Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi JJ’s, I haven’t posted for a while. I had a fairly ‘normal’ week last week and was making the most of being able to do things - i don’t even take going food shopping for granted now!!
Just wanted to say that my head became very tingly and sore on about days 14-17 after first cycle and then by Wednesday it was falling out whenever I touched it, so I got a number all cut all over!! I’ve been wearing wigs but at home it’s been too hot to bother - I’m fine until I walk past a mirror, I’ve always had long blonde hair at st the moment feel like uncle fester!!!
hope everyone is managing with the se’s xx

Hi Ladies
fec-t #2 day 3
the new wonder anti sickness has been great and so far no heartburn with the lansoprazole but i seem to remember that kicked in a bit later last time!
Sorry girls you are right about the tingling being the start of your hair going it was a rough 3 days for me until i decided to have it shaved off. It was less painful too once it had gone.
I mostly ventured out in my wig to start with ut it does get very hot so i have been brave and gone out in a turban or baker boy hat which are a lot cooler and less itchy.
Good luck with it


Hi JJ’s
G0d Chezz, you could be reading my mind…I look at pics now and also fast forward to Xmas this year and then think god Xmas last year was it there|||| No wonder I am pooped ha ha I dunno if I am coming or bloody going lol. Little un going in the bath soon, then a few hours of peace for me, I am definately having an early night tonight come hell or high water.

At counselling yesterday I started to cry about my OH and how much I admire him and then a thought struck me that had me howlng with laughter - dear god she probably has me ticked down as some sort of lunatic anyways I said I would wear make up to every hospital appointmen and invariably I would cry as the goal posts would have been moved and I would say yah thank god for mascara well yesterday as I was wiping away my tears I suddenly thought sh*t I might be wiping my eyelashes away which made me laugh…oh it’s the little things eh ha ha ha
Glad we are all able to support each other, I have a great support network here in my outside BC life but it is SO good to know I can come on here and say blah blah blah and someone knows exactly what that means. At counselling yesterday I also realised I hate having showers now (stinking mare I hear you all say) but I do not mind washing my “new” boob its the other one and its incase I find another lump! Now I know that I am aware how daft it is and how I am still doing it but dear me for someone who is very happy and healthy mentally and physically I seem to have some deep rooted fears that this bloody things has infected with me - I need a shovel as I am not keeping them they can go and get stuffed :smiley:

Oh I also meant to say I have been outside with a number 1 and then with wiglet and on Tuesday gone just the scarf…depending on my emotional state I dont care and I am actually used to wiglet now but my little boy said he doesnt like my falling out hair so maybe I need to wear a scarf at least in the house for his sake.
I think people now recognise that the bandana or scarf is a sign of what is happening and they probably know someone who has/had or is having some sort of treatment so it is not as it used to be - we should be proud we are fighting for our futures and hair or no hair stand and shout out loud
Mind I seem to have lost my head, legs, underarm and chin hair however eyebrows and other areas(|) are hanging in there steadfastly - which is a bonus to feminity :slight_smile:

Hello, just popping in from the August thread because I have to say it’s so encouraging and uplifting to hear how you’re all getting on!

It gives me hope for the future because the Aug thread is so packed that my posts tend to get lost, and I do like the quieter tempo of the July Junkies thread - makes me feel calmer. Thanks, ladies.

Annie x

Naz that is so true bout showering the other boob! Convinced will find something there.
Cant wait to get rid of both once and for all!

Hi Annie! You’re always welcome here. I know what you mean about August - frenetic, isn’t it! This thread can sometimes be a little too quiet but it is nice to know that the regulars will always post with updates. Hope all is well with you

Haven’t posted for a while but, Benedictus has prompted me. On day 15. Noticing a bit of hair loss but quite slow. Maybe I will hang onto it after all. Have noticed small white spots in mouth. Not sore, just feels a bit rough. I don’t think it’s thrush, any ideas anyone? Frog

