Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi Tamsin, can fully understand that, once is bad enough! , I have just ordered a 2nd wig so I suppose I must be a belt and braces type of person, I don’t have a prob with family and friends seeing me bald, it’s just those knowing, pitying glances that people do that freak me out , I suppose we all have our fears, and for some stupid reason that I can’t even explain to myself I can’t stand the thought of that . Lynda x

…which is exactly why I did it last time. Completely and utterly understandable. xx

FEc-t cycle 1 day 11 good afternoon JJs. Pleased to say all flu symptoms have disappeared just left with no stamina whatsoever. Managed to take daisy dog for a walk and was appalled at how I felt. Had to sit on logs and rest twice and the last part back to the car took forever. And the little beast rolled in something utterly vile so had to chuck her in the bath and hose her down. I thought I was going to faint at one point when I was struggling to keep her in the bath I felt so unwell. Anyway she’s now smelling quite fragrant and so am I as I’ve had a shower as well. Squits are still lurking which I think must be a major contributor to how I feel. So lesson for next cycle, deal with squits immediately instead of hoping they’ll subside.
Benedictus i didn’t have any SEs until day7 when Squits started. Glad that your scarves look good. They just don.'t suit me at all so must get my skates on and see what else is out there. Perhaps I should channel my inner Eartha Kitt and wear leopard skin bejewelled turbans. I expect most of you are too young to remember her. Re hair, could you wrap your neck in cling film?
Boxo frogs, what a great name by the way, I hope someone dealt severely with the stupid nurse. It beggars belief. Obviously her brain was not engaged that day.
Senga how. Brave to consider shaving your hair off. I’m hoping I shan’t have to face that as I’ve only! got 2 more cycles of FEC and it’s the E drug that causes hair loss.
Lois, hat sounds brilliant I might have to indulge.
Debs, thanks for the blow by blow on hair loss. It really helps to know what to expect. I haven’t had any nausea at all but I was given Emend which seems to be the gold standard. Worth asking for it, if that was your problem in the first week.Pollyanne, glad your feeling a bit more upbeat. Hope the cc works for you.
Going to spend afternoon on sofa watching Raymond Blanc teaching me how to cook. I love that man, he’s so enthusiastic and doesn’t take himself seriously. OH has promised that once this treatment is out the way and I feel up to it he’ll take me to Le Manoir for lunch. What a lovely thing to look forward to.
Sorry if i’ve left anyone out.
Enjoy the rest of the day girls, hope all SEs are subsiding. Xx

piggsy, you must be absolutely wiped out. I’m amazed that you had the strength to take the dog for a walk let alone sort her out afterwards. Hope the squits continue to lurk rather than appear. Onwards…
Goodness, we’ve got a bit of rain here xx

Hi All - I went back to the bar today for cycle 2. Been home about 2 hours and feeling ok. Even braved a bit of light lunch, and drinking lots and lots of water. I had my “red pee” before I left the hospital - about 55 minutes after they had finished putting it in me. lol
Having to inject this cycle and need to start tomorrow for 7 days. So fingers crossed with that one (well uncrossed whilst I’m doing them - lol).

Hope all who are suffering with Se are starting to see some improvement. My hair started to fall out slowly at day 14 and day by day the rate of hair loss got dramatically worse. I went for a number 4 last Sunday and am now more or less bald down the sides and over my ears, with a soon to be bald top bit :slight_smile: I have learned to love the cotton scarfs and the MacMillan Unit at my hsopital sell some really lovely ones for £3 each. I treated myself to another 3 this morning :slight_smile:

Glad to hear you are doing well today Nell. Hope all goes well with the injections. It seems that most people find them pretty painless when doing it themselves

Hope your squits stay away piggsy. Not suprised you are worn out as it takes a lot of fluid and electrolytes out of you. Keep your fluid uptake going!

