Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Glad you have got some good news Lynda I have made a note of my side effects and will chat this through at clinic on Tuesday (can’t believe how quickly my next session has come around!)
Benedictus, I remember the spaced feeling well. Was glad when that one passed.

Sun is shining here and I am off to meet up with friends I haven’t seen for a couple of months tomorrow. Make the most of the good days ladies

Good afternoon to all my fellow JJ’s, hope we are all coping as well as possible. Well I went for my 2nd chemo yesterday and was delighted that the got a vein first time, made such s difference!
Also got all my anti-sickness tabs changed after suffering 1st time round with motion sickness and nausea, couldn’t lift my head. I don’t want to speak too soon, but been ok, just tiredness and fuzzy head.
i bit the bullet on Wednesday night (as I knew I had chemo) and got head shaved. Have to say I was a bit teary but love it. No tender head and it’s a great feeling taking control. Can’t say I miss the film of hair everywhere when it was coming out in clumps!
Sending big love and support to you all, take care

Debbie xxx

Evening JJs, Hope everyone is doing ok.
I am struggling with this hair crap, coming out in clumps for the last two days and constantly picking strands off from clothes, furniture etc. But although I have my hairdresser coming out to see me on Monday night, I am still unsure whether to get her to cut it really short or just have it shaved off altogether! I have tried to be proactive all through this horrible time, getting all things needed on our chemo list, getting wig and scarves early and all the other stuff required etc, but now its like a stumbling block with the hair and I dont know what to do. Logically I know its going to all fall out so I should just get on with it, but its one thing letting chemo take its course and other getting it done myself. Does that make sense? Or am I just being a chicken! Any advice??
Senga x

Glad to hear things are going well this cycle Debs75.

Senga - everyone is different with the hair, but I made a decision to be in control of when my hair went. I had been growing it for years and it was almost waist length when I was diagnosed. I got my friend to cut it to a short bob and am now getting it cut super short as it started falling out in the last day or two.
Do what you feel is right for you

Hi s_bruce
i was in your position last week. I went to my hairdresser, he cut my hair into a short pixie cut, but on seeing how thin and bald my hair was I decided to just shave it off, have to say I am glad I done it. I know how you are feeling, that much to do and organise, but have to say losing my hair got to me. Had a good cry on my hubbies shoulder in the afternoon of going to get hair cut.
i would say get you’re hair cut short first and see how you feel.
Stay strong
Debbie x

6 x FEC-T. Cycle 1 FEC, Day 9
Pollyanne what fantastic news. I can imagine the relief.
Benedictus I managed to take 3 in one day instead of 2 and was bouncing off the walls for hours. Shan’t make that mistake again.
Sakura1971 so glad you’re having a good day.
Debs75, the hair loss is possibly what we all dread the most. It cuts right through to the core of who we are. Not sure I could be as brave as you and have mine shaved, but it’s really short so hopefully won’t be too traumatic. Oh what am I saying, of course it will be!
Senga you can only do what feels right for you. There is no wrong or right. I couldn’t bear the thought of lifting my head off the pillow and leaving half my hair behind. I don’t suppose it’s really like that, but it is in my mind.
BTW, I ordered a scarf thing from annabandana, well thank heavens I didn’t go mad and order more than one. I look like a bizarre version of Mother Theresa. Not something I thought I’d ever say! Couldn’t possibly wear it even in the house, so shall donate it to charity. And the sleep caps make me look like a medieval crone. Honestly, if my OH and I hadn’t been crying with laughter i would have sobbed. So I shall be checking out turbans.
Another good day, although felt really tired this afternoon. Squits still lurking but not nearly as bad. Glad I haven’t taken anything to bung me up.
Sweet dreams JJs, may all our SEs be manageable. x

