problems. I do hope things start to improve for you both soon. Glad to hear your hair is getting back to normal though and a new colour is always a boost.
Clare, hope you managed to speak to your BCN. I was thinking about it earlier and remember being told that they like to do a dexa scan when you first start and then another after about 18 mths - 2 yrs to check on the changes in bone density. However as we have discovered many times before each trust does seem to have different procedures.
Cath, well done on getting your mammogram sorted, it’s a bit worrying that you slipped through the net though. Good luck for next week.
Had my mammogram and ultrasound this morning, and as a previous customer I seemed to be fast tracked through it all. Just have to wait for the results now.

Hugs to all

Hi Slyolddog, unfortunately the C25k isn’t going anywhere I can’t seem to summon up any enthusiasm for it at the moment. Like you I do seem to feel very tired by the evening, hoping things will calm down a bit now it’s the school holidays (wishful thinking maybe). My hair has also got a long way to go before its back to normal length.

Hbunny, glad to hear your Dad is on the up, hope he continues to improve. Make sure you look after yourself too.

Wendy, sending hugs to you and your husband, it’s not easy being patient when you’ve both had to deal with ill health over the last couple of years. I think it’s fairly standard at my breast clinic to have an ultrasound as well as a mammogram, which is just as well as my cancer didn’t show up on my original mammogram!

Hope everyone else is doing well, way past my bedtime now so I’m off to get some sleep

Take care all, Karen x