Anyone from East Kilbride/Glasgow area?

Hi I’m 34 and just wondered if anyone wanted to meet for coffee sometime?
Be good to hear from people



Im also 34 and live in East Kilbride. I dont know anyone in the area and feel very lonely alot of the time. It would be good to meet up. I have just finished my chemo, about to start rads next month,


Hi Angela

I got booked onto the healthy eating course, i’ll be getting train in, it’s not much walk from station

Hope you manage to call Chris,

Speak to you later


HI Sharon

I keep getting the answer machine when I call Chris… will try again later. I will also be getting the train in to Glasgow for the cooking course from the EK Station. Probaby the 8.50 train. Eugh, im not used to early mornings, I was bad before, but I have been off work since last MAy and havent had very many early mornings since. Oh well, it should be worth it, I think it will be a good day.


Hi Angela

I got a call yest from them asking if I was still going, you couls always try 0141 330 2000, got letter in this morning confirming Wed, It’s such a thought trying to drag yourself out of bed at that time in the morning, I stopped work 10th Oct been getting out bed about 9.30ish.

Going out to centre just now speak to you later

Sharon x


Your doing better than me at the mo then, I cant drag my butt out of bed before 11.30 at the mo. Even then its because i feel i should not becaues I couldnt sellp more. Oh Well…

I called that other noumber you gave me, I ot the answer machine there too. They are not great at answering phones…

Are you shoping for anything nice?


Yip they are crap at answering, it took them 3 days to get back to me, how bad is that?

Na just went for a wee wonder with my mum, had a nice coffee but no cake.
Just signing off to make dinner, chicken curry tonight, hopefully we’ll make something nice on Wed :slight_smile:

Bye for now
Sharon x

Just noticed how bad the spelling was in the previous post hehe, not good!!

Chicken curry sounds good, I cant be bothered so I dont know what im likely to end up with.

Mmmm cake sounds good, I may have to bake this evening… choc chip buns sounds good to me hehe, that will help the weight alot. Oh well…

Did they let your mum on the course on wed too?


Hey don’t worry about the spelling I’m the same, but never even noticed yours, I blame the chemo.

Curry was a bad idea, mouth couldn’t handle it. Wish I could bake, choc chip buns sound great!!!

Yeah mum going but don’t worry she’s a young mum, she’s younger than the people we see in the hospital…

Yeah I cant take curry now, anything spicy is too much since the chemo. I used to go for the hot currys from the indian too. Buns are really easy to make, I could post the recipe for you if you want. They are great straight from the oven, yum yum.


The Look Good, Feel Good thing on Monday is full, wont be going to that, or at least not that one, there is one on in Feb.


Och that’s a shame we could have went together, I’ll see you on the train on wed anyway, i’ll be getting on at hairmyres.
Receipe would be breat for the buns would be great thanks.
I forgot to ask you were you stay? I stay in a one bedroom flat in Westwood. a street called Trinidad Way, very near Hospital.
I’m a civil servant, work for MOD in glasgow.
Got any plans for the weekend?

I live very near to the EK train station in West Mains. I work for an Optitions as a computer programmer, very geeky!!

the buns

6oz butter
6oz sugar
6oz Flour
2 Large eggs
1 Packet of choc chips (plain is better)

Cream butter and sugar together untill its a light colour
Add fkour and eggs and beat together
Add Choc chips

Put in bun cases about 2 thirds of the way up

back in oven at approx 180c or gas mark 4 for about 12/ 15 mins, check after 12 to see if they are golden brown on top. They are usually ready then. Leave to cool and there you go.


Thanks Angela I’ll need to try it sometime. I know West Mains well. Your job sounds more professional than mine :slight_smile:
I’m looking forward to seeing you on Wed, if you want to meet before then just let me know, maybe we could meet on Tues for coffee if you feel up to it.


Yeah the job sounds professional… Its just geeky really though.

The buns are really easy, you should have a go.

Yeah Im up for meeting up on tues, How about lunch time ish?


Great, do you know the art centre just off Old Coach Road? Its next to British Legion. They do reasonable lunches, home made soup, meals, baked potatoes, toasties ect.
We can meet there at 1pm, theres plenty of parking.


Yeah I know the Art centre, was there just last night hehe. 1 sounds fine, I will see you then.

Have fun tomorrow, let me know how it goes.


I take it you made the train before I got there. I just missed it, the doors locked just as I got to them so I had to wait for the next one. Bummer!!

Today was good, but im knackered, slept on the train home. Think Im gonna veg for the rest of the evening. Hope you found the thread ok, I have it saved to my “saved discussions” now so I dont have to go looking for it.


What a nightmare trying to find this, I was panacking for a while.
I’ll def save this.

Yeah we got on the train but it only got to Busby, signal failure at East Kilbride, got dad to pick us up.
I really enjoyed today, food was great, everything I liked, except now I’ve got indigestion haha.

I’m vegging tonight on sofa, really tired!!!
Mum enjoyed today also and enjoyed meeting you and others xx

It was a nightmare finding it eh!

I am booked onto the look good feel good course in 2 weeks. I went into the Maggies centre today and apparently we are intitled to a non means tested benefit even if we are on full pay!! Interesteing.

Bummer about yesterdays train, there was no problem on the next one.

Really enjoyed yesterday, but Im feeling sore today, my legs and lower back were agony once I got home last night. Its eased of a wee bit today.

It was nice to meet your Mum, glad she enjoyed the day.