Hi fellow JJ’s, hope we are all well or as well as various S E’s can let us be!
So it is now Day 12 of cycle 2 and the I am now sitting at past noon and not had an anti sickness tablet, I am down to one a day on this cycle and was only on 3 on the first one so I am thinking that those motion bands really helped me. I am tired though but not exsessively so, I go to bed and I am reading a book that is keeping me awake more than anything else but I am constantly on the go with the little un so think I would be tired anyways???
I was at a 5 year olds party yesterday at a soft play so was nice to catch up with the other “mammy’s” and they were all commenting on how well I look. Whilst that is great there is a tiny part of me that is scared by that; I do look and feel incredibly well…infact happier emotionally than I have ever been, have a joie de vivre attitude and we are doing lots as a family with it being school holiddays and yet every 3 weeks I am pumping poison in; I cannot compute that bit ha ha.
I am a trained counsellor and I have decided to partake in counselling through my unit as I cannot get my head around the cancer sometimes but also this happiness that feels like “it should not be here right now”. I know that when faced with a life threatening thing it changes our perspective but sometimes my head really cannot keep up with all the emotions I feel; anyone else get that?
Glad the lady at the scan helped ease your worries Lynda; I recongnise the fear/worry about scans and when I had to have the Liver MRI after my initial Bone Scan, CT scan and MRI; I totally freaked in the machine as I was SO scared it was something and it had spread despite them already telling me it was just precautionary and they expected fatty liver…my medical degree must be in the post ha ha
Today we are at family get together which will be nice and good for the cousins to run riot, tomorrow we have a date in the park and then swimming in the afternoon - a much needed hour or so for me to sit and have a cuppa with not being allowed in the pool. I was just thinking this morning when I woke up that cycle 3 is almost upon me and then it will be half way and 9 weeks of the T which sounds really doable when I was SO scared prior to the 1st cycle and now I am almost half way through.
We often sit in in the garden and enjoy our dinner especially with this weather and the sun moves around so Miss Vampire can come out to play :wink: but when the wind blows dear me my head is cold ha ha. I have some scarves and one that I keep handy for answering the door in but I do look like a pirate but it keeps the chill off. Almost completely bald now and although the shaving was not bad, the more it started to fall out from my number 1 the more I didnt like looking in the mirror and it took a few days to get used to my head looking as it does although sometimes now I am taken aback when I wear wiglet as I have forgot what it is like to have hair and that has been a month.
I really should post more often lol rather than these novels; I can witter on for England as you lovely ladies will have probably gathered.


Piggs and Benedictus I have taken one extra steroid this cycle too - must be something in the air but dear me it is not advisable…I had so many thoughts that sleeping was not one of them.
I also dreamt that I went into work wearing wiglet and as I was walking back to the office I felt cold and realised wiglet had fallen off and then went it search of her. I found her and someone had coloured in the top bits in red, blue and green. I was most distressed but then realised actually that it will now match some outfits better…note to self; take as advised ha ha


Hi, I’m a JJ but haven’t posted here before. Had first FEC a week ago. It seems that others found the steroids sent them a bit bonkers too. It has been the worse bit for me, they are evil, apart from taste buds. Phonecall from well meaning rellie likened it to losing sense of taste when they have a cold. I wished I could put fist down phone to punch them. hair hasn’t done anything yet. I dyed it a terrible colour, by accident, a few weeks ago. I will kinda be relieved when it falls. Sorry ladies if you feel like punching me after that…when is it likely to start going? I tried the cc but half way through the machine started beeping and a passing nurse flicked a switch and it stopped bleeping…BECAUSE SHE TURNED IT OFF…half hour later head feels nice and cosy underneath all that neoprene and 30 outside…farewell hair dear friend

Thanks Sakura, Debbie and Piggs for your thoughts. After spending today shopping, having lunch and leaving a trail of hair everywhere I went, I have decided to see if I can get my hair cut really really short tomorrow night and if It doesnt look right, ie too many bald patches, then I will just get it all shaved off! And thanks Piggs for making me chuckle with your headwear story, its important to have a sense of humour I think, you certainly lifted my mood.
Senga x

FEC-T, cycle 1 day 10
Oh my, did I hit a brick wall last night. Managed to do the last of the jabs, (5 in all) which for some reason got more difficult each evening and by the time I got into bed I felt exactly like I had flu. Cold, shivery, achey all SEs I was warned about with the jabs. Couldn’t even manage to go out with dog this morning. OH has been an absolute star. Have spent entire day snoozing on sofa. Not taking paracetamol cos still got trots and need to make sure temperature doesn’t go too high. Was a bit concerned when it went up to 37.8 but it’s dropped back now so no need to go to hosp - hurrah. Immodium seems to be doing the trick so fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow.
Too tired to write any more. Good luck to anyone going to the bar tomorrow. May all our SEs be small. x

