Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Yayyyy! Happy dance at tamsins good news good news, great to hear , have a double and extra slice of lemon!.

Hi Lols
In my case 13 of the 20 nodes removed contain macrometastases and in some cases there is secondary spread into perinodal adipose tissue. The involved nodes include the highest (apical) node. Vascular invasion is also noted in the axilla. I got this information from my pathology report which I asked for at my consultation following first FEC chemo. I will discuss with my ONC at my next consultation. I am to have 3 rounds of Docetaxel following 3 rounds of FEC and Herceptin (as I was also HER2+) by means of preventing any further spread.

Dont know if this helps but you are not alone in having lymph node involvement. I am feeling very postive about my treatment and just had my second round on Monday and feeling ok so far. Keep your chin up.

Hi On the alcolhol front I was told by Chemo nurse that it was ok in moderation. Worried now as by week 2 I am enjoying wine again and find it helps keep me sane. Jayneyxx

I have a PICC line and am so pleased I did. It is so much easier for having the chemo treatment especially as |i will be having Herceptin for a year. It can be inconvenient of course but balance that with having to have cannulas put in every visit and for me there was no doubt. I have bought some picc line covers from a website called PICC a pick line in different colours and they are great. See Macmillan site for details. I also bought a limbbo a plastic cover for when in the shower and it is completely watertight. I believe you can get them on prescription but I paid £11.50 for mine. Whatever you decide has to be right for you! Good luck.

I am on ec chemo, was told alcoholl is ok, that I might get drunk much quicker and hangovers will be quite a bit worse lol!! had a good night, woke in early feeling sicky but was ok, good luck to all on here, 1 down 5 to go!!! x x x x

Hi all - start chemo next Tuesday - just in July. More bothered about the scans than the chemo right now. Just want to get started. Have to have a marker put in? Is that any worse than a biopsy? X

Hi Junkies
I too have now emerged from under the proverbial SE bed!!
Felt like sh**e for the first 6 days then have gradually started to feel better every day doing a little more. Still feeling quite dizzy and too chicken to drive or venture out alone!
On the alcohol front I was told there is no problem although already spinning unaided lol.
At the w/e i was qiute tearful and had one of those “not sure I’m gonna be able to do this for 6 cycles” moments but now I’m starting to feel better i’m feelin more posative again.

I have been listening to audio books on my phone they have been a godsend and are great when you’re feeling under the effects without alcohol.
Much love too you all we will get through this together

Debs xxx

Hello all, im a newbie and start first treatment 25th July! Having FEC-T. Dreading side effects. Trying to think positive. How have u all coped after treatments. I know side effects are all different. Hope u all doing really well xx

Blimey, you go away for a few days and there are pages of posts to read. Where to start.
Prionm, the royal baby is a really big deal here, the BBC cancelled the scheduled programmes on its main channel for an evening of stuff about the then imminent birth. Personally, although it’s great everything went well with the birth I think the world’s gone mad! I lived in Middlesex for my first 26 years, near Wembley. I do hope you’re feeling better today/tomorrow – no idea what the time diff is.
Chezzap like your pinball analogy. It’s exactly how I feel. I’ll be starting this Friday, so just ahead of you. Are you going to have Tamoxifen? If you’re concerned about the 8 cycles instead of 6, do ask your onc why.
GillyR Totally understand how you feel about chemo, I also feel that my life as I’ve lived it is about to end (I’m 63, so I’ve been living it a long time lol!). But I’ll take everything they want to throw at BC.
Pollyanne, Juliemb Glad you’re feeling OKish at the moment. It really helps to know how others cope, as I’m just as scared as you were. Well I guess as we all are.
Nazgirl It never ceases to amaze me when so-called friends behave in ways that shock when you need help. All you can do is cherish those who are proving to be an unexpected support.
Hattie this disease attacks everything that makes us feminine so no wonder we all obsess about losing our hair. I’ve just had mine cut really short in preparation and am trying to focus on the fact that it’s only for a few months, but it’s not really working!
Tasha101 My beloved OH is coming to the first session, and various friends have volunteered to drive me for the rest. I haven’t turned them down because they really want to be involved and feel useful but I expect I could drive myself. Jesus, I hope I won’t have to inject myself. No-one’s mentioned it yet. Of course you must stay with the Junkies. All welcome here.
Marion09 It’s so hard at first when a long term relationship ends. Was it mutual, or your choice? My first marriage ended after 24 years, and I used to see ex every week. Eventually realised that if I was going to move on I had to stop seeing him so regularly. I do understand how you feel, especially during this totally crap time, but I wonder if for your own emotional wellbeing you have others who could do the things you want him to do. If he’s not keen that will just make you feel worse. It sounds as though you’ve got great kids and friends.
Orangecat top tip about keeping a towel by the front door. I shall do the same. Hope it’s going as well as possible for you.
Benedictus So glad you got some fantastic news (what’s NED?). It’s never too early for a celebratory G&T in my opinion. So no more surgery but chemo for you I guess. Definitely an honorary Junkie! At least you’ll finally have a plan in place soon. When do you see the onc?
Positivelady Thanks for your reassuring comments about the picc line. I’m having one put in tomorrow and I’m really apprehensive, although I know it’s the right decision.
Kazzieba. Welcome. If you’re talking about an MRI, bone or CT scan, then they’re not a problem. The MRI one goes in through a canula and takes about 10 mins. The worst bit is how nolisy it is. The CT and bone scans are just injections. I had to drink loads after the injection for a bone scan.
Debsalicious Glad you’re starting to feel better again. Audio books are a godsend when you feel too rubbish to turn a page.
Crazibabe Welcome to the club none of us wants to be a member of. Good luck tomorrow, I start on Friday so we’re only just July Junkies. I’m on FEC-T as well, radiotherapy and then Tamoxifen for 5 years.
Phew, another marathon post, sorry if I’ve left anyone out. Not sure I’m going to be able to do many more of these! Such a lot for everyone else to read.
Really dreading the next two days, but I know it’s got to be endured to ensure my long-term survival. God that sounds sanctimonious, but I’m sure you recognise the sentiment. Here’s wishing us all the minimum amount of pain and SEs for the next few months. x

Hi piggsy
NED = no evidence of disease - what I’ve been waiting to hear for 2 months . Not seeing the onc until next week, so I doubt anything will be happening until mid-August, but once a Junkie always a Junkie!

