Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi Cath, an ultrasound at same time as mammogram seems to be pretty standard where I am but Clare didn’t have one so seems like each area is different. (Again). Hope all goes well on Tuesday and that you don’t have to wait too long for results.

Hugs, Karen

Glad all went well Cath, one thing less to worry about. Hopefully your GP will be able to shed some light on the lack of smell too.

Take care
Karen x

Hi Cath, glad it went well for you. Hope you get your sense of smell sorted soon. (With my husband that would be an advantage!) xx

Wendy, so sorry to hear that your husband isn’t doing too well. Last year when we were going through treatment I always thought that our carers had a hard time of it too. All the attention would be on me and how I was feeling but my husband was having a hard time too but no one really seemed to support him. You need some support now, it’s hard enough trying to be there for your husband at this moment but doubly so after the past year- 18 months. You still need time to adjust to your new normal. Thinking of you both and praying things get easier soon x
Hbunny, thinking of you too and the struggles with your dad. Easier said than done but try to make sure you are looking after yourself too x

Hugs to all, Karen

Hi All, hope everyone is ok.

Clare, is there any reason you are considering changing trusts for your reconstruction? If you do does it mean joining a new waiting list. I see the plastic surgeon on 19th August and hopefully then I will be added to the list. I will be going to Broomfield in Chelmsford which has got a very good reputation hence the extremely long waiting list. I did enquire with my BCN about going private but apparently it costs about £10,000 so I will just have to learn to be patient and join the queue. Good luck trying to get somewhere with your dexa scan.
Cath and Wendy, hope your husbands are doing a bit better now.
Hugs, Karen

Hi Claire, I’m not surprised you’ve lost faith in your PS, the way he spoke to you is appalling. It is recognised that reconstruction is really important mentally for those recovering from BC, although I appreciate it’s not for everyone. The length of time it takes is irrelevant but like you I don’t think I would want someone performing such extensive surgery on me if I felt they begrudged it.
Can’t believe what happened with your bank accounts too, what a shock. Hope you get it all sorted soon.

Wow Cath, mammogram results already, I’m still waiting for mine. Working on the premise that no news is good news. Congrats on getting the all clear there and hopefully your other blood test results will be down to your AS.

Gill, Wendy, hbunny & Slyolddog it’s good to read your posts sorry haven’t got time to reply individually at moment but need to get the dog out for a walk quickly before the rain comes. Calm before the storm here at the moment.
Take care all, Karen

Hi Ladies - been a while so dropped in for a quick catch-up.


Clare - thank goodness the bank is sorting out your account but that’s terrible if you get turned down for credit in the future because of this!! Not fair at all! x


Cath - congrats on getting your mammogram results - that really seems quick, mine took about a month. Lovely that you have a grandchild to look forward to in November. I’ve just booked a weekend away in Harrogate for November so I can have something to look forward to. Dare I say the ‘C’ word but the Christmas market will be on!! Can’t believe how fast time is flying by this year. Hope your bloods turns out to be nothing - I had some results that were raised but when I had them re-done were okay so hope yours is similar. x


Gill - really hope your side effects get a move-on and sort themselves out within two years then. I know just what you mean about not signing up for them - I feel like side effects are just skimmed over and people are not given enough info on them, just on the ‘positives’ of the treatment. Suppose it’s because if we knew, we’d not want to go ahead, seems like we all have issues to some degree or other. The hypnobirth sounds wonderful x


Karen - hope you get good mammogram results soon. I also went with the ‘no news is good news’ theory and thankfully all was ok so hope so for you too x


Wendy - hope your hubby continues to improve and that you both manage a lovely, relaxing holiday at the end of the month x


Slyolddog - hope the move has gone well today for your daughter and her lizard. Hope you don’t miss them too much (can’t beat the old jokes). My daughter went away for a couple of days last weekend and accidentally left the door to her snake unlocked - was so glad I checked on him before we went out to the cinema for a few hours. I told her I like the snake but don’t want him sharing my bed! x


Hbunny - hope things are still going ok with your dad and that things work out ok after the respite. It is hard as they get older - hope the respite has done you good too x


To anyone I’ve missed - hope you are all as well as can be and enjoying ‘summer’. We may not always have sunshine but at least we have lighter, longer days (for a bit longer anyway) - I’m not looking forward to the winter and always love it when Spring arrives - think I need to live somewhere hot and sunny over the winter months.


Take care all,




Hi Ladies,


I see this thread is going strong still and so are you.


I feel a little guilty for not logging in often enough, but I have been getting back to normality, as I am sure a lot of you did too.


Finally went on our Hawaii holiday last month and it has been an absolute blast. We’ve been very active there: diving, hiking, helicopter ride, parasailing, snorkelling and swimming every day. We were all very tearful to leave Paradise Island and come back to reality. I felt so blessed for the opportunity, hubby and I adore travelling and the day we were back have started planning our next trip :smileytongue:


Back to England and AS levels results for our son: all A’s in 4 subjects (Maths, Law, ICT and Economics), very proud parents and happy boy, he can now apply to some of the best universities.


My mammogram results were normal luckily. I believe I am due to see the oncologist in September for routine check-up, not sure what to expect. I live with the hope of no reoccurence as I could not bear the chemo again.

Lots of hugs to all,

Flossie xxx

Hi Ladies, hope everyone is doing well. Had my plastic surgeon appointment today and I’m finally on the waiting list for diep recon …yay!!! Didn’t expect to be at the hospital so long, got there for 9am appointment and left at 2pm but at least got most of the tests done now just a scan of my abdomen to be done. The waiting list is about 18 months but the nurse made a note that I can come in at short notice so fingers crossed for a cancellation.
Congrats Cath and Flossie on your sons’ A and AS levels you must be very proud. We are getting my daughter’s GCSE results tomorrow so hoping she gets the grades she needs to stay on where she is.
Can’t remember who mentioned feeling old but I agree, feel really stiff in the mornings, I’m ok once I’ve walked about a bit but definitely takes me longer to get going. Still waiting for mammogram results, I certainly hope they would have told me by now if there was a problem.
Just going to make a cup of tea in time to watch GBBO, just need some cake to go with it??

