Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Morning everyone, I’ve got second dose of Fec tomorrow, and I will be doing a lot of drinking from today onwards (just water! Lol). I didn’t drink nearly enough after my first dose and reading the posts here it’s a must. I’m not a great water drinker, so I think flavoured water might do the trick.

Oh Wendy that’s rubbish you’re not feeling good. Log on here when you can and we will keep you company, try to keep your chin up. ?

Hi everyone, a bit of a mixed bag over the last few days I see, glad the hot weather isn’t interfering too much with life for most, really shocked to see Cath in hospital, wishing a speedy recovery your way! I’m still amazed at the relative lack of SEs on this thread compared to others I’ve read, I have an odd question though in connection with that! I’ve noticed spots coming up on my face…I thought my acne days were well and truly behind me but it seems I’m wrong, is this an SE that anyone has heard of before or is it just a rotten joke? X

Hi Hbunny and Wendy, sooo glad I’m here doing this, there is no end to the new experiences, I’m day 7 and had them a couple of days but getting worse, at least they’ll get better, eventually…like the ‘erupted’ comment by the way! X

Hi lots of posts since yesterday. Missed a day as had busy weekend with sons so had to catch up on posts.


sodastream I wonder if my symptoms will change thro’cycles. I am hoping it will get better (fingers crossed). cold cap used now Day 13,  still ok so holding my breath our the next couple of weeks  :smileywink:


mags33 wish I can be as brave as you.Your account of your  barber’s haircut leaves me smiling.


Dellan glad SEs not too trying.


CathC so sorry about your admission to hospital. Hope they are taking good care of you. Just what you were dreading as well! ((HUGS)) wish you better  x x


Hi Wendy (WP23) it is expensive geting all this stuff to try to cope with SEs


hbunny good luck with your tr’ment on Friday.


I likeyour positive attituude Pennyfarthing  :smileyhappy:


Well  I am feeling well enough pottering around in the day but tired earlier at night. If it wasn’t for my dreaded sciatica I would be pain free again. Anyone got a strange nasal sensation on Day 12? my other hairs are fine but I think my deeper nasal hairs have gone so I feel as if I am breathing fresh air continuously and I have a slight nasal drip. …so guys remember your tissues.


Good luck to all having further cycles soon. Look after yourselves

must go to bed


x x





Thanks for all the good wishes . I’m still in hospital, feeling ok, although my our hands is sore with ask the needles they’ve sticking in it. Biggest problem is getting some sleep-they keep waking me up.Lol

Hbunny -good luck for Friday.

Wendylois- glad to hear you’re still SE free. Long may it last.

WP 23 glad you’re second session went well.

Pennyfarthing , I’ve heard a few ladies on other threads mention spots. Not a nice side effect. Hope they clear up soon.

Clare, glad you’re in high spirits . Thanks
For the tip about tissues.

Sorry this us short and sweet. Hard to write
On my phone .

Hugs to all.

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. Darn auto correct. Lol

We really are chemo buddies CathC I’ve also ended up in hospital on Sunday with high temperature and neutropenic and on the IV antibiotics now. Hope to get discharged tomorrow afternoon, not liking this one bit?
Keep us posted and get better soon.

Flossie xx

Hi all,


Time to catch up again - spent lots of time at the hospital last week but not mainly for me - with my dad who they kept in hospital because his potassium was high when he had his bloods done then, whilst monitoring him, found his heart rate was very low and irregular so they kept him in and fitted a pacemaker.  Yesterday, was another family outing to the hospital as me and my mum-in-law went for our chemo session together.   Feel like we are a little too familiar with that place at the moment!


Anyway, my 2nd FEC wasn’t too bad - my vein decided to go into spasm so that was quite painful for a while but they eased back on the drugs and put heat pad on so it did settle down again.  Then I had my usual nauseous day (on & off) followed by a big vomit when I took my antibiotic tablet last night - just like first cycle but then I felt better afterwards and had a pretty good nights sleep so don’t feel too bad at all today.


CathC & Candyflossie - sorry to hear you are both in hospital and hope you feel better and get back home soon - extra hospital hugs to you both x


Clare (sugar8) - glad you are feeling pretty well - i’ve not had the nasal sensations except the tingly nostrils on day of treatment - do have a couple of longer hairs up my nostrils than on my head though so wouldn’t mind losing them.  Tissues at the ready.