Brilliant, but sorry you’ve had to wait for such a long time. Still, onwards and upwards and you’ve got hair loss to look forward to now haha x

My onc just said no booze because it would overload my liver, and TBH I’m going to try to stay off it but my in my opinion whatever keeps you sane is a good thing. This is not a time to be denying ourselves any little pleasure we can find so I’m sure a little tipple in moderation is a good thing. Perhaps I just got a very strict onc, but I’m also having 2 extra cycles so I expect she’s trying to make me give the poor old organs a chance!!
Has anyone been offered any alternative to the self injecting? It’s something to do with the white cell count I think.

Hi girlies

Lola thanks ever so much for advice re portacath sounds a bit like a C section ie doesnt hurt but you can feel them pushing and prodding a bit
Tasha - didnt get a pm but like you am having the full 8 rounds of cocktails so we will be going thru this bag of shite together! Think I start slightly before you my first is on Monday. You have put me at ease with the lymph nodes and what bcn said to you
Great news Tamsin
Lynda and Julie nice to hear SE still treating you both kindly
Annie glad to see you on here think we chatted yesterday a bit and you start in August dont know if theres a group yet I havent a clue how to start a thread!!!
Good luck Kat today you will be grand
Had muga scan today not as bad as I thought owing to fact that the guy who put cannula in was a bit of eye candy ( says me with one boob still trying to flirt!! One booby cougar grrr!!! well it made me feel better anyway!!
Dont know how Im gonna cope with losing my hair. Ive started wearing my hats already so that I and other people can get used to looking at myself with a hat on and it becomes the norm
Keep telling myself when times gonna shave it off before its comes out in clumps but dont know if will be that brave when push comes to shove. With regards other bodily hair at least i wont have to shave my big toe ha ha yes I have a weird big hairy toe it is so delightful!!! sorry guys that was prob too much info!!!

Theres no way I will be able to self inject gonna have to ask Jose (OH) He is a vet so he should be used to sticking needles in beasts with large udder(s) If he tells me to relax its just a small prick oh the one liners I could say in return if you know what I mean!!!

Piggys, that was amazing how you managed to mention everyone by name I would love to have memory power to do that, but I would be forever scrolling if I tried lol, it makes the posts very personal and nice thank you. Well Im on 2nd day after flrst session, and felt so well decided to go to Costco for the big shop, BIG mistake!!! note to self… You are no spring chicken nor are you superwoman you daft bat!!! I felt absolute c…p by the time I got home, but now recovered after tea and ginger biccies. Welcome kazz and crazibabe , I’m sure you will find a lot of good advice and support from this lovely lot, so glad your feeling better debs and yep will will beat this b… R big hugs to all Lynda

Hairy toes are a sign of good circulation - it’s true! My beautician told me that when I was apologising to her for having to wax mine…
Apparently arm pit hair does not succumb to the drugs, is anyone able to confirm or deny that?! Bloody typical if that’s true, you only get to keep the hair you don’t want!

Chezzapp I’m with you on the hair loss. Had mine cut really short in anticipation and am waiting for wig. Haven’t ordered any scarves or hats yet. I absolutely hate wearing anything on my head so that’s going to be interesting! I’m desperately hoping I don’t have to jab myself, but although i haven’t got a vet i have got an 86 year old retired Army nurse who is on call!
Oh Pollyanne it wasn’t an amazing memory, if only lol. I wrote the text in MS Word and kept flipping backwards and forwards between that and this website.
Spending some time reading up on what I need supplies-wise to cope with the chemo. The list on this site is so useful, but I really really resent having to do this. Am now having to face up to the reality of my situation which I’ve been avoiding for weeks, and it’s very difficult. But lovely junkies, I’m sure you’ve all been there and got the T-shirt so you know exactly how I feel. x

here here piggsy !!!
Tasha are you sure we werent separated at birth- BC, Lymph nodes, hairy toes christ the list goes on!!!
Lets hope the one thing we will all have in common is getting through this together and appreciating the things and people that matter!!!

Hi all, I have had a much better day today, been and got my wig which is really nice and so like my own hair, bought a couple of scarves too whilst I was there so am ready for the dreaded hair loss now.
Welcome Crazibabe, I am relatively new on here and we both start FEC - T on the same day so we really are in this together, you will find great support here, I dont hink I would be coping so well without the wonderful people on this thread.
Going to pop out and visit my Daughter in law this evening as I dont want to be sat here on my own tonight, but I am fairly ok with starting treatment tomorrow… I think
Good luck to anyone who is stepping up over the next few days xxx

Hmmm that sounds very technical , and don’t think I could do it on ipad, so will have to stick with my scrolling and hope I don’t forget anything lol. It is difficult and I think I spent about a month feeling very sorry for myself and brooding, but the posts here have helped me so much I think I would still be in the complete pits without it, I think the first time I actually laughed after diagnosis was here…