Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Good afternoon ladies
So sorry to hear about all the problems people have been having. Lovely to have you back with us chezzap.
Karen, you mention counselling and I think it is great that you have embraced this. I was diagnosed with MS and a pituitary tumor about 2.5 years ago and rather than curl up in a corner and feel sorry for myself, I decided to sign up for some college courses and get myself out and about and make the most of my life.
I have spent the last 2 years doing courses in counselling, clinical hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming. Doing this has taught me some great skills to deal with the crappy times in life. Finding out I have cancer didn’t throw me or freak me out as I am in such a good place mentally. I can’t say I dont feel scared at times but I know I am handling it better than a lot of the people around me are (you probably all know that expression that crosses peoples face when you tell them about the cancer - it makes me want to shout at them and tell them I am not dead yet so dont you dare feel sorry for me). I am a firm believer in positive mind, healthy body. You really can make yourself worse by worrying too much or taking to your bed and refusing to get up. Never give in ladies!
Having counselling, talking to an independant person who will not judge you or try to tell you what to do can be very cathartic. They are also trained not to feel sorry for you. They will empathise with you, but they will never feel sorry for you which is great.
I have just had session number 2 this morning and I have been given Emend plus they gave me my anti sickness meds through the drip this time as I was so sick before that the tablets wouldn’t stay down. Here’s hoping for a non-sicky few days whilst these toxins work their magic!
A friend of mine came with me today and he brought me a lovely hat, sleep cap and a funky bandana which was a lovely gesture. I’m sitting here with the bandana on now

Wishing you all minimal se’s and sending you happy thoughts
Deb x

Hiya Deb,
Thanks for the reply and glad that your session went well. It is a nice gesture that your friend bought you all those useful things, they will come in handy. Much as I wear wiglet out and about at home but at home she is whipped off and I am either nautural or with a scarf as I sometimes get cold on my head.
I am a qualified counsellor myself Deb in person centered and also in cognitive behavioural therapy so I know the power of having someone to talk to. Throughout my training I took advantage of it as part of my courses and like you I am very much in a good place mentally; but where I wish to “stay safe” and ensure my relationship stays healthy is with how my body has changed and help my mind catch up with this dx!
After my initial dx my OH and I went to a festival in Berlin and I felt very much that everyday life has continued as normal but somedays we have a few little detours that we were not expecting. I too believe that a mental attitude of a healthy mind is helping a healthy body.
Glad that you got the emend, I get that as a matter of course and through the drip so I know that it has worked for me during my first 2 cycles. NLP, how did you find that? I graduated 5 years ago and I know a couple of people who I trained with have done NLP also.

x x

Hi Karen
Great to hear how positive you are :slight_smile:
I found that I preferred NLP to the counselling (I did person centered also). The main difference is that NLP can have results from the first session, whereas counselling tends to take longer. Its a much more active form of therapy. My long term goal is to become an NLP practitioner and I am receiving mentoring from a master practitioner. Just about to start a creative counselling course in September which I am looking forward to.
I know exactly what you mean about your mnd having to catch up with whats happening. I know I sometimes have a litle wobble, but I refuse to let it last long.
The emend seems to be working. Had a huge nausea wave last night, but a ginger biscuit and a lie down sorted that out and no sickness for me so far. Just waiting for the district nurse to come and give me my injection now, then hope to be able to get on with the next couple of weeks as normal

Hope everyone is doing well and best wishes to anyone in for theri session today.
Deb x

Hiya jj,s hope your all well and not too many SE,s . I feel much happier after seeing onc this morning , she said to cancel scan as everything she can see from previous scans she is quite happy with… Phew!! Had a bit of a blip tho only been home about an hour when I had phone call saying my blood test which I had in the morning was showing high levels of potassium and had to be done again, so another trek back and a 2 hour wait while it was checked again, this time came back normal… It must have been that I had a banana for my breakfast I think , I shan’t be doing that again!! , lost track a bit on who has been up today but hope all is ok for all you lovely junkies. Lynda

hi lynda the junkies seem very quiet at moment. hope everyone is ok. Glad to hear your appointment went well that must be a weight off your mind.

