Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

If it’s really bugging you talk to them. If your mind can be put at rest that is so much better than you fretting about something that can be sorted. And I thought you didn’t a pre-op unless you were having a GA but I could be wrong.

Had first chemo yesterday. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I made a go of the cold cap - cried like a baby for 5 minutes and then hit the zone - kept it on for the required 5 hours… Had a marker fitted today and have echo card tomorrow. it’s all go but it is all moving forward. love to all JJ x

Good afternoon all
Been reading through your posts for a few weeks and thought I should join in It has been great to see other peoples experiences and to look back at comments from those that are further along in their treatment stage.

Had my first session on July 18th. Was pretty ropey for 3 days after (which the doc is putting down to the steroids) but am feeling great again now. Next session on 8th August so hoping they change the steroid or reduce doseage.
Had my first night time trip to hospital when I had a temperature spike last week and told I need to drink more. Currently on anti biotics but still managed to get the sore throat.
I have to say the treatment I have received since first finding the lump has been fantastic. I am having FEC 100 -T followed by a mastectomy and then radiotherapy, so a busy few months coming up. Will be nice to share it with the July Junkies

Hiya junkies, welcome to our newbies you have found a great thread, not sure how I would have coped without all these lovely ladies, they gave me my first real laugh after dx and have proved to be a lifeline , I have lost track a bit on who is up and when but think was Tamsin Tash Debs and chez recently, hope you are all feeling well x and so sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Im now day 10 and apart from a very large wobble yesterday feel fine, so can only hope those from last weeks cocktails are feeling ok hugs to you all Lynda xx

Glad things are on a bit more of an even keel Lynda. I’m really happy to update the chemo date list but I need to have details from people. It would give me something to do when the steriod sleeplessness kicks in tomorrow but don’t want to feel intrusive. Let me know peeps

FEC-T x 6 (3 x FEC, 3 x T). Cycle 1, Day 5
Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to our new JJs. Sorry there are so many of you. So good to hear that some of us that were suffering are feeling better and Benedictus that the line went in OK this time.
Really grateful I’ve got a picc line as now no prospect of knackered veins. Although having lines fitted isn’t pleasant, it doesn’t really hurt as has been said above. Do ask what your chances of having one fitted are. Especially those who have got shy veins like me or will be having herceptin for a year.
I feel truly blessed, as I still feel fine. After I got back from taking dog to training class am a bit pooped, but that’s all. I’m having 5 doses each cycle of Lenograstim which I’m injecting myself. Apparently it’s to stimulate stem cell growth in bone marrow to help produce more white blood cells to fight infection (according to the leaflet lol). Anyway, I really was dreading it but I took a deep breath, pinched an inch (well a bit more than an inch to be fair) and slid the needle in. And it really didn’t hurt. Amazing. I did it just before bedtime and took 2 paracetemol about 15 mins before that. So far no bone pain.
I’m perfectly aware that all these things are cumulative and so am just looking on each good day as a day I didn’t expect to have. I thought I’d be lying on the sofa for the next 5 months feeling pooped and sick. Nothing about this journey is straightforward is it?
Benedictus, are you taking steroid tablets? I took last steroid before 2 pm and although I woke up a lot I managed a reasonable night’s sleep the 3 nights I was on them.
Something else someone (can’t remember who) said was even if you’re not nauseous take the tablets. But as I’m feeling OK at the mo I’ve have cut mine back to just the morning one (constipation is always my fear) and so far so good.
Marion09 Sorry you’re having such a bad time. Hope that scan went OK.
Off to see what’s for dinner, so sweet dreams JJs and hope everyone’s SEs are negligible. xx

Good evening Junkies. As everyone’s been so quiet I’m hoping that means we’re all coping OK. I’ve hit the buffers today. Expect the heat has contributed, but after dog walk (and dog bath - she rolled in some fox poo) I was totally wiped out and spent afternoon on sofa. Also constipation is not a problem lol! As haven’t got a temperature haven’t been in touch with team, will see how I am tomorrow.
Sweet dreams x

Hiya jj,s , think your right Piggys, the heat has prob got to everyone today. Day 5 was about my worst I think, after day 6 have felt fine, no sickness appetite returned to normal. I’m still feeling a bit edgy Tamsin, and prob will be until I see onc on the 9th, liver scan tomorrow but I know they aren’t going to tell me anything, Glad to hear your feeling ok debs, and hope the rest of our ladies are too Lynda x

Signs of activity at last. It has been quiet here today. I’m a bit pooped mainly due to steroid high last night resulting in 3 hours sleep, then I woke with a start at 6.30, thought it was 7.30 and time for my next dose so woke myself up properly. I could have had an extra hour . I’ve felt a bit wan for much of the day but managed a bit of lunch and tea. Still topped up on anti-sickness though. So far so good. I really hope some of our other founder members are ok: haven’t heard from Kat and her dry toast for ages, also Pironm, positivelady, Quinny, Senga and the Mels. Good luck with the scan tomorrow, Lynda x
Still very sticky here. Going to be the hottest night of the year tonight apparently.

