Margaret - welcome to this group. I live in EK, Lindsayfield and am nearer your age at 60. I had BC 12 years ago then secondaries 5 years ago. Treatment is chemo then a wee break then chemo again. Does work but hard going. Just heard about Hospice in EK, so plan to go there next week.
Sharon - how was scan. Just hope everything goes OK - you deserve some good news.
Fiona - was mammogram all right.
Helen - you do seem to be struggling being back at work. It does take a long time to get back into work again so try and take it easy. Unless they’ve been through similar, people don’t understand just how cancer and chemo affects you physically and mentally. I remember being desperate to get back to work, coped for few weeks then just went to pieces and had to take more time off.
Just been a lovely week, though back garden is still covered with snow. Wish it would go away.
Off to Silverburn to meet couple of friends for coffee.
Have a good weekend everyone,