Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Lynda would the pits you refer to be hairy or non hairy!!!

Marion - good luck for tomorrow. Will be thinking of you.

I feel great today. Been for a little walk, and got lots and lots of Uni reading done. Feel as if I have achieved something that is non breast cancer related.

Hi July Junkies

Just to introduce myself, I had my first chemo on Wednesday 17th July, one long week ago. I am on FEC and was ok at first and glad to get the treatment started but finding it all a bit daunting now. I am so missing my old lifestyle. It helps reading over the posts as it reminds me I am not alone.

Lol chez the pits are odd, one is as smooth as a baby’s bum, cos i shaved it, the other is numb and sporting a few brave bristles!

Polyann, snap I’m just same, what a look!!!

Looking at the posts on here does cheer me up no end lol. I have an appt next wed to look at wigs, have also ordered some lovely scarves and a summer hat from anna bandana!!! Day after 1st chemo, went for a walk today, been to the pub (had 2 lemonades), as its my daughters 22nd birthday today so doing very good up to now!!!
Love to you all, Julie xxxx

It is lols I have tried to develope the art of remembering not to raise right arm in public was wearing sleeves for a while but then thought sod it! It’s hot, so went back to vest tops , and if anyone gets a glimpse of the bristly scarred pit well tuff!. Chezz you really gave me a giggle with the vet and big udder bless you ! For our ladies falling the cocktails tomorrow good luck and big hugs, and I hope you get same as me before I stupidly went shopping cos so far minimal, but having to try senna pods tonight cos looks like I might be in bother unless something shifts soon!! And yes I did say shifts…

yay I got a summer hat from there too the baker boy one and another wide brimmed one - they are really good value
the longer headscarves look really chic - well at least they do on that mannequin, what they look like on my Bruce Forsyth chin is another matter entirely!!!

Night xxxx

Ok ladies signing off
Well done Julie you seem much better than how you were feeling couple of days ago.
Lynda get on the prunes girl
Kat hope today went ok 2 down!
Good luck tomorrow crazi and marion
night night

Kazz just reading through and saw your q about a marker, do you mean a wire for locating the lump? If so I had that and was painless just a small scratch, not as bad as the biopsy at all so I just know will be fine, night night those ladies who have gone to bed and sleep tight x Lynda

Marion, good luck for tomorrow xxxx

Hi positive lady, i am having my picc line fitted 13th august, cant find the section for coloured line covers, please help!!!
Love Julie xx

Morning, am I ready for today? as ready as I can be… see you all on the other side x

Good luck Marion, you will be fine , really wasn’t as bad as I expected check in later to let us know how it went, big hugs! Lynda

Good luck, big hugs, love Julie xxxxxx

Morning JJ’s,
FEC#2 on board and not feeling anywhere near as sicky as last round prob the new meds. Do feel terribly tired but expected that.
Everything crossed fro marion today xx and everyone going, been and all things hospitaly.
On the hair front ?? to pinch a quote from the Jewels I’m losing mine “upstairs, downstairs and in my ladies chamber”
So not just the Orangutan look. My hairs are hanging on by a thread and can quite happily be pulled out, some of the Jewels are waxing and it’s pain free!!
Back to bed and my book, Nell42 you make me feel guilty I should look at mine too.
Kat xx

Hi Kat, glad you are feeling ok, Im feeling sicky at the mo, but hopefully it will be gone soon, love julie xxx

Good morning ladies all, thank you so much for your messages of support re my hair and general feelings about the chemo. Last Friday I had found a couple of online head accessories sites and ordered a few different things, some arrived Saturday and the rest on Monday. I got so distressed on Tuesday when trying the items on and finding loads of hair in them when I took them off that I cried, this is not something I do easily. Decided to take the bull by the horns and rang my friend who is also my hairdresser and asked her to come and shave the remaining hair off for me. She came yesterday afternoon and let me take my time as to when we stopped chatting and she started clipping my hair down; she did it in stages and I plucked up courage to loook in a hand mirror at each stage - found it less stressful than I had thought it would be. My head is now covered with a very short stubble which will not be so noticeable as it falls out and believe it or not I feel much better today, more like I am in control and not dealing with prolonging the agony of watching my hair fall out. I have told some close friends what I’ve done and they all say ‘how brave’ I am, I don’t feel brave, more like taking a coward’s way out in getting my head shaved rather than endure the natural process. Ah well, another personal hurdle surmounted and a much more positive Hattie today. Thanks to you all being there for me.
Hattie xx

Morning all
good to hear you are feeling ok Kat
Naz/Karen hope you are ok with number 2 done - let us know how you went on
hello russetapple and Hattie