Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Glad to hear your decision Julie think you have done right thing. Did he give you any stats you were asking for?? Lets hope with the emend it sorts the nausea out. Ive got that for next time too so hoping it works!!!

Box of frogs - hope you feel better after seeing the ex and its given you some sort of inner peace. This thing is hard enough to deal with without any additional man stress but sounds like you handled it beautifully. good on you

He just said 5%, so i assume that means for having chemo lol, still dont know hahahahaha!!!

you have started it though so try and finish then you know you given it everything you can

off to bed now
night night junkies

Wow! Loads of posts all of a sudden. And loads of emotive stuff. Hope this evening goes how you want it to, Naz. Well done to Piggsy and Julie. Hope the portacath goes well tomorrow chezza and great that you’ve got no. 2 out of the way Lynda. Hope you feel ok the next few days. Very glad that you’ve had a good meeting with your ex, Box. We’ve all got enough to deal with without emotional issues beating us up as well.
Long may all these positives continue
Sleep tight Junkies xx

Ta chezzap and Benedictus. YS excited and happy. Makes me want to cry that he’s been missing his ‘dad’ all this time. Exhausted so now in bed. Sweet dreams to all chemo chums out there…

Evening JJ,s
So #3 tomorrow, dont want to play, not sure why I am not wanting to do it but think it is mostly this horrible injection but hey ho half way stage - yah me anyways!!!

So picked up my ring today, I am all sparkly and love it love it love it :slight_smile:

Well last night went…errr no idea to be fair. Got everything off my chest chez lol but it would seem that we are so far apart right now that I cannot see anyway back but you know what I am so over that. If someone can do this at this stage of my life and then say they think I am the one withdrawing then really I am not sure if they should be in my life. Just spoken to my brother who is in Memphis at the moment, we were talking on Skype and it’s the first time he has seen me with the bandana on, I thought I would feel worse but I don’t. I am much more confortable with wiglet and bandana and maybe I am just more comfortable in being me which is a canny nice place to be.
Hope everyone is well today and anyone who is due up soon has as little se’s as possible

good on you Naz with your sparkly self.
Re your mate at least you got opportunity to let her know how you felt. If she comes back to you well and good she is worth it if not then she clearly isnt the person you thought and now at least you know who you can rely on when times are tough. You really see the wheat separating from the chaff at times like this. Its a pity its taken something like this to see things with such clarity isnt it?

Good luck for tomorrow - 50% done and dusted that calls for a mini celebratory jig me thinks!!!

Hope it goes well tomorrow Naz. Absolutely get where you’re coming from about now wanting to go - just grit your teeth and take one day at a time. Sounds as though you definitely came out on top last night. Very glad you were able to get your point of view across. As Chezz says, if she can’t deal then more fool her and you are well rid of having to deal with her emotional shortcomings when you’ve got so much on your plate at the moment.
I’m very glad you’ve got a large sparkly thing on your finger. HURRAY! xx

FEC-T x 6, FEC cycle 1, day 18
Good evening ladies
Pollyanne, I’m right behind you. No.2 on Friday. Even though I know what to expect and with minimum SEs I’m really dreading it. Don’t know why. Hope you’re doing well again this time round.
Juliemb, congrats on biting the bullet and getting rid of the hair. I had to go to hosp (see above) today and just wore a scarf and although people did look I wasn’t that bothered. And walking towards me was a lady who was also wearing a scarf tied in a certain way. We exchanged wry smiles. It felt a bit like when I had a triumph herald convertible back in the day and all herald drivers tooted at one another lol. I do hope the Emend works for you and you can carry on with the chemo journey.
Boxofrogs, it’s a very good feeling when you can resolve a relationship that’s over. Especially at this very difficult time in your life. As you say, be good if your 16 yr old can rekindle the relationship. Never quite managed it with my ex-husband and won’t now, so really well done you.
Nazgirl, at least you were able to let her know how you feel and I expect her saying she thought it was you withdrawing was just a defensive stance