Hi fellow JJ’s
Just a couple of points, a girl who is a mutual friend finished her treatment at Christmas last year and she used something called Dr Hauschka neem hair oil and lotion and she rubbed it into her scalp daily and her hair started to grow back on cycle 5 out of 3 FEC and 3 T so it might be worth a shot?
God almight if I thought the weather had been unbearable with wiglet recently I was not prepared to sit at the side of the pool today watching the little un - I almost had to sit on my hands to pull the bloody thing off but the thought of scaring the small children prevailed ha ha. Anyways by the time we left the pool we happened to be in the middle of the monsoon season so by the time I got to the car and got him in car seat and got home and him out of said car seat I pulled off a “dead rat” never mind wiglet! So we dropped OH on a night out and I thought sod this, winter hat “Lana” it is called and thought I don’t care what I look like. It was actually very comfy and toasty warm as opposed to sweating with wiglet so that’ll be handy for the autumn calling.
Piggsy I had a few days last month of the squirtations but I couldn’t work out if it was chemo or the bag of nuts I ate and a bombay bad boy pot noodle…so I think it must’ve been the food options but I would defo ask at unit and not suffer next time as it will wipe you out. My dog loves fox’s poo and dead anything to roll around in, such delightful creatures aren’t they at times :slight_smile: That flu like symptoms you have is what I get after my injection which lasts 2 days but as it is my only se so far I cannot complain but it hurts every fibre off my being to be touched, I only get the one injection so much get a big dose and it’s not nice :frowning:
Chezzap, hope you are well? Hope everyone else has minimum se’s too.

Hello ladies, well the last 3 days have been my best so far!!! I am really hoping they can sort out meds for next time as I felt sick for a week and it was awful, couldnt eat properly and was only sipping water, etc, really didnt expect to feel so ill after 1st ec. So I am hoping to meet up with someone at the hosp and explain how I felt and get some of this wonder drug emend that everyone is raving about!!!
lv julie xxxxx

Morning all

Hope everyone is doing ok
I’m off to clinic this morning to get bloods done and explain se’s so hopefully get my medication changed for Thursdays session in the chair.
Have a good day all.

Hello JJs,
Just to let you all know that I am home ( oh so nice) having been in hospital with neutrapaenia of 0!!! (normal 1.8-7.5) low platelets, anaemia, etc. my poor little bone marrow curled up its toes and refused to do anything despite having had the Filgastram inj. What is really freaking me out is that they are going to rethink whether I can continue with chemo, going in for a chat on Thursday for options.
Will try and have a read through later and catch up on everyone.
Love to you all Kat xxx

Oh no! Was hoping desperately that your silence didn’t mean incarceration, Kat. You must have been in for quite a time. I’m keeping everything firmly crossed that the oncs come up with some solution to enable you to carry on. xxx
Hi Chelle: Thanks so much for letting us know about Chezza. Glad she’s in good spirits. Home soon I hope. And I do hope things get easier for you soon - been keeping up with the Jewels - cos you’ve had such a load of to-ing and fro-ing hassle recently. xxx
Hi Sakura: So pleased to have a reasonably upbeat member this morning! Hope you’ve got a long list for the oncs and they get things sorted ready for Thursday.
I’m feeling particularly wan this morning. Just crap really.
One day at a time

Sorry to hear you have been in hospital. Really hope they get something sorted for you Kat.
I saw my onc today and have been given the magical Emend ready for Thursday so this cycle should go better for me.

Today is my first day out in public with my wig Daisy. My workmates love her as she is long and curly. I thought if I was going to need a wig then I might as well embrace it!
I know it’s difficult ladies, but try to stay positive, it really does help you feel better about it all. There is nothing wrong with feeling sorry for ourselves occasionally, but get out there and keep living is my advice

FEc-t cycle 1 day 12
Good afternoon my fellow Junkies. I’m feeling so much better today. Squits have subsided and stamina levels have improved, so no excuse not to tackle the ironing pile. I really have had minimal SEs so far and today all I’ve got is a weird tingling in my mouth so swilling with warm salty water, just in case. I am so grateful and feel embarrassed posting how well I feel.
Nell42 Glad you’re having success with scarves. Unfortunately they do not suit me at all, as I posted before. I only had to do 5 injections, so to then feel as though I have self-inflicted flu seemed really unkind!
Sakura1971 Yes, I drank lots but also had some dioralyte (sp?) sachets which were disgusting. I did manage to drink a couple, and shan’t let the squits get hold next cycle.
Nazgirl Bit confused about the oil as I use a shampoo on my dog that has neem in it. It’s actually to prevent ticks in horses. Can’t possibly be the same ingredient can it lol? I was under the impression it’s the E in FEC that causes hair loss and that when you switch to T your hair starts to grow back? Could have got that completely wrong of course. Glad to hear there’s at least another JJ with minimal SEs.
Juliemb did you ring your onc team about the sickness? Mine were insistent they wanted to know about any I had so they could sort them out as soon as possible. Even if they’ve subsided, do try and tell them in advance of your next cycle. They really don’t want us to be dreading every cycle. I was given emend as a matter of course along with 3 other drugs, and I haven’t felt sick at all. Famous last words …
Sakura1971 hope your appointment goes well and they sort your SEs out for the next cycle.
Orangecat I’m so sorry to hear your news. What a frightening time for you. Hopefully they’ll be able to mix and match the drugs so you can carry on. Brings it home to me at least that we’re being given really lethal drugs. Be sending good vibes your way on Thursday.
Benedictus Sorry you’re feeling crap today. Sometimes the realisation of what we’re going through is just overwhelming and this is your second round so no wonder you’re feeling wan (understatement I feel). Perhaps there’s someone on the “life is sh*t” bench you can have a chat with. Or not. You may not want to rant.
Sorry to hear Chezapp is in hospital. We’re only a small group in July so that’s quite a high percentage now that’ve been admitted. There are a few others on the missing list, Prionm hasn’t posted for ages, so I hope it means they’re well.
Can’t put off ironing any longer. May all our SEs be little ones. Good luck those are the bar this week and hope those with other appointments get positive news. X
PS Sorry, this is war and peace again!

