Anyone in Burnley / East Lancashire

cant remember for sure linda, i think there was a water dispenser, im sure they offered brews as well, good luck for tuesday x,

Thanks Tabitha.

I’m getting really nervous now. Good luck with your second one on Tuesday.

What regime are you on?

Linda xxx

I’m having 3 fec then 3 tac, then 5 years on tamoxafen, (is that what you meant?)
i’m not as worried this time as it doesn’t hurt you just sit back and let them do what they have to do, the nurse i had would tell me what some ladies felt as it happened, one was a prickly feeling down below it lasted about 20 seconds, really strange feeling but not painfull though, another was like you had a few glasses of wine again lasted seconds, i liked that feeling ha ha , x

Like the idea of glass of wine feelings, Tabitha! The cording is sore, Linda - been doing my execises as best I can but really would like to speak to a physio so am going to Pendleside on Tuesday. Supposed to be starting chemo on Wednesday but my port is so sore I’m worried about them using it. It’s probably unrelated, but have had ectopic heartbeats today - got some beta blockers from out of hours doctor. Just hope it’s stress-related and nothing to do with the port!!! Only had these once before, about 30 years ago - not pleasant. Will be ringing Preston in the morning…
Hope it goes really well for both of you this week.
Take care
Wendy x

Sorry - just re-read my post and realised how negative it sounds! Am trying to stay positive but some days it’s just hard… Thankgoodness for forums like this, eh?! The sun is shining and it’s a lovely day. I do want a port - just a comfortable one. The beta blocker is staring to work a bit. I’m sure chemo will be do-able and not too bad for all of us. There! That was more positive… :slight_smile:
Wendy x

LOL Wendy - I answered your first post before I saw your second one.

Everyone I have seen posting on this forum that has a port fitted has said how brilliant they are, our best friends for 12 months, and how we have pain free infusions and also 2 free arms so we can do other things, like go to the loo! That is my main concern at the moment - I am drinking so much I will need the loo several times.

Chemo will be doable for us all and we can help each other through it. I hope your Wednesday date isn’t delayed at all. Keep Calm and Chemo On !!

Oh dear Wendy, that doesn’t sound pleasant, and anything different in the heart area can be very frightening. It does sound like stress to me, but I know nothing! I had a few minutes of feeling something odd with my heart in bed last night and started to panic that the catheter had broken off the port and was floating away down my vein! Dave assured me they were welded together somehow and that just could not happen. Definitely ring Preston.

Thanks Tabitha, yes, that is what I meant. You are on a completely different combination of drugs than Wendy and me.


Flaming Gremlins. Now my posts are out of order!!!

Hi Tabitha,

Did you arrive before 1-15? I was there till then, sitting with my daughter in the big room. I didn’t notice you arrive. Our nurse is lovely - her name is Lynne. She really put me at ease. I had my Herceptin loading dose yesterday and the Tax/Carboplatin today. I breezed through them both, no pain having the infusions through the port, and so far so good. I feel fine. I painted my nails black on recommendation from this forum as Tax is hard on the nails, and having no hair is bad enough!!

You seem to have had a fairly reasonable journey so far. I hope it continues for you. Was today OK?

My next cycle is Tuesday 30th at 10-30 and will be for about 3 hours in total, so maybe we can chat then.


my appointment was at 1pm but needed to see the onc, i got there at about 1.25pm, the nurse did say we might meet as our paths cross, my next one is also 30th but at 1pm and again i need to see the onc first , glad everything went well for you, today went super, had a macdonalds lunch beforehand to kill some time as we were quite early,

Like ships that pass in the night! One of these days we will bump into each other. I have to see the Onc first before mine, but have an appointment an hour before my chemo. Why on earth have you got 9 syringes?

it,s 3 x F, 3 x E and 3xC =FEC, when im on the tac its just 1,
it only takes about an hour to do,
For some reason they put my onc and chemo appointments at the same time,

An hour isn’t so bad at all. Mine will be nearly 3 hours by the time they have run the saline through at the end. An hour each for Tax and Carboplatin, half an hour for Herceptin.