Im now day 10, have a sore throat, still feel totally wiped and so so so tired, does it never end???
julie xxxx

Evening JJs,
Well its been sixteen days since first bout of chemo (3 xFEC the 3 x T) and although the first seven or so days werent pleasant, I can honestly say the last seven days I have felt relatively normal, thank goodness. My next cycle isnt until 13th August (due to hospital staff holidays) so i hope to have another week of feeling alright. My hair is now coming out it small clumps, so I guess I,ve got to make the decision this weekend when to get it shaved off…still dragging my heels on this one. Although I have my wig and some lovely scarves, this is the step that lets everyone know I have cancer and brings home to me what I have been through and still so much more to come. But I am a great believer in postive mental attitude, this is how I,ve coped so far and also the support that all the JJs have for one another on this site helps ease this horrible journey.
Senga x

Hi Senga. Send a bit of PMA over here please! It struck a chord when you said it brings home what we have all been through already - a heck of a lot, which we’ve managed to deal with. I need to take strength from that.
Julie: have you made a note of all your se’s? When you go to clinic before your next chemo you need to tell them everything and they will tweak medication so that it will hopefully be easier for you next time. I’m really sorry you’re having such a c**p time.
Bed time I think. Night night Junkies xx

Morning Junkies

Julie, it does get better. I’ve had the sore throat which is a pita when you are trying to eat a bit more. but woke up this morning and it has just about gone.
Looking back on my first three days after my first session, I thought it would never end, sickness, no sleep, diarrhoea, then constipation, sore eyes, sore throat. But a few days later it all starts to seem like a distant memory.
We will all get through it, one day at a time

My hair is falling out in earnest now and I looked at my two wigs sat on their fake heads this morning and told them to get ready as I’m coming for them soon. I find that being positive and keeping a sense of humour about it all really helps.

Afternoon, well what a few days this has been, had a day in hospital on wednesday but they just said it was exhaustion from the treatment, feeling much better now though.
My throat is sore, but its the constant awful taste in my mouth that bothers me the most

Hi jj,s hope your all well, and those up today and recently treated are not having too bad a time, Sakura make notes of your bad SE, s they will alter your medications next time I’m sure, you oughtn’t have to suffer that badly , but glad your feeling better now, sorry to hear you had to go to hospital Marion but glad it was nothing too serious. I found the only thing that got rid of that awful taste was fresh orange juice really chilled, I’m just off for my liver scan , but did receive a letter this morning from my oncology dept , saying it was nothing to worry about. ( wish they sent that one before the scan app came out of the blue and caused me a meltdown!) will check back later and hopefully see everyone is ok and not suffering too many SE ,s . Lynda x

Oh Lynda! I’m really pleased for you but WHY can’t they join the dots? Welcome to the gang, Sakura. Day 3 for me and I’m feeling pretty rubbish but I feel blessed to have had friends appear with cakes and chox and a very handy little Body Shop spray to counter the red-face steroid rush, which is even worse in this hot weather. And the friends understood and only stayed for about 30 minutes. Going to carry on blobbing on the sofa now
Hope all Junkies are managing/ok/hanging in there

tamsin I feel completely jittery after all the steroids and I took them during day not after 2pm.
Am gonna ask for something else next time to get rid of restlessness

6 x FEC-T. Cycle 1 FEC, day 8
Good evening JJs. Glad to hear that some of us are starting to feel a bit better. It’s really important to keep an SE diary as I’ve discovered! Still got squits (and how!) so rang chemo team as they insisted they wanted to know any changes. Took my temperature before I called and it was 36.7. After a long chat, during which I resisted something to totally bung me up, I promised to keep my fluid intake high and am going to take immodium if it continues overnight. Also take temperature every 4 hours. Oops, better do that in a mo. Squits is a very common SE so although it’s not pleasant, for me it’s better than constipation. Apart from that I’m embarrassed to say that I feel pretty well. Hard to believe that in 7 days or so my hair will start falling out. But isn’t that the thing about BC. We feel well and it’s the cure that makes us feel so cr**. But today has been a good day, so am concentrating on that.
Have been thinking about reconstruction and have almost decided to go for DIEP. I can’t stand the feeling of having a brick on my chest (tissue expander), even though it looks brilliant. Got app with PS beginning of Sept so will talk it over with him then. Have to have something to focus on!
Off to have dinner, sweet dreams JJs and hope the SEs remain/become minimal. xx

Morning ladies, hope your all well today, I had a bit of good news from my scan, lovely lady confirmed there and then that it was a cyst on my liver and nothing more sinister. She even went over my kidneys and spleen to ease my mind. It’s so nice to feel a bit upbeat after being left in limbo for a week yet again, can’t believe I’m actually typing the word upbeat when I know I have 5 more sessions of chemo and then rads to face, Hope the squits have eased Piggys, I know it’s a strange thing to say, bu.t I hope I get those next time instead of that dreaded constipation, that was so uncomfortable, hope the rest of us junkies have had a good nights sleep and enjoy their Saturday . Lynda xx

Hurray Lynda! Anything that can set your mind at rest is good! Really pleased. Re: constipation. Talk to your team about that and either they or your GP will prescribe something for you. I’m taking a couple of sachets of Magrogol + one senna daily and that seems to be doing the trick at the moment. I remember it being one of the most horrible things about last time .
Piggsy: Hope the trots are calming down. Either one thing or the other!
Huge amount of rain last night which has cleared the air. Lovely day today. Realised I’ve only been taking half dose of steroids which might explain why I’ve been feeling grotty. Taken 2 this morning and now feel Ok but spaced - you know the feeling!
Hugs all round x