Hi Ladies, hope you are all well

Just a quick hi before we go off on hols to Norfolk for a week tomorrow.  My fitness plan has failed miserably so far but hope to get out walking lots this week as the doggies are coming on holiday with us - weather permitting that is!

Clare - congrats on clear mammogram results x

Cath - good luck at oncologist appt on Tuesday, let us know how you get on x

Wendy - hope you have a lovely cruise x

Sorry, not got time to reply to everyone individually but hope you are all enjoying the last of the summer  (if that’s what you can call it?!).

Wishing you all a lovely bank holiday weekend.


Aargh, just spent ages typing a post and its disappeared! That hasn’t happened to me for ages, so just a quick post now.
Cath, good luck with your onc on Tuesday.
Julie and Wendy, hope you are both having lovely holidays despite the weather.
Clare and Gill, yep stiff joints especially in the mornings, mines worst in my right hip.
Slyolddog, well done for getting back on the treadmill, you’re making me feel very guilty… I really must make more effort!
Sorry for the short post but I can’t face writing long(ish) responses to everyone and then possibly losing it all again.
Take care, all hope this rain disappears soon

Hi Clare, are you due to see your PS again before your op? If so, I hope you have a more positive meeting. I’m not going to see mine again until surgery but I do have an appointment with the reconstruction nurse in October just to go over everything the surgeon told me and then I will have to book to attend a BRA session where you meet ladies who have been through Diep and they share their experiences. As Cath says, you can’t be too sensitive about your boob, especially when you are placing all your trust in the surgeon. I’m sure he will do a brilliant job, it’s just a shame sometimes their people skills are lacking.

Cath, so glad your appointment went well today and that you passed your check up with flying colours. I don’t think they realise how disconcerting it is to receive an appointment that you’re not expecting. I hope you are celebrating with a nice big cake tonight ?. I’m still waiting for my mammogram results…
Take care x

Hi Slyolddog, my hair seems to be taking forever to grow too, although it is nearly the same length now and starting to look slightly more like my old bob style. I did read somewhere that letrozole can slow regrowth down but I don’t know how true that is.
I think I blinked and missed summer, it seems like autumn is here with a vengeance now. BBQ at cricket club tonight going to make sure I’m wrapped up well.

Take care x

Hi All, glad to see that everyone seems to be getting on well and going forward. Cath, I can’t wait for the day the Xbox leaves home my youngest drives me mad with it!

Had my abdominal scan, was a bit of a nightmare as no one could get the cannula in, even the doctor they called up from theatre ( I had to have scan at the Nuffield, it’s a different world!). Eventually they gave up and just had to use the smallest cannula which apparently doesn’t work as well for that procedure. At least that’s all done now and my veins can have a rest. Is anyone else having problems with their veins still?
Lovely and bright here today, little chilly but I don’t mind that I love autumn.
Take care all x

Hello July 2014 ladies,


I cannot believe it has been a year since we were all going through the joys of chemo SE’s and baldness.

Hair growth is really good now, I am also taking Nourkrin twice a day and plan to do so for another 3 months, just to be rest assured  I have given myself all the chances possible. And I have a fringe too, yippee!!!


I hear some of you are still going through recon etc. and cannot imagine what it must be like.

I saw my surgeon on Wednesday and he has checked both breasts and thinks the pain is normal in my operated one; lots of scar tissue he says, but nothing abnormal, Very short appointment, I guess this is a waiting game now, keeping positive until next time in March I will see the oncologist.


Periodwise, they have not returned yet, so still dealing with menapause symptoms at 42 :smileysad: not nice…


All the best to each and everyone of you 



Flossie xxx




Hi Ladies

I’m glad to hear that your pain seems to be easing, Hbunny, looks like you are just going to have to rest up a bit. How’s your trigger thumb now? Did the op cure it? My left shoulder still has slightly restricted movement after the ANC but I had a frozen shoulder on that side a few years ago and it’s not as bad as that.

I can’t remember who mentioned problems with fingernails, luckily I’ve never had any trouble with my nails. I don’t know if it helped but I wore black nail polish on my finger/toe nails through docetaxol and paclitaxol or maybe I was just lucky.
Went to see the reconstruction nurse today and reiterated that I can come in at short notice so she phoned the admissions secretary while I was there and my file has been noted. She also said if I didn’t mind another consultant doing the op it might be able to get it done quicker!
I’ve spent the last week celebrating my 50th and have put on loads of weight, really need to move that ironing basket off the treadmill and use it for what it’s intended.
Hope everyone has a good weekend xx

Belated happy birthday Karen, I hope you had a great one. Good luck with getting your op done sooner than expected. ?

Thanks for the birthday wishes Slyolddog and Cath, just glad it wasn’t better than last year!
Sending big hugs Hbunny, we all know the cardinal rule not to google symptoms but I think it is the first thing we all do. Are you able to talk about your concerns with your BCN or anyone? Hope results put your mind at rest soon

Hi Clare, I’m just back from the BRA meeting, met some amazing ladies who bravely showed us their reconstructed boobs. Although I’ve seen pictures/photos actually seeing real reconstructions was so encouraging, I was surprised how good they all looked. Can’t wait to get going now, have you heard anymore about when yours will be?

Glad the pain has improved and that you are feeling a bit more optimistic. Fingers crossed you avoid the bone scan x