Hi JJ’s
God what a bad time some of you are having, I read this morning about the number of you wonderful ladies who have been admitted and it made me feel both sad and guilty. Sad that you are unwell and hope that you all feel better and get treatment soon but also guilty that I am and have been feeling so well…which is daft I know but hey it is what it is.
My friend scared the sh*t out of me prior to starting chemo about neutropena (she is a transplant co-ordinator so sees this all the time) and that fear is still there however I cannot for the life of me remember the last time I had a cold or sickness bug so maybe I am a big sturdy heffer who will stay that way - god I hope so. I cannot imagine how scary it must be for you all who have been admitted, sending positive vibes and lots of good luck and hugs your way.
Well I thought I would share my good news with you all; today we bought my engagement ring!!! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP. We had decided in January that we would get married and just kept it to ourselves and then this bloody cancer got in the way so everything was put on hold and also our date will probably change now - I do fancy hair for the wedding!!! Anyways, we told everyone but we have only managed to fit in a couple of days ring shopping and today we found it…I absolutely love it and it is SO not what I would’ve thought I would pick. It is a very pretty dainty solitaire with a twist in it and looks ever so pretty and feminine which is really important to me right now as I feel like an ugly, bald, one boobed heffer :slight_smile: and that is on a good day! So perhaps the extra femininity of this ring is significant, who knows. All I know is, it is ready to pick up next Tuesday and I shall be ready for round 3 on Wednesday with my brand new sparkler on my finger :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

x x

What great news, congratulations Good luck for next Wednesday.

Deb x

So glad I came back for a little peek and found Naz’s wonderful news Big congrats to you your man and your son.
Suggestion could you put your ring as your profile pic then we can all have an oh and ah and envy moment.
Kat xx

Hi jj,s , great news Karen , congratulations on finding “the ring” and how nice to have the wedding to look forward too when treatment ends. Kat so glad to hear your home , hope they get meds sorted so this doesn’t happen again, Tamsin hope you have had a restful day and feeling a bit better this evening, so glad you are feeling better Julie you sure had a bit of a miserable time ,good to hear you feel better too Piggys, I would come over all weak when I looked at the ironing pile lol, hope daisy enjoyed her outing Sakura . Sending big hugs and best wishes to tasha for tomorrow’s first cocktail , not sure if anyone else is up tomorrow ? If so same hugs and wishes apply . Lynda xx

Happy happy news Karen! And how brilliant that you’ve got something that you can really work towards to get yourself through this whole business. And please never feel guilty about how you feel! You being so upbeat is what’s keeping me going at the moment - I’m aiming for how you’re feeling xxx

Congratulations Karen, lovely to hear fab news, all the best xxx

Thanks girls, changed profile pic so as you can see it needs to be re-sized but i just adore it!!!
Benedictus, thanks for your kind words. I have felt good but just thought it is so bad that others are not coping as well but glad that someone is looking to me to aim too; I have felt inspired by others on here so I think all in all the support here helps beyond help! I have shown and shared with you not only my news but the picture of my engagement ring whilst most of my r/l friends have not seen it yet - I think that shows the power of your support so take a bow ladies; you have got me through to almost half way so high five everyone for the next bar stop!!
I am on cloud nine today and this not sleeping lark is probably going to play havoc with my ability to sleep tonight, having said that I am SICK of dreaming about hair and wigs ha ha
x x