Hi JJs,
Have tried to post this evening and nothing was happening then realised although I was on the site, I wasnt actually logged in…chemo brain strikes again!
My head starting tingling in earnest about day 17 and hair started coming out in clumps the day after. I was hoping on day 20 that I could get my hair cut really short but as soon as my hairdresser started to comb it she said there was too much hair coming out and I would have bald patches. I told her to just shave it off! My fifteen year old daughter came in to watch her cutting it off and when I could see she wasnt getting upset I reckoned I could cope as well. And you know what, it wasnt as bad as I feared. Yes I wish it didnt have to happen but it has, so I just have to get on with it. I have used my scarves to work this week and out to the supermarket and up visiting my mother -in law in hospital and I have been fine. I think I will only wear my wig when I am going out somewhere different to my usual places. I also think I will be able to ditch the wig sooner when my hair hopefully returns as I think I will like my hair short. My OH has said he quite likes my look as I have a cute head ?!? This I think has boasted my confidence no end!
Senga x

thanks Senga knowing the rest of the Junkies have gone through it is helping as Im the first one of the August lot so I need to be brave and let them know that its not so bad
thanks for all your help and support ladies
Piggsy hope you ok today

Oh, ok Senga, I should wait a few more days before I open my fat mouth re keeping any hair. Damn it

Thanks for your help girls, went and spoke to a pharmacist and she suggested splitting omeprazole dose to morning and evening instead of both together, she also sold me a very large bottle of gaviscon advance which is much better than the cool I had. Feel much better now and have sadly reduced my coffee!, oh dear the hair doesn’t sound good, getting my wig last week did help though. The haven recommended naked shampoo for delicate scalps, apparently it helps with hair regrowth post chemo? I really like the smell too (orange and neroli)
Thanks again night Jacquie x

Morning JJ’s,
Hope everyone is well today? So it would seem that my afternoon nap was not condusive to sleep last night as I was still awake at 2.45 and was overjoyed for my little monster to wake me up at 6.30am!!!
Off to the farm now with the dog and then a walk later on this afternoon to a park and then pets corner so hopefully I shall sleep tonight; keep everything crossed for me. It’s a bit windy so might just brave it with a hat today; my wiglet gets so tangled in the wind…sure there is a song somewhere in that ha ha
I think I will try everything to have my hair grow back as soon as it can but guess we just have to wait and see.
Have a good day ladies

x x

FEC-T cycle 2 day 3

Good afternoon ladies. Welcome to those popping over from August

Today is just a tired day for me. No sickness though which is great. Hoping for some sleep tonight though so I can get myself to work tomorrow. Can’t post much as it’s difficult to look at the screen, bloomin steroids lol.

Hope you are all having a good day and sending you all happy thoughts

Deb x

Hi jj,s hope your all well and those SE,s that some of you had are getting smaller by the day, had major hair shedding today, but still strands not clumps so going to persevere with cc tomorrow, trying to make the most of last day before the crap time next week, it will be 2 down and 4 to go does the tax part still cause hair loss , does anyone know? Heard so much about it being the E part of the FEC that causes the hair loss bit confused about the T bit apart from bone ache and fatigue and nail probs, that lot sounds quite enough!! , hope your all enjoying your Sunday . Lynda xx

hi Lynda think still get hair loss on tax but not to same extent as the E part of FEC some women report hair starting to grow back towards end of tax so thats gotta be something to look forward to!!!

That’s what I heard chezz, was just wondering if the cold cap had to be worn thru the T part as well, the way I’m shedding at mo there’ll be sod all left to save lol

Hi JJ’s
I’m having real issues with the dexamethasone last cyclde it made me so sick and dizzy i spoke to the onc and didn’t take the final dose. cycle 2 they reduced it to 1/2 strength but i started puking as soon as it went up in the chemo unit, so haven’t had to have the tablets this time.
what I’m really worried about is the last 3 t cycles as don’t we have to have extra then?? Is anyone else having the similar se’s honestly it’s just making me feel so bad.

Debs x

Sorry cant help debs, but would the question be better on a new thread, as most of us are all at the start, maybe someone from earlier months might have a few answers , there might be a replacement if its that bad… They do say you oughtn’t have to suffer badly so there has to be an alternative x

debs go on the june junkies and have a look as they are now swapping from fec to tax so should be able to answer about the dexamethasone
hope that helps love x