Anyone from East Kilbride/Glasgow area?

Now that is interesting, just shows you how much conflicting info you get. The guy I spoke to was from Airdrie CAB which are supposed to be macmillan specialists. I’ll see what I can find out from someone else. Hope you got there ok.

I was really knackered last night, legs are sore today, think that was with the standing.

We prob should have waited for the next train but didn’t think it would have been fixed that quick.

Doing nothing at all today, except for friends tonight for dinner.
Take care for now

Sharon x

I have a concert tonight, thankfully its seated, I dont think I could stand for another 2 hours…

You’ve been a busy girl, 2 concerts in 1 week :wink:

Plus skiing and the cooking course, Im knackered!! I also have a night out tomorrow in Glasgow for a friends Birthday. Im gonna be no good to anyone next week.

We went to a Spanish Tapas bar in town last night, it was great
Hope you enjoyed your night.
Herceptin tomorrow and Chemo Tues, I’m going to be wacked this week :frowning:


I was at a Tapas bar too. I had a good night, Richard picked my up at 3am so it was a long night too. Think this week will need to be taken easy.

Hope today goes OK and your not feeling too bad this week.


Thanks Angela.
3am is a long night!! Good to see you earlier, need to take it easy this week with the snow :slight_smile:

I know, its mad out there. I thought Scotland was supposed to miss this… especially the west coast! Hope you dont suffer this week. The offer of company still stands, I can make choc chip buns and you can veg and pig out with them is you want hehe.

Take care

Hi guys

I am from glasgow and i am now on my 2nd dose of chemo 4 Epi-4 Cmf feeling okay, first one was worse with more side effects of feeling sick but just a bit tired this week, next one is due in the 13th Feb
hope all is going well with your treatment

Take care lol

jo x

Hi there,
I am also from Glasgow & I hope eveyone is coping well with their treatment.I am having 6 FEC…half way through.However, been delayed for a couple of weeks as neutrophils again were too low & I later developed D&V…joy!!! Just recuperating now till next week.
Would have loved to have gone out in the snow yesterday…Maybe by the weekend I will manage.
Take care all
Pauline xx

Hi Jo and Pauline

Hope you are both well. Im finished my chemo, I was on the Tact 2 trial so I had 4 epi and 4 Xeloda. Will be starting my Rads on the 17th.

Its not fun, but it will be over with soon enough. Have you both had your operations?


Evening Angela,
Glad your chemotherapy is over…hang on in there with the rads.
I have still to have surgery…let the chopping commence ASAP!!!
Hope you have the heating cranked up.Looks like more snow for the weekend.
Take care

Hi Jo and Pauline, I have had 4 FEC than started Taxoter and herceptin, had 2nd Herceptin yest and 2nd Taxotere today, feel bit tired today but hope it won’t last long, been good so far as haven’t had any sickness.
I haven’t had my surgery yet either

Take care all and keep in tpouch with us the more the merrier xxx

Angela, I’ll keep you informed how I’m feeling this week, hope your complimentary therapy went well xx

Hi Sharon

Hope you dont feel too bad, Complementary therapy went well, had reflexology. Told her about you and you she said just to give her a call and she will set you up.

Speak soon


Morning girls…

Slight respite this morning from the barley bug…Still have the dreaded D but no evidence of the V this morning.
Hope you are ok.
Sharon…do you have a hickman line in?I am due for one next week as veins are now dodgy.No date for my surgery yet.Rest well this week!!

Angela…did you go to Tak Tent for complementary therapy?I hear they are very good.
Well,now that OH has been chucked out for work I better go & get some sleep therapy in.
Take care

Hi Pauline

The complementry therapy is done at Hairmyres Hospital. There is 1 woman there that does it. We are entitled to 6 free sessions. I think she also covers one day at Monklands.


Thanks for that Angela…will make enquires @ Rah.They may have a similar set up

Hi good morning

feeling really tired today had to get up early to take my little girl to nursery, but i think i will try and rest as much as possible today well if thats okay with my other little girl who is 2 she will just have to take a long nap with me, dont need to pick up my other little girl until 3.30pm.

I ve had 2 operations, 1st one was in 6th oct for a WLE and 4 nodes remove but the results were not good so I then had a mastectomy and all my nodes removed which came as a big shock to me… I had my mastectomy on the 14th of Nov which went really well soo happy with my new boob my surgeon was really good! Had my op done at the Glasgow royal.

Has any of you went to the maggies centre i have heard that is really good !!

take care lov jo x

Hi girls.

Feeling really knackered this time, feels weird as I’ve been ok but suppsose it had to hit me at some point. Got appointment to see oncologist again next Thurs hopefully then i will know what’s happening next.

I didn’t have a hickman line put in yet, there was a girl I was sitting with yest she had one in and said it was fine, she just keeps a bandage on it all the time.

The maggies centre in Glasgow is great, I got a good feeling from there. I also went to look good feel better day there last monday, it was a great afernoon, you get loads free makeup and it all expensive stuff, get yourselves on it if you haven’t attended already. Call Chris on 0141 330 3311.
There is also a young persons group on a monday afternoon I was thinking of going along at some point.
I popped into the Maggies centre in Wishaw but didn’t get a good vibe from there, maybe cause there was no-one on who could help me that day but that’s just my opinion.
Going for a lie down now

Take care and speak to you all soon xxxx

Hello there…

Hope you are all taking it easy tonight.Lots of snow were I am…outskirts of Barrhead.
Jo ,your kids would enjoy sledging up here.Did you manage to rest up today?I have not been to the Maggies centre yet but have enrolled on the LGFB day.
Sharon,hope all goes well with the onc team next thursday…take it easy in the meantime.
Angela,are you making the chocolate cakes tonight…you need to keep your strength up in preparation for the rads.
My D&V came back with avengence today.This has been on going since last week.Medical team thought it was a bug but have to get a FBC tomorrow as the thinking is now delayed onset neutropenia.Will have to be confirmed if it is.
I was neutropenic last week which resulted with no chemo & injecting myself with G-CSF.Now no chemo or hickman line this week…pain in the ass.Hopefully,it willbe resolved soon.
Stay stong sisters & spk soon