Oh Piggsy! What a time you’re having. You’ve had the squits from the beginning haven’t you? Have you been in touch with the unit or do you want to steer clear (understandably) as they might well ask you to go in? I’m hanging in there but I can’t remember feeling this rubbish last time. I was in charge of 3 small children and managed that,but this time it’s all I can do to sit and stare into the middle distance. As you say, thank goodness for our OH. I do hope you have a better evening.
I was very brave today and took my next step. Waited until everyone was out then opened the various scarf/hat purchases and I think they are going to be alright. Yes, there is a certain air of pirate, but needs must and all that (I think the kids would be so embarrassed if I went bald and at the moment I don’t think I’d have the guts). I know that the wigs can be very itchy, especially in hot weather. I’m sort of hoping that the weather cools quite dramatically and I can wear the hats. I’m a little behind you Senga, so not at the falling out stage, but as I had a line put in last Tuesday I haven’t been able to wash my hair because of the incision in my neck. Despite using dry shampoo it is GHASTLY now. Dressing comes off on Wednesday and I’m not sure I can wait until then to wash it. I know it’s not important in the great scheme of things but I would like to have clean shiny hair for noe last time before it all goes!
Hugs all x

Hi Benedictus, I’m worried about looking a bit rosemary and thyme when it’s time to crack open the scarf box. Frog x

Are yours coming with added trug and dibber, Frog? At least we won’t be able to frighten the plants…

Girls I’m from August thread but the r and t thing is a bit of worry I agree. I tried some stuff on ys yesterday he loved the furry winter hat but said bandannas make me look like a nun!!! That’s not good considering my OH is Irish!! No one has ever said I look like a nun before. However the hat I ordered is coloured spots on top purple and pink on grey background and fur all around he said if I don’t want it he will have it!!! Worrying or what! I was going to cold cap but know a girl who did she had a lot of thinning but kept hair but only washed once or twice a week and she said it felt horrible so I think il bite the bullet and just go with the naturel look , as everyone says its not forever. Good luck girls hope no major se’s. xx

Maybe some root growth…OMG Lois, were you on steroids when you bought that hat, sounds mental…if you’re thinking of putting photo up please wear it…

It’s on annabandana looks nicer than it sounds, especially when we have ice and snow cos that’s going to be our bald days, I don’t need steroids to be mental I promise xx haha

Hi All
Fec-t Cycle 1 day 20
I started to loose my hair on day 14 and was pulling it out like a crazed psycho!!!and my scalp was really sore and itchy
On day 17 I bit the bullet and had a number 1 which was a huge relief and stopped the soreness. Today the spikey bits were driving me nuts and digging in when i wear my wig or hats so decided to shave off the remaining stubble.
I have a wig which I am wearing for public apprearances and a couple of scarves just bought from the normal shops tied in the way shown on the suburban turban website. Its dead easy and doesn’t make you look like Mother Theresa on steroids!!!
I also bought a baker boy style linen hat and a wide brimmed man’s hat off the sale rail at tesco. I think some of these websites are very expensive and if you can bear to venture to thr supermarket there are bargains to be found
Hope you are all battling through the SE’s I am starting to feel like my old self again actually even drove today, but almost dreading round 2 more than 1. I have already mentally written off the first week. Seeing my onc tuesday so hoping to have some better anti-emetic and something for the generalised gut rot.
Keep your chin up everyone

Debs x

FEC-T cycle one day 14
Hi jj,s aren’t we quiet…hope it’s because we are having nice times and not feeling grotty, thank you all for your good wishes on my recent scare, must say I’m feeling a lot better and more positive, sorry some of you are feeling a bit rough , well done debs for taking control over the hair loss, I have been dreading day 14 because that’s when most people say the loss starts in earnest, so far I haven’t noticed any I did cc, and I know it will thin dramatically, and I can fully understand those brave ladies that take control instead of sitting waiting for it to happen, the waiting is prob worse as with most things about this c…y disease . Good luck and big hugs to those up to the bar this week and hope everyone from last week that had treatment are feeling better . Lynda xx

Hi Lynda. There is every chance that if you cc you will keep your hair - I did last time. It went pretty thin but I was still able to go out and about without any sort of covering. If you are on FEC-T the hair actually starts to grow back during the T. I just couldn’t be bothered to go through the whole process again this time - more a case of wanting to get in and out as quickly as possible
Tamsin xx