Pennyfarthing - I also had some spots under the surface of my skin on one cheek which only seemed to last a few days - hope yours settle soon.


Wendy (WP23) - glad your second cycle went ok yesterday and hope your SE’s remain minimal.  Where are you swollen?  Do get plenty of rest x


Wendylois - glad you are doing well - hopefully you will get away without SE’s kicking in now.  Hope you are getting used to the short hair shock - I was pretty convinced at times that mine was strong and would last longer but day 14 was the one - in the morning I ran my hands through and it was fine, in the evening I ran my hands through again and whoosh! handfuls of hair so I went out chasing clippers.  


Hbunny - good luck for FEC2 on friday x


Coffeegirl - good luck for FEC2 today x


Pookieharton - I’ve just had my second FEC yesterday and so far the SE’s have been very similar - nauseous then sick once yesterday, felt better after, just feel slightly ‘off’ today with a flushed face.


Horseslave - the hair loss is indeed very comfortable in the heat.  Have shaved the remainder of mine off this morning (after getting sick of hoovering the bed) and it’s keeping me cooler indoors - will wear headscarf to go out in later though - I don’t feel as confident going out bald as I did with a number 4 clip and also don’t want to burn it!


Dellan - glad the SE’s are not too bad for you and hope it continues.


Mogs33 - loved your barber’s story and glad you have had a great hair, or no hair, experience!  Hope the feeling of a cold turns out to be nothing much and goes away quickly.


To everyone else I may have missed - hope you are all well with minimal side effects.


Hugs and best wishes to all xx

Candyflossie- sorry to hear you’re in hospital’s no fun. Have they managed to get your white blood cell count back up? As of last night mine was still down. They reckon it will be Friday, at the least, before I can get out.

Stay well and I how you get home soon.

WP23- how are you feeling today? Has the swelling gone down? Listen to your body and take things easy.

Mogs- keep an eye on that cold and don’t let it develop into anything.

Sounds like our SE-free few weeks have come an end.

Hugs to all

Hi JuSt

Sorry to hear you’re dad has been unwell, but glad your second session had gone ok. Although, that vein spasm sounds horrible.

Coffee girl- good luck today.

Say 16 for me today . Hair started coming out in handfuls yesterday. Nothing I can do about it while I’m in hospital hopefully I’ll get home soon and can get it cut off.

Take care, ladies. How you’re ask feeling well.


Morning everyone, sorry to hear some of you are still suffering from S/E, hope the hospital stays are minimal and you will be home soon. I had second treatment yesterday, had problems with line so I was sent to another hospital for it to be checked, all overall I was at hospital/s for 9 hours, so it was long day and I was glad to get home at 7pm. Hopefully minimal S/E for me, got lots of medicine for mouth ulcers in case they reoccur and I plan to drink loads of water. Another treatment under my belt so happy with that, 2 down 4 to go ?

Hi Wendy, it usually takes about 2 and half hours as I am using the cold cap, if I didn’t use the cold cap it would normally take about 45 mins for treatment to be administered, but I had the Oncologist to see and bloods to get done.
I do hope you feel better soon Wendy and that your s/e are not going to be reoccurring, fingers crossed x

Morning everyone,

Sorry to hear some of you have not had a good few days. I hope the side effects ease quickly and you’re feeling better soon.

Day 6 after treatment and starting to feel more tired. I brought my wig yesterday, which I was over the moon with until I got home. I’m not sure if it was the reality I’d be losing my hair or just a down day. I burst into tears for no reason and just felt numb and empty all evening. It feels like back when I was pregnant and my hormones were all over the place. Feeling a bit better this morning, although a bit of a fuzzy head. Is this a SE?

CathC - what an awful week you’ve had! Thinking of you and hope you are well and out of hospital quickly. Sending lots of positive hugs.

Sugar 8 - sorry to hear your sciatica is causing you pain. I hope this eases for you and the tiredness improves.

MP23 - glad to hear you had a better nights sleep and hope the swelling continues to go down quickly.

JuSt - glad your second FEC wasn’t too bad but that doesn’t sound good with the veins. I had trouble the first time, so I’m having a port fitted next Friday.

