Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Oops not sure why that posted 4 times!

FEC-T cycle 1, day 4
Afternoon junkies. Hope everyone’s feeling a bit better today and those who are at the bar are doing OK.
Lotte12 hope you’re feeling a bit better today. Have you been in touch with your chemo unit? Surely they must be able to help.
Nazgirl, I start the first of the 5 jabs tomorrow. My onc has advised to do them at bedtime. presumably so I’ll sleep through the worst. What do you think? When do you do yours.
Juliemb so sorry to hear you’ve been feeling so awful. Ginger has definitely helped my nausea.
Tasha101 I’ve found the best way to get help is to ask someone to do a specific job at a specific time. It’s harder for people to ignore a direct request “would you take out the bins now please”. They’re hardly going to say no. Not unless they want a slap around the back of the head! Men are utterly hopeless are noticing what needs doing and kids even worse.
Benedictus thanks for the Benchland tip. It is so scary for you, I wish I had something positive I could contribute. Hopfully the picc line will be a doddle and you’ll be reassured about the lump.
Jayney234 hope you’re feeling a bit better today.
Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out. Take care fellow junkies. x

Afternoon All. Well, we’re all struggling a bit aren’t we. I noticed on the August thread that they’re worried about us and are wondering how to help us along. How lovely of them - but I think we’re supposed to be helping them by showing how it’s done…er, not. So I am so sorry for everyone having a crappy time and I know that chezza is having chemo today and I hope it goes really well, but if I’ve forgotten anyone else I’m sorry.
I’ve spent most of the day sitting on my backside reading a crappy book. The PICC line didn’t happen. My veins are so deep that the only one which might have been usable was too far down and too close to an artery, so I waited for hours until my lovely onc was able to organise a Hickman line for tomorrow. Then chemo on Wednesday so I will just scrape in as a proper Junkie (although I probably shouldn’t be saying that as absolutely nothing has gone to plan so far in this lovely journey). The onc was able to give the lump a good prod and said he wasn’t ‘clinically worried’ about it, so we are just going to wait and see.
So that’s me for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring…
Huge positive virtual hugs to one and all. xx

Hi Benedictus. So sorry nothing seems to be going to plan. I guess if the onc isn’t clinically worried, what a marvellous phrase, you have to rely on his/her judgment. So so difficult, but they have the expertise so what can you do? A line makes the chemo so easy. Did you have one first time round? My OH is flushing my PICC line like a professional now lol.
I also noticed the August gals are worried.
Chezapp so sorry, I hope today goes well. x

Hi Piggsy, I am feeling a bit better thanks. I was put on some anti biotics last week and I think they may have contributed to some of my side effects! I have been in touch with the chemo unit but they just advise that I keep drinking plenty of fluids. I’m on day 12 after chemo now so am hoping for a better week to come.
Hope everyone else is doing ok and that any SE’s are manageable x

Hi Piggsy, No, I didn’t have a picc last time, but by the time I finished my veins were completely shot to the extent that every time I’ve needed a blood test in the last 5 years it’s been difficult to say the least. Let’s hope the Hickman saves the day.
Lottie12: Good news that you’re beginning to feel better. Fingers crossed it continues

Hi Junkies
fec-t cycle 1 day 14
Starting to feel a lot more like more like my old pre chemo self although just a bit dizzy still.
Today is the day i’ve been dreading my hair has starte falling out! I just sat on my bed this morning and kept pulling clumps out my scalp is hurting like i’ve had my hair tied up too long.
So far it doesn’t look thin, I have lots of realy thick hair but not sure how long it will be before I need to take the plunge and get it buzzed off - anyone got any ideas??

Hope the restt of you are ok I found the 1st 3 days on the dex the worst and the felt much bettr after the 7 day mark

Lots of love to those of you fighting other personal battles as well as BC

Keep your chins up ladies

Debs xxxx

FEC-T cycle 1 day 8
hi ladies, I do so hope your all feeling a little better today, on a really positive note I feel absolutely fine and want to rub some of it off on you all, only little niggle I have today is a rough feeling mouth, not sore well not yet anyway, hope I feel as good tomorrow as its my YD 23rd birthday, so have visitors who will be handed a bottle of anti bac sanitizer as they enter lol, also told em all if they use my loo they have to wipe around with anti bac wipes, , I’m thinking of chezz today hope she hasn’t found it too bad , hope your line fitting goes smoothly tomorrow Tamsin, and very glad that lottie and Piggys seem well, love and good wishes to all . Lynda xx

Thanks for all your best wishes ladies.

