Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi all, hope you’re all coping with this hot weather, it is draining especially when you are already suffering side effects. For those that have suffered sore veins after having chemo I promised I’d report back after this last cycle, well I can happily report that my 4th FEC has caused no soreness to my veins like the other 3. If you can remember the last nurse saw my previous veins and hooked me up to a very large bag of saline which was flushed through quickly and has definitely helped my veins. So if any if you do suffer don’t be afraid to ask them to do the same as it has helped. X

Morning ladies,

CathC - so glad to see you’re home but sorry you’re now having to face shaving your head. This is one of my biggest fears too. When the time comes I’m not sure how I’ll cope but at least we can take strength from each other here. Sending lots of hugs x

Karen - I went to the toilet wearing the cold cap, so you should be fine. X

Claire - glad to hear you are pain free. You were right about the hormones, Im feeling much better today much to my husbands delight. X

Wendy - thank you so much for recommending The Choice. I downloaded it yesterday and I’m already 100 pages in. X

Hugs to everyone else I haven’t mentioned.

Dee xx

Good morning July ladies. At least looking on the positive side we have some lovely weather even if we can’t  sit in it we can enjoy the pleasantness fromindoors:smileyvery-happy:


Horseslave - your son sounds lovely and supportive.   Great that you have an oncologist who listens. My assessment appt is on the 28th. We shall see.


Wendy - how r you today? Are you getting over the worse of the SEs. Good to know that the pattern on the tc is the same onthe 2nd cycle. I shall now be more mentally prepared and I have already cancelled 2 shifts which I had booked after my 2nd cycle.  Hope the SEs are the same or better because I hate surprises.


Oh Joanne - My heart goes out to you. The constant sickness must be even worse than the bone pains which I experience. I do hope that you are feeling better emotionally now and that you  are managing to get some sleep. ((hugs)).


Karen2609 - Good luck with your 2nd cycle. Fingers crossed all goes well with minimal SEs.


CathC - I feel for you. So sorry about your hair. I thought about tips re funny side but I too was tearful during the worse and I could only see the funny side of things after I felt better and more like myself. X X. Just stay well and focus on getting better. The people who love you will understand. Good luckat the dentist. 


Thanks for the advice re sore veins Sodastream. I shall remember if necessary.  :smileyhappy:


Wendy - I went to the loo with my coldcap on. It can be detached and will continue to work, but the quicker you can get it reattached the better as I found that a slight brainfreeze returned after detachment from

the Paxman.  


Dellan - Glad that you are feeling better emotionally. Onward and upwards.


Well, DAY 17 for me and feeling good. I baked a carrot cake this morning for my son’s birthday today. He’s working today, so we shall celebrate tomorrow. I shall be popping out some time to put a surprise birthday banner and balloons on his front door. :smileyvery-happy:


Good luck everyone. Stay strong. MyHair is still intact, although I am scared  to wash it in case it falls off. Keeping fingers crossed till day 21. x x


Clare (sugar8)



Hi All,


Been an up & down week after 2nd FEC, don’t think the weather has helped but no doubt I could be worse than I have been so hope to start feeling on the up again soon.


Sugar8 - glad you are feeling good - hope you have a great time celebrating your son’s birthday and mmmmmmm! carrot cake - my fave!!


Dellan - glad you are feeling better now.


CathC - great to hear you are home.  Hope all goes well with the hair - just try to focus on the fact it is only temporary.  I just recently saw a lady I know who went through this last year and couldn’t believe how much her hair has grown already.  Good luck with the dentist too on Monday.


Sodastream - thanks for the info re veins.  Mine hurt during treatment on Monday then seemed to be ok until last night - was painful in the night, feeling tight and bruised so I’ll ask about the saline thing next time.


Karen2609 - good luck with your 2nd FEC today and hope you manage to wee ok - I always go loads when I’m there but am not doing the cold cap.  Hope the bee sting is ok and know what you mean about beloved tea - my darling hubby brings me one every morning but it’s just not going down this week.  Taste issue is defo worse for me this second cycle so am struggling to get fluids in sometimes but it doesn’t seem to be affecting food and I’m eating plenty.


Joanne76 - really sorry to hear you are having a rough time after your first FEC.  I do hope they can sort you out quickly and hopefully change your meds to help next time - big hugs x


WP23 - hope your SE’s are now easing off a little from yesterday


Wendylois - great to hear you are still feeling good on day 12 and your wig sounds great - enjoy your new look!


Nikki49 - thanks for the info on the steroid tail - will try to remember that if needed when that part of the journey begins.