FEC-T cycle 1 fec - day15
Good evening JJs. Generally this seems to be a very quiet thread so I hope that means most of us are doing OK. I’m feeling really well, no SEs to speak of BUT my hair really started falling out today. Even though I was expecting it, I’m devastated. I’m frightened to comb it because when I scratched my head this afternoon I was left with a chunk of hair in my hand. A friend who went through this ten years ago told me I will feel better when it’s gone and I think she’s right. It’s seeing it come out that is so upsetting. I’m going out tomorrow so just need it to hang in there for another 24 hours. Then I think I might take the scissors to it.
Apart from that I’ve had another good couple of days. Because I’ve been feeling so well I’ve had long walks with Daisy and she’s so much fun when she’s chasing a ball. Got a week before the next session, so I’m hoping I’ll continue to feel well.
Oh and get this, one of my oncs gave me her mobile number (I know!) and so I sent her text this morning saying I’d like to take up the offer of counselling. Despite it not being one of her work days she replied immediately. She’s going to sort something out for me on Monday. How amazing is that? I’ve been really impressed with the standard of care I’m receiving.
Oh Pollyanne, what a roller coaster you’ve been on. Let’s hope things have finally settled down.
Hope everyone has a lovely relaxing weekend. x

Piggsy so sorry to hear about your hair Im couple of days behind you cycle wise so I will be expecting it any day now too. Think you right we just need to be brave and go for the shave! hey that rhymes!!
glad to hear you have had minimal SE this cycle . I been under house arrest since coming out of hospital but as on day 13 tomorrow might try and venture out to do the shopping and enjoy next week as much as possible

Thanks chezzap. I know it’s daft, but I’ve been able to cope with everything else that’s happened, just finding this really difficult. Poor you, I don’t know how I’d cope if I couldn’t go out. My long walks with my girlie (dog) are part of my personal therapy. Unfortunately we need to be sensible while we’re having these lethal drugs, but I hope you manage to go shopping at the very least. Love the picture of you and your baby by the way.
Sweet dreams. xx

thanks night night
have good rest. Dont worry bout being upset with the hair I dont think there is any woman on any of these forums that hasnt been gutted when its happened and I know i will be a mess next week when mine goes. So still not prepared to wear a wig or scarves it just seems so surreal but then again this whole experience is isnt it??

FEC-T cycle one day 18
hi ladies your right Piggys it is a quiet thread , but still a nice place to be , have always felt very supported here and although small a great group of people . I have been losing strands not quite chunks of hair as yet, and onc remarked today “oh you have hair” with a note of surprise, I’m getting the tingly scalp tho so not holding my breath on it too much. Your onc sounds amazing, and the counselling can be very helpful I have heard. So glad you have got through the worst of first cycle with minimal SE ,s. chezz you sound loads better I’m glad to hear, and do try to enjoy next week , but I’m sure next session they will make sure you don’t go thru same again. I’m feeling good at mo, but not sure if want Monday to come quick or slow not looking forward to it , but wanting it over and done with , hope rest of us are doing ok xxx

Hi all, my hair is naturally curly and feels like straw!!!1 It seems to be clumping together at the back, when I try to seperate the curls I end up with a big chunk wrapped round my fingers, best get me wiglet sorted i think,
love julie xxxx
hmmmm underlined by mistake lol

Hi junkies! Is tingling a sign? I’m beginning to get the odd tingling sensation on my scalp which I’d put down to not washing my hair so often (or the nits crawling through it!!!). I’m kidding my self I’m prepared as I’ve got scarves and wiggie but I’m not really. Hope that I decide to seize the moment when it comes to it and just shave the whole lot off. Perhaps we could have a synchronised shave?
Waiting up for my big girl to come in from a gig she’s been playing at. Sleepy!
Sweet dreams Junkies xxx