How are you today? I am still feeling good. I was woken about 6-30 with a churning tummy, followed by diarrhea, but only mild and settled down soon enough. Waiting now for the District Nurse to call to remove the stitches from my portocath neck wound. Will be glad to get those out. The dressing is a nuisance. The port wound stitches have another 2 weeks to stay in though.

Whoop! 1 Herceptin down, 17 to go… feeling fine at the moment too. Just hope tomorrow’s chemo is as easy (or is that being naive??!) Staff were great and it was good to meet Mamakaz.
And the sun is shining and it really feels like spring :slight_smile:
Now I just need this stupid irregular heartbeat to settle down…
Hope you’re still feeling well, Linda.
Take care everyone
Wendy x

Well done Wendy! No, not being naive. The chemo was just as much of a breeze as the Herceptin was in my case.

Hope Mamakaz was also fine.

Day 2 for me and still feeling good. I slept well last night. I had a bout of diarrhoea this morning. Tummy churned a bit and woke me up at 6-30, had to go 5 times between then and 9-30 but then it settled down. Very mild and no need for any meds. The chemo nurse rang me to check how i was, and she said not to worry and to drink plenty. Then this afternoon the District Nurse came to remove the neck stitches. Just 3 of them. She said all looked well and healed but has put another dressing on for a few more days. I am now waiting for the Centurion Tank to hit me, maybe tomorrow or Friday. I hope not tomorrow as I have a lunch date with two friends. I’ve been for a longish walk this afternoon with hubby and Lola the dog, which was lovely. I am determined not to turn into a hermit with all this.

Hope it continues well for you, Linda xxx

Hi Linda and Karen
Just wondered how the Burnley TCH gang is doing! I was ok yesterday but feel very spaced-out, tired and head achey today - not managed to get up yet. Also had facial flush this morning but temp is ok. Yesterday I was lucky I think - just acid reflux and horrid mouth.
Have you tried to sleep on your port side yet, Linda? I tried and it hurts!
'Tis a gorgeous morning and should be pleased I’m not suffering badly but just feeling a bit down today. Hate this “fuzzy” feeling!
Have a good and minimal SE day,
Wendy x

Mornin Wendy,

It’s Day 5 for me and so far so good. No real problems at all. I have a funny taste in my mouth (found myself putting sugar on my cereal this morning to stop it tasting like cardboard) and sadly I think my hair is on its way out. I can feel a pulling sensation when I touch certain bits of my head. Apart from a mild episode of diarrhoea on day 1 and mild reflux/heartburn at bedtime, I have been well. I am sleeping like an angel - and yes I can sleep on my port side. It doesn’t hurt anymore. I have managed a walk every day albeit not very far. The odd facial flush but nothing sinister. My temp is still hovering round 36.3 which is normal for me. I am getting worried now that this big tank is going to come crashing into me any time now!

You sound fairly similar to me, although the spaced out bit hasn’t hit me yet. Anytime you start to feel achey - swallow a Paracetamol to stop it getting worse.

Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine. Linda xxx

hi jus thought i would see how everyone is going on, must of just missed you linda on tuesday, unless that was you who called in the main bulding before you left, , i have finished my fec and now going onto tax so i will be in the main room next time may see you there x

Hi Tabitha,

I was in the main room from about 11am till 2pm with my daughter. I didn’t see anyone I thought might be you. Wendy called in to have her bloods taken and was chatting to us for a bit, and Mamakaz (Karen) was there briefly about 11.

I’ve done well so far apart from a 3 night stay at Royal Blackburn with neutropenia!! Apart from that I have done well, no major problems, just minor irritations. How about you?

My next session is on 21st may at 10-30. Will you be there then?

best wishes, Linda xxx

i came in about 1.30, i had a blacl coat and black bandana, i was with my mum,. x