To each and everyone - hugs and best wishes and may we all get through this journey together and get to the other side quickly xxx




Hi ladies - just to say it’s really helped to read all your comments, tips and experiences. I only had my first TC & H session on Wed and on day 4 today was hit by the muscle/bone aches, crippling indigestion and headache. Will it pass or last? I’ve taken paracetamol but don’t want to take too much more after all the anti-sickness, steroids, chemo, Herceptin and white cell booster injection!! Xx

Morning everyone, another scorchio day ahead! RAIN PLEASE…!
Read through posts wanting to hug you all, I hope they get the SEs under control for all of us.
CATH sing silly bald head songs, helped me see the funny side, I will not shed a single tear for this poo faced illness or what it does to my appearance. Oh my goodness my head feels cool now and there are some awesome head scarves around! By the way,you get loads of sympathy in shops, the man in the DIY shop knocked £20 off my trophy engraving , whoop whoop, appealed to my Scottish side!!
Every cloud…

WENDY ask for tramodil for the aches. Thankyou for book reference, I will get that. The origins of chemo are very interesting too, I was reading about mustard gas and ww1 patients. How they realised the yew tree would be useful, I will never know.

JOANNE so sorry you were hospitalised. Any nice male nurses to pass the time watching? Dont feel guilty if people help you lots by the way, I know us mums like to be independent and strong.i wonder of the anxiety is not just the drugs but a feeling of not being in control. I crush lavender and breath it when I feel like that.

KAREN that naughty bee, how unfortunate. They think my infection that hospitalised me was from an infected midge bite! So postpone the chemo by all means. Hospital sucks.

To everyone else, lets have the best day we can, two fingers up to the rest!!xxx

Oops missed a few comments on my phone, sorry if I am out of date or ignored anyone, you are all special!
Wanted to shared proud mum moment, my 13 year old girl won junior champs and was reserve ridden champ at horse show yesterday. In sidesaddle!! My friend took me so we could surprise her, was a good day, hard to beat. Here’s to awesome days like that for all of us x

Wendy - is this after your first treatment?

Hi girls,
Good luck to everyone having chemo this week! I have my second on weds if bloods ok tomorrow. I know we all don’t want any delays and just want to get on and get this done, so we can get some normality back in our lives.! Hope all of you are at least feeling a bit better and the side effects are abating. Anyway big hugs to you all . Round 2 bring it on ! Xx morag

Morning all you wonderful July thread ladies,

I had a very good day yesterday and managed a six mile walk with my hubby. It was great to feel normal again and for once in a very long time we didnt discuss the big C. I’m not sure if its the same for the rest of you but I find it’s the first thing I think of when I wake and carries on till bed. Yesterday I just forgot everything ahead and enjoyed time with the most amazing man I could ever have met.

One SE I have noticed over the last few days is how itchy my head is, feels like Ive got a nest of bugs living there lol. Has anyone else found this and does it pass?

Ruby - lovely to see another lady join the group.

Morag - good luck for your second treatment Wednesday.

JuSt -I hope you are feeling better today.

CathC - loved reading your post, its given me hope that if the time comes for me to shave my head I can laugh too. Glad you had a nice meal too.

Horseslave - congratulations to your daughter, you must be very proud of her.

Wendy - I hope you managed to contact the nurse and get some advice for your fingers.

Clare - Did your son enjoy his birthday surprise?

To everyone else, I hope you have as good a day as possible.

Lots of hugs
Dee x

Hi ruby44
Like you and Wendy I am on TC. I took paracetamols at first but had to progress to Ibruprofen also by day 8. I was looking at an american group site where the women recommend taking clarityn before and during the filigrastim injections to reduce bone pains so I am going to talk to onco tomorrow and see if I can take that as well as I really found the bone pains was the worse SE of all. Even worse than the crippling indigestion which lasted for 3 days. Wendy has recommended Lansoprazole for the indigestion. Wishing you better soon . x


Thanks for the good luck wishes CathC. Good luck to you too on Tuesday. Fingers crossed that all goes well and you stay firmly at home. :smileyhappy:


Yes Dellan he did. We kept it low key but he was happy. He’s so easy going. 

Hi all,

The start of second week and definitely feeling an improvement today - just been out for an hour’s walk with my best friend, youngest daughter and dogs and now sitting out in the sun and breeze relaxing - feel’s good.  Had some great news today that a scaly brown patch unearthed by my bald scalp has been checked by dermatologist and is harmless - I hate these paranoid thoughts but had a few scary moments where I was convinced it was skin cancer!  

My main problem at the mo is chronic insomnia - I’ve suffered with it to a degree for years and years but find I am currently only getting approx 3 hours kip a night.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I’m already keeping a sleep diary and doing the usual eg no caffeine or alcohol, healthy(ish) eating, etc - I go to bed feeling relatively relaxed and drift off but inevitably wake 2 1/2 - 3 hours later.  Any ideas gratefully received.

Hugs and best wishes to all of you and good luck to anyone having treatment this week,



Had FEC on the 22nd felt tired most of the time went to a&e on the 25th swollen glands behind and infront of ear also legs and ankles swollen. Was told kidnesy not happy [bit like me then]. sent home slept was feeling bettewr but now diorrea. Sure i must be doing better than some next FEC in a few weeks but pic lin going in under operation wednesday. Good luck to others on here 

thanks cath c such a great bunch of people on here supporting each other

Hi Everyone

So many comments since my last visit so many of us experiencing some of the horrid SE with so much stoicism I count myself lucky to be part of such a wonderful bunch of ladies.

Sugar8 I was discharged on Wednesday afternoon thank God for that and being me I was actually thinking I could go to work for a few hours, then I thought better of it. I am slowly learning to be sensible and listen to my body. My lovely husband keeps telling me to take it easy.
On Friday I had more blood tests and my blood count went exceptionally high and had to not administer the last filgrastim dose.

Hair though was falling out everywhere and we’ve put a stop to it on Sunday, shaved it off and my husband had his shaved off too in support, that is sweet but I warned him to grow it back I love his hair too much.
The wig is fabulous and I have ordered a second one which is a bit longer and layered.

CathC I too had a tickly cough on Saturday night really bizarre as it settled in a few hours. Hope your second FEC goes well , waiting to hear from you.

Second round of FEC today was so yucky felt so nauseous I do hope tomorrow gets better. Soldier on all you lovely people ?

Lots of hugs
Flossie xx

Can anyone tell me if they’re SE’s are worse at night? I thought I had a better day yesterday and then, bang, last night was the worse I’ve had with the most excruciating back and stomach pains that went on all night. Got about 1 hr of sleep and in agony most of the night. I’m off for blood test to check white count today so will speak to nurses but I just can’t see myself coping with this again next cycle! A very tired Ruby xx

very tired tghis morning and feeling a bit iut of breath hubby said my pulse is fast as well go to go to hospital tomorrow early see what they say.

i am really asstonished how you all are coping and feel when i read your posts that this is a great coffee morning pick me up

Hi to all, thanks to sugar8, CathC and Hbunny for your messages & tips on insomnia - will bear them all in mind and investigate the melatonin thing. 

Candyflossie - hope you are feeling better now after your second FEC. x

CathC - hope you have gone on ok with your second treatment today and have no trips to the hospital this time x

Ruby44 - sorry to hear about your nasty pains last night - I do hope you get sorted with something to ease them very quickly x

Wendylois - glad to hear there was no infection and that all is going well with your wigs.  I’m finding it easier to just pop one of my Annabandana turbans on when I go out and saving my wig for ‘best’ x

Shoes220 - hope you manage to get some rest and that your breathlessness and pulse settle down again quickly x

Hugs and best wishes to everyone



Hi lovely ladies, I went back to hosp for blood test to be told I’ve had a bad reaction to the Neulasta injection to boost white count and bone marrow has been over-working that’s why I had so many severe sternum and back pains. I’ve got extra strong painkillers, antibiotics and sleeping tablets - I’m off to bed to get at least ten hours sleep (I wish)!!!

Morning Ladies,
Cath C , I had 5 injections of the filgrastim after my first chemo and had very little joint or back pain so you might be ok . I suppose everyone is different …good luck and glad to hear all went ahead yesterday.

Ruby44 hope you got some sleep last night ? Sounds like there throwing everything they can your way !

hunny bunny . Your doing very well Carrying on working It must give you something else to focus on apart from thinking about cancer from Dawn till dusk.

Wendylois .hooe your blisters are better today . I can’t get on with my wig so I’m taking it back. I have some lovely hats and scarves but I general go commando ! I bet you will look amazing for the wedding in yours !

Ruby. My SEs are not worse at night …only not sleeping whilst taking the steroids.

Sodastream . I felt really sick after first chemo so they are altering my meds I hope they work as yours seems to be much better. Thanks for the advice will check out emend if it’s no better this time round.

Sugar8 . Hope the cold cap works for you , I never even gave it a thought but maybe wish I had now x

Candieflossie …great husband support ! Mine as been amazing too xx

Horseslave … Hope your sencond round goes better than the last and you keep well and out of hospital !

Anyway should have been having my second round today but my wbc is on the floor. Although I have been fit and well ! So more bloods thurs and hopefully in then! I have been taking manouka honey, Siberian ginseng tea, garlic in everything(must smell horrible) vitamin c , loads of greens … Can’t do much more than cross my fingers …I have a naturally low wbc count anyway so they may put me on a reduced does and ill be in every week if it stays as it is so wish me luck xx
Slightly down …morag