Hi girls popping over from August thread to ask if any of you have had bad heartburn? I am on double omeprazole and still feeling it! I am now day 9 of first Ec is it going to be like this until next dose? I can’t complain as not been too bad at all but this is getting a bit much!
Thank you sorry to whinge Jacquie

hi Jacquie. I haven’t had heartburn yet but remember it being horrible from last time. I had Lanzoprazole which worked for me when Omeprazole didn’t. Perhaps it might be worth seeing if you can get some of that. Also I’ve heard that drinking coffee really sets heartburn off. Sorry I can’t help more. Hope it eases cos it’s sooooo miserable
Tamsin x

Hi ladies
Tamsin my head tingling a bit too thought it was start of a cold but maybe you are right and its the hair starting.

AS you say you think you are mentally ready for it but now it seems a reality Im so scared of it going and I know its stupid cos its only hair compared with everything else we are going through but still dreading it.

Thanks for your good wishes Lynda yes feeling more like the old chezza and want to try and enjoy next week before I get dipped for a second time!!!

Hi Jacquie, I had heartburn for #2 and was given Lanzoprazole which worked a treat. I am now taking the night before next weeks drink and for 7 days so hope that it helps as it did last time. Maybe ask for that when you see them next?
So how are all my fellow JJ’s? I am pooped today, had to have a nap for an hour this afternoon. So unlike me however the dog barking at 6.30 this morning followed by little un up at 7 probably didint help.
I had counselling yesterday and realised just how much I hate going to the day unit :frowning: When I finished I mentioned to the nurses about the 2 day effects of pain I am getting from the Neulasta so hopefully they will up the pain meds although they mentioned codiene which bungs you up so then might have to get something to stop that - god it never ends does it.
I thought I would go skipping into next Wed but it seems to be more like a dread and no idea why as that is me almost half way…what a bloody roller coaster this journey is.
Love your pic chezz, its nice to see someone elses face on our thread. My pic is from Red nose day when my little un wanted to pain my face red :smiley:

cheers Naz cant believe time is going so fast and next week you will be on cycle 3. Am wishing time away like never before.
Gotta keep looking at pics to remind me who I am but its funny when I look at photos now I just ask myself if I had BC when the photo was taken and wondering just how long I had the bloody poison inside me. Apperances are so deceptive arent they you feel perfectly fine and have no real idea whats going on inside your body.
hope all the junkies ok.

Love the pictures you girls! Must sort one out! I hadn’t done it because I thought the change to the website was imminent and it says you can’t save your photos, but it seems that nothing’s happening any time soon. I agree with you chez. Both times I was diagnosed I have never felt better. Just such a bummer… And I feel a bit rollercoaster-ish this afternoon. Apart from feeling really tired still I’m OK and I’m looking forward to having next week ‘off’ but I know the sense of impending doom will hit at some stage. I suppose it’s just a question of aiming to make the most of the good bits.
Do hope all the other Junkies are ok, as you say chez. I remember that Kat was off to see the oncs on Thursday to discuss what to do about treatment. Let us know, Kat, if you’re around xx

Afternoon ladies
Pleased to say I am still feeling pretty good after starting cycle 2 last Thursday. Just a bit pooped this time, but very little nausea. Please tell your onc about all your side effects, they really can help them go away.

I can’t help on the heartburn question, as its possibly the only se I didn’t get last time!

I remember well the morning shower when my hair decided to go south, I had my wigs ready and got my friend to just cut it really short. I preferred to be in charge of when I lost it if that makes any sense. I know its not nice, but you will get past it I went out for the first time yesterday in one of my bandanas. Nobody stared at me which was what I was a bit paranoid about, so that was a big achievement for me.

Hope you manage to get out and about a bit chezza.
Deb x

I made it to tesco today - highlight of the day ha ha
well done Deb for going out in bandana. I have been looking the last few weeks when been shopping and havent seen a single woman out and about in a bandana so am bit anxious about when I have to do it. Mind you anyone could be wearing a wig and I wouldnt have a clue so maybe wont feel so bad after all.
Think just gotta get my head down and get on with it!