The worst part was the waiting and the psychology thinking Im being poisoned and of course the cannula going in as veins are crap. Gonna have portacath fitted for next one. Tamsin could they possibly give you one of them instead of a picc???
Cried as they led me to the chair ( like the bloody green mile) but once started felt better.

Feel like Im sitting round waiting to feel ill and dont wanna make it come on by thinking about it

So far SE are a slight headache and a tingling in my face. Has anyone else experienced that???

Dont feel sick yet and gonna have some fish and salad ( vigourously washed of course )

I havent been given the white blood cell injection so bit apprehensive about that as my boys have started coughing today.

Hope everyone is ok and more upbeat today
Lottie - feel so bad for you darling. will send you a pm

Well some good news - I have been feeling really well since day 11. I am day 14 of 1st cycle on FEC. Have a few mouth ulcers - but am not gonna complain as they are manageable and I’m going to mention them to the Onc tomorrow and see if they can give me something for them.

Feel very lucky to have not suffered too badly with SE, and big hugs to all of you that are having a tough time of it.

My hair started falling out on Friday/Saturday - so Sunday morning friend’s husband took the clippers to it and I now have a lovely number 4. I quite like it :slight_smile: pity it wont be there for too long. Have wig appointment on Thursday - am going to take the opportunity to try loads on and go for something different from my usual style. However, I’m not convinced I’m going to use the wig much - loving the idea of being bald!!! And “no” i havent been at the wine gums :slight_smile:

Crap just thrown up so bloody soon
gonna go to bed hope will be better in morning

Morning Ladies just crawled from my pit for a piece of dry toast and thought I would have a peek and see what’s happening. FEC#2 jumped up and took a swipe at me on day 5. I’m sending lots of love to you all and will be back soon. Kat xx

day 5 Kat and it takes a cheeky swipe what a bugger Id have been thinking that by day 5 the worst would be over. Its so unpredicatble isnt it how it effects us all in different ways and different timings

Hi ladies having a bit of a wobble here, was feeling ok, then out of the blue this morning got a letter calling me in for a liver scan, had all the usual tests ct , echo and bone scan prior to first chemo, so this has worried me sick, any else been called in unexpectedly?

Hi fellow junkies,
Polly, I had to have a follow up liver MRI and was past myself but it turned out the I have fatty liver; I blame the Rose!! Can you ring your BCN? It is terrible to be so thrown but I guess we are all in this place when anything can throw us.
Awww chez, throwing up sucks. How are you feeling now? I hope it eases up and you are fighting fit again soon. You are right we just dont know what or how we will respond so it’s a bit of a waiting game but I thought fek it I am not waiting around anymore on day 7 of cycle 1 and was out and about. Somedays I was still scared but I won’t sit and wait for this crap to just land on me.
Kat I hope you feel better soon, day 5 I bet you thought the same and were almost over the worst…how is this compared to #1?
Well after my huge emotional wobble on Friday/Saturday I just want to say thank you so much ladies, I am sorry that I fell apart but SO glad that you are all around to just listen and acknowledge that it’s ok. I felt like sh*t from Saturday morning until Sunday tea time and was still sore to touch yesterday morning. Our little boy is off school and school holiday club this week so we hoped I would be as fit as I was with #1 cycle so we booked some cheap train tickets on Friday for the 3 of us from Newcastle to Carlise on the train. So yesterday morning I was up at 7 and thought, I feel a bit tender, a bit dizzy but we are going on our adventure and we did. We had a lovely picnic on the train which is great when you are 5 and best of all playing I spy although I did wobble for a small moment when the little un said w for wig HA HA HA.
We had a treasure hunt at Carlisle castle and I think the OH and I had just as much fun as the little un doing the clues; competitive mum enters the arena lol. So the train there was 9.30 and we didnt get back in the house till 7.30 and although I had 4 meals out and lots of little sits down the only thing that was a problem was the heat and wiglet…mind it might have been the french onion soup I was having in Debenhams - nowt like Paris it has to be said lol.
I thought I would be pooped today but nope, woke at 8.15 and have been food shopping by myself (i drove) and we are just getting ready to go to soft play. I am going to read some book whilst the little un does random shouting, jumping and climbing. I must admit when I have a wobble it is huge but I have also realised that if I can and am doing all this whilst having poison pumped into me come next year if I feel poorly I had better be on deaths door to stop as this is not stopping me. I am aware that at any point I could have a sh*t cycle so I am defo making the most of the good ones.
I cannot remember who asked me about the injection I got but I only have one. It is 6mg neublasta (SP?) one and knocks me ill for 24 36 hours but judging by the posts I am reading some ladies are getting injections daily; what is it you guys are getting? I wonder if I am getting the same but just with one massive dose or it is a different thing??? I get the 2 days anti sickness and 2 day steroid tablets then the anti sickness backup tablets.
I woke up this morning and remembered that I didnt take any anti sickness or heartburn tablets last night so I must have had a good day. I did feel a tiny bit queesy when I woke up so I shall continue to take the anti sickness one in the morning and one at night but I also tried the sickness/motion bands this time and had even less nausea. I started wearing them the day before chemo and stopped last night who knows but whatever is working I hope it continues.
Hope everyone who is up today and over the coming days habe minimal se’s; sending lots of love and virtual hugs
x x

