Anyone finding it a bit difficult to adapt to new forums

But that’s my point!! ARE there 39 replies if it counts 2 posts as 3?!!

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If I go to the first post and count the number of replies (ie individual replies by different people ) I get 39 now 41 .

Hi @JCJ, thanks for the screenshots. I think the counter is working well. The screenshots show the 35th, 36th and 37th comments in this thread. In the desktop version, there is a slidebar on the right hand side that moves up and down depending on where you are.

Hi Bernard

I’m active on the forum but I’ve been away camping for a few days and I’ve been receiving summaries of all the activity I’ve missed via email. If someone has liked my post/ replied / sent me a private message/ asked me personally for help or answered a request from me for help then that’s fine I want to hear about it .I don’t feel that I need to know about all the topics I haven’t been involved with or how many new members have joined when I’m intentionally taking a break from the forum ( and everything else ) not to mention trying to save my phone battery.
I had to check my emails for something important and found I’d been sent a summary of the activity on the forum 2 days in a row .I find it a bit puzzling and slightly unwelcome if I’m honest - I’m perfectly capable of catching up again now I’m back.
This seems to be a new feature - is there any way to disable it / would logging out ( which I didn’t think to do to be fair ) stop these emails ?


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I managed to stop the e mails when it first changed , I think it’s under either preferences or pause notifications if you click on your user icon then on the body icon I think it then brings up these options ?

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Go to how to get started on the forum and it guides you through how to change it .


How to get started

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Thank you Jill

I already went into my settings and changed the notifications from daily to weekly . One thing it said ( and I tried to copy and paste it here but couldn’t do it) was that and I quote ;

We’ll only do this if we haven’t seen you in the last 10 minutes

That seems a bit strange .

I apologize if I sound a bit petty .
Being on this forum helps me to keep looking after myself / stay on track in the way I need to in order to stay healthy - something I haven’t been that great at in the past but I still need a bit of time off from it occasionally .


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No I understand totally initially the emails were bombarding me and I hated that “invasion “ ,I like to chose when to look at what’s being written . I have turned all email notifications off somehow , not 100% sure how !!


Thanks for the information about stopping the emails. I was getting updates of new topics that I had missed by not visiting the forum even though I was visiting. I just don’t post much at the moment.

I am glad my question has raised a few more, and maybe the forums will become a bit more usable once we get used to them and get our own settings set up to avoid bombardment with posts we don’t want to read. I have had to drop out for a while as it’s all been too much. I may drop back in once I feel a bit more settled. I have some issues about the care for my 96 year old mum her nursing home decided she was end of life, it turned out to be a urinary infection with a strange bacteria. I saw her yesterday after they used one dose of antibiotic for it and she looked a lot better already


Hi Seagulls

So sorry , I know how stressful all of that is and I’m glad your Mum is picking up. My Dad went into a care home last year and passed away in April at 92 , but he was ready to go . His care home were great in regards to keeping us informed and including us in meetings that led to decisions etc. but I know that isn’t always the case .When my Mum was in Hospital a couple of years ago it was like banging my head on a brick wall everyday trying to get them to consider Mum’s wishes though we got there in the end .
It sounds like you’re doing a great job for her but it’s tough on you .

Take care
Joanne x

Hi @JoanneN, I am catching up with some posts.
Have you managed to change the frequency using @Jill1998’s screenshots? :slight_smile:

If you have any screenshots of where it said ‘last 10 minutes’ please send them along to us. That is definitely a mistake we’d be keen to fix.


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Hi Bernard

Thanks for replying

I already managed to change the preferences settings from daily to weekly even before reading Jill’s post and feel confident that I could reduce it to monthly if required . If I got this right it’s below only when away in settings.


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Thanks Bernard. Anyone else finding their password not being retained when logging in and having to create a new password each time you try and login? I’ve raised with Bernard this morning :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi (BCN Forum Community Champion)

Something that is an unintended effect of this type of forum provider is that when you read a thread it suggests other linked topics you might like to read. However it takes no notice of how old or active those are. Yes, the date is posted next to the thread, but I have often just clicked on the next title thinking it is another recent message rather than something a year or two old. This method of suggesting threads doesn’t work with this type of forum I feel. Active threads should stay near the top and others naturally fall of the front page.

Also I can’t always remember where a particular thread I was reading or replying to was located making it difficult to follow up on comments made unless someone tags you.

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Yes I agree with all those points


Mum’s improving but she did put a bit of dried dog food in the shape of a mini bone into her mouth a couple of days ago when I offered it to her to feed our dog. I got her to spit it out and then gave it to Lola with no harm done. Well at least I hope not. Dogs have very strong stomachs. As probably my mum has. She’s still alive at 96 and 5 months

Well it’s day 5 of isolating with Covid - so thank you for the laugh Seagulls . Actually I think dog food is better for people than our food is for dogs - not that I’ve tried it . Glad your Mum is doing better. X

Great feedback for Bernard about the new forum platform, everyone please keep posting on this thread with your issues with this new forum we are all now moved to, it helps him feedback to bcn team :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx (BCN Forum Community Champion)