Anyone in Burnley / East Lancashire

Hi all, I have just found out about this East Lancs forum.
I am scheduled for surgery on 17th May in Burnley


Hi Jan
Good to see you in our small and select group!

Wendy x

Hi Jan,
Glad to have another local lass with us.
I had my surgery (lumpectomy) in January and a successful cavity shave in February, both at Burnley. In and out in a few hours, and no problems since. I was very pleased. I am now on day 3 of my second cycle of chemo, also at Burnley, and am tolerating the TCH regime quite well with hardly any side effects worth mentioning. (apart from an episode of Neutropenia landing me in Blackburn hospital for 3 nights, least said the better!!) I am still waiting for the train to hit me, as it probably will before long!

Good luck with your surgery Linda xxxxx

Hi Tabitha,

I must have had my eyes closed!!! next time if you think you see me, please give me a poke!

Hi Knoxybabes
I was in clinic in Burnley on Thursday 2nd May. I fully expected to be told I had a cyst or something similar as that was what Doctor first suspected when she saw me prior to having mammogram etc. After two biopsies and FNA I went back to same Doctor and she told me they are very worried and started to talk about referals to surgeons and reconstructive plastic surgery and chemo.
I go back on Weds for results and will be taking someone with me this time!
Hope you are doing ok, it is comforting to know there are others in my local area who understand and are coping themselves with similar worries.

Hazel X

welcome jan, good luck for your op, burnley is brilliant, the staff have been wonderfull,
good luck for wednesday haz xxx
lol linda i did look at everyone sat having chemo, im thinking we are in a paraell universe and our paths just keep crossing, i am in the big room next time as my chemo changes,

Thanks for the welcome everyone. I am falling apart at the moment and have been told about the support group at Pendleside Hospice. Do any of you attend?

Hi Jan

I live in the local area in Nelson, I was diagnosed on Weds just gone at Burnley General. I have been told my cancer is a grade 2 and I have two lumps and cancer in one of my nodes (not sure if it is in any others yet) I’m seeing Oncologist on Tuesday about Chemo and I will have a mastectomy and radiotherapy. Similar situation with travel to different hospitals. I dont know yet if I need any hormone therapy etc as those results were not back. I wasnt expecting this at all but then I dont suppose anyone ever does.
I have three children, a daughter who is 20 and two younger ones daughter age 7 and son age 4. This couldnt have happened at a worse time as I have just started a new job and my partner is just coming to the end of teacher training ans is on work placement and has loads of course work to do.
I hope you are doing ok.


Hi Tabitha
My results were as I had expected and prepared myself for. I have grade 2 cancer and will have chemo, mastectomy and radiotherapy followed by reconstruction.
Strangely I feel much better now I know and I think its family and friends who are now in shock.
I think I must have a guardian angel who made me go to the doctors. I went a few times and Doctor couldnt feel anything. I nearly didnt go again cos I kept convincing myself it was nothing and putting it off but something kept nagging at me so I went and just as well I did.


Hi Jan - sent you a message.

Welcome to our little group, Hazel.

I was diagnosed late December and am now approaching my 3rd dose of chemo. Having read many of the other threads on this forum I think we are extremely lucky at Burnley Chemo Unit. It is small and intimate, run by lovely nurses and not at all impersonal like so many of the bigger ones seem to be.

I suppose it is a bind having 3 different hospitals to travel to for various treatments, although Burnley is the main one. I had my portacath fitted at Preston and will have radio there, plus the odd quick visit to Blackburn. It isn’t much of a problem for me personally because I live about 14 miles from each of them.

Good luck with your next appointment, and Jan - good luck with your op. You are in good hands. Linda xxx

Hi Lola
I’ve been to Dr H’s surgery today. I now know my cancer is invasive and suspected inflamatory. I also need hormone therapy as it is oestrogen positive, they didn’t have the HER 2 results back yet but I am booked to go for pre chemo talk etc on Friday. Ive had my bone scan and having CT scan on Thursday. I will start on FEC T on a 3 wkly cycle in the next few weeks just depends on my HER 2 result what type of delivery system they fit (I dont fancy the PICC line much though).
Cant get over how fast it all moves but thats good I suppose as it shows a sense of urgency.
I said I’d give the cold cap a go as one of my sisters friends found it helped her so we’ll see what happens. I’m not vain but I recently shelled out on a new hairdo (before I went to clinic) LOL

Hi Hazel,

It’s all moving nice and quickly for you, which is good. Less time to worry! If it turns out you are HER2 positive, your chemo regime may change. I’m not using the cold cap. I really did not fancy it, and certainly didn’t want to extend my time spent in the unit. I had my hair cut short before chemo started, then when it started to fall out my OH clippered it to a Sinead O’Connor look. I got some bald patches, but I’ve had 2 cycles of chemo and it is now growing back. I haven’t had any scans because my nodes were all clear with no evidence of spread. I did have a heart scan before chemo started, which is mandatory. Cycle 3 next Tuesday.

Linda xxx

hi linda looking likely we might meet tomorrow, my district nurse couldn’t get blood from my line this morning so i will be in the chemo unit about 12.50, for them to get it. then down to onc then back to unit for chemo,x

Hi Tabitha,

I’ll keep my eyes open for you. Please say Hello if you spot me. (with daughter) As far as I know Wendy will also be having her bloods taken about then, and Mamakaz Karen will also be there at some point. See you then! xxx

hazkev if you are on facebook there is a private group for younger bc ladies under 47 i think, it’s a fast growing group, its also a place you can rant, or a place to just share what you are going tho, its also a place where you will laugh, if you are interested pm me x

i will wear my black and white stripey pants, boots and black and white bandana, i will also have my oh with me this time, im starting tax, have you had any bad side effects?

I’ll be in a green top and jeans.

The only major side effect I’ve had is diarrhoea on cycle 2. I was bad with it for 4 or 5 days and lost 9lbs in weight because I lost my appetite for a couple of days and had to force myself to eat soup, baked potatoe, bananas and toast. It was all at the same time as the diarrhoea. I was told to take Immodium, but didn’t take it properly, so a lot of it was my own fault. Once I started taking it properly, the diarrhoea cleared up and I was able to eat well again. All the weight came back! No major bone pain at all so far and only minor irritations from time to time, otherwise well.

See you later!

great to meet everyone today, chemo is later next time, my oncologist scared the living daylights out of me with all the worse case stories but hey ho all was good, xx

Tabitha, It was really lovely to meet you and OH today, and good for me that I managed to chat to all 3 of you at one time or another.

I’m at 10-30 till 1-30 on 11th June next time.

My worst days on Tax are days 4 to about 10. Good before that, and reasonable after that. Fatigue for me comes towards the end, but all manageable. Take care, Linda xxx