Great to hear you are back to your normal self Naz. Kids dont you just love em w for wig! I wasnt given any injections cos Im on EC rather than FEC but will be given them with the tax lot. have said its one injection day after so like you am guessing wil be one big dose. perhaps thats why you feel rotten after it cos its one big lot rather than little ones spread over few days.
Well I just threw up the once last night and it was all water on account of drinking about 4 bloody litres! Ive cut back on the water today and touch wood have not felt sick. Feel fairly normal but dont want to tempt fate.

Lynda afraid Ive no pearls of wisdom re the liver scan. But surely if there was anything sinister the CT scan would have picked it up before your first chemo. Did you get the results from that??? I know its easy for us to say but try not to worry, call your bcn and ask her exactly what it is they are looking for.

Hi Junkies. Goodness this thing is made to make us wobble isn’t it? You just think everything is in place and something else is thrown into the mix. I know it’s easier to say than do, Lynda, but try not to waste energy worrying. When is your appointment? I agree with Naz: try and ring your BCN. Keep us posted whatever, please.
Glad things are on the up, Chezza, albeit slowly. Really not looking forward to the dizziness, but that will be me tomorrow! Finally got the line in this morning. Was rather a bizarre experience because I’ve never had an op under local before. Wasn’t terribly pleasant and still feeling pretty wobbly, but it’s done and it means that we can finally get on with things which is a relief in a way. It seems that different trusts have different takes on lines etc and noone mentioned a portacath, probably because it is the most expensive option. Are you having Herceptin chezza? Often if your treatment is going to go on for longer they look at a portacath but if it’s just for chemo they aim for a cheaper option. Fair enough.
Sorry about the dry toast Kat

Hi Pollyanne, I was called back for a ct scan and then an ultrasound for my liver as it was discovered at my pre assessment that I had a highly abnormal liver function count. Apart from a cyst on my liver (which they werent in the least concerned about, everything was clear. They didnt even think I should get a MRI and will just monitor it for the moment and continue taking blood samples. They only thing they said if my count hadnt went down a bit I woundnt have got my first chemo, two weeks ago, but as it did it they went ahead. So dont panic, I know its easier said than done! Hope this helps
Senga x

Yes am on herceptin too they mentioned a picc line but I said I was worried my baby would pull it out and cos its for over a year I cant face not swimming etc. Prob wouldnt go anyway but to not have the choice ( hey theres that control thing again!)
so Tamsin you stepping up tomorrow. You will be grand. Seriously Ive been fine today no sickness or anything. Just worried is calm before the storm but have carried on with the sickness tabs and it seems to be keeping it at bay for now
good luck with it
Lynda did you call the BCN???

So glad you’re feeling better Chezza. Fingers crossed it continues. I think if your veins are OK then you will manage without a line. Certainly a friend of mine had the same treatment as you and was fine. The main culprit is the Epirubicin - the E in FEC - which really bu**ers the veins .
I will be grand tomorrow…I will be grand tomorrow…I will be grand tomorrow