Good luck to everyone else having treatment this week and hope the SE’s stay away.


Hi All Day 16 for me. I am feeling great, controlling sciatica pain with Ibruprofen and back support. I 

am going to try and start up my gym sessions today to try and strengthen my back muscles. I have noticed that  when I worked yesterday the pain had improved.The resting don’t help, so I am mobilislng a lot which helps. 

CathC and Flossie - hope you will be discharged from hospital soon. This hot weather must increase your discomfort.


Wendy - Hope the swelling goes down soon. Chipmunk eh? :smileyhappy: Is that the SE of the 2nd tc? ohlala that’s something for me to look forward too but at least I will be prepared. Thanks for sharing.  


juSt - sorry about your dad. Didn’t realise both you and your mother in law were having chemo together. How are you both coping? ((hugs)) at difficult times. Try and stay positive thro’ these times. Shame about those veins. Hope they are not feeling too painful now.


Coffeegirl- my heart goes out to you. You must have been so exhausted spending so much time at the hospital. Hope you got a good sleep.


Hi Dellan - my tiredness suddenly improved on Day 14. I felt that my body had returned to my skin :smileyvery-happy:  I even went to work and felt soooooo much better for it. I love my job. I know next cycle might be a repeat of the first but i am keeping everything crossed. My hair remains intact but not getting excited until day 21


Regards to everyone else

Clare xx




Dellan - re the hormonal SEs. It happened to me. My cravings were terrible and my emotions were all over the place. I HAD to eat on the dot at set times or I got so miserable. One minute I was fine, the next I was like a bear with a sore head. My poor long suffering husband coped very well  :smileyhappy:  I felt sorry for him but I just couldn’t control it . It was like being pregnant again. It lasted for about 8 days

Morning all! Another beautiful day. Cool breeze wafting in from window at moment. Well that won’t last.
My heart goes out to anyone stuck in hospital - hope you recover quickly x
Heres to minimal SEs one and all. Also heres to our continued strength together in beating this pants illness.

Husband shaved head yesterday…singing ’ we’re in the army now’ I kicked him. Did make me laugh though. My gorgeous gay son has been helping me adjust head scarves and is giving out head gear fashion advice. What a pleasure he is, such a wonderful person I can see him becoming. He’s 18 and off to Art college soon.
My head feels lovely and cool now, its much easier to sleep.

Saw oncologist yesterday, she is altering my medication for fec2 to minimise nausea and sickness, which is good news. She said that fingers crossed I will feel better next time. Its great that they can do something about the SEs I wonder how chemo patients coped in the early days of it being used?

Hi everyone, hope you are all feeling a bit better,
I had my first fec on Friday and hasn’t been fun at all,
First night had to go to hospital after being continually sick, put on a fluids,
Other se not to bad,
The worst I am having is apparently a reaction to sickness meds, which are feeling very anxious, irritable and not sleeping, they say they will adjust meds for next time, but what am I supposed to so in the mean time waiting for it to wear off, I feel like I’m going to explode or go crazy, my poor family are at there wits end and don’t no what to do for me :frowning: xxx

Hope you ladies get home from the hospital soon xxx

Hi Wendy, stopped the meds yesterday and they said hopefully!!! it will calm down in a few days, just don’t no how they expect you to deal with this especially when I have a little boy to look after, had to call my friend round as panicking to much, and now just feel so hopeless and guilty, really don’t no how I’m going to do this another 5 times :frowning:

Hope your aches and pains ease off for you.

Joanne xxx

Morning Ladies

Sorry to hear so many have a rough time at the moment, let’s hope this next week is better. I’m having 2nd Fec today and hoping meds will be adjusted to sort out my sickness. I’ve taken the tips about drinking lots of water on board but am slightly concerned about how I’m going to do that and manage 4 hrs under cold cap without having a wee, I’m always going normally even just drinking my beloved tea. Talking of that making the most of my tea this morning as it will be the last I enjoy for a few days.
Hair still here but started to come out around day 19 so will have to see how it goes, have my wig ready in case I need it.
Good luck to anyone else having treatment over next few days, I was stung by a bee last night and am hoping that won’t stop today going ahead!