Anyone finding it a bit difficult to adapt to new forums

Yes Shi I have had exactly the problem you describe with logging in and Bernard has been trying to help me with no luck. However suddenly when I tried with my original password a little while ago I got into the forum. A big “Thank you” to Bernard.

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thank you Joanne. So far I have not tried dog food. But you never know. If I am anything like the other members of my family, Alzheimer’s is winging its way towards me.

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That’s great sunshine that they’ve been able to fix your forum glitch :+1: forum members pleasure use this thread to help mods with any problems with new forum or glitches or things that they can look at to getting it working smoothly as forum users will find most helpful to work with as forum users, it all helps the mods :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Somewhere up the thread someone mentioned about the post counter not working. I have spotted that it goes a bit weird on the Nurses threads as it seem to count the note that the thread has been locked and archived as replies. Maybe that is what the original poster noticed.

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My daughter is a vet and has often said she wished there was a complete food for humans as there is for cats and dogs as it would be easier to maintain her weight!!

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Hi, I only joined when the new forum was up and running so I cannot compare it to the old one. I do agree with someone who said the date and year needs to be posted. I have found myself looking at very old posts on occasion. Also I am sure it is a daft question but can some one explain the three icons next to the reply button. I seem to only have two icons next to the reply button. I pressed one under an old post of mine and it disappeared!!!

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Now I have a pencil type of icon. Not sure what has happened.

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The pencil might be to edit your message. I can see it under my posts, but not yours.

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The three dots gives you the option to report a post if it’s concerning or flag a post ( I have to say I’m not sure what that means !) the other symbol allows you to copy a link to the comment to another person , pencil icon is edit - will only appear under your posts as you can’t edit other peoples .

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Heart means you like a post or sending a hug to someone who needs it .


Thank you all for your comments. I see that I do not have a heart under my posts. It seems to have disappeared over the last couple of days.

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You won’t see one under your own posts only other peoples .


Thanks Jill1998. I must be having a “mad 5 minutes”!!!

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I know the feeling ! :laughing:

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Is anyone else struggling with emojis ? I see people using them but if I touch the emoji icon on my keyboard or at the top of the box I’m typing in now it doesn’t work .
For instance :joy: this one came up as a predictive choice and it’s been accepted but if I want to use a different emoji I can’t just pick it - or several in a row from a list I have to type the word it corresponds to first or this happens :joy: - that’s me trying to enter the same emoji as above .

Is it just me … it probably is … but I didn’t have this problem on the old forum


Ok now I feel like a wally - as I was drafting this it came up as reading : joy
Now I’ve sent it it’s come up as , :joy:
Grrr !

Hi Sunshine

My heart has also gone ? Hopefully will get reinstated soon

Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

I think you will not see the outline of the heart only the solid heart if someone has “hugged” that particular post

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I’m pretty sure you do not see a heart under your own posts unless someone has hugged it as you can’t hug yourself ! If another user posts you will see a blank heart under their posts if someone hugs their post it will be solid and the number of hugs will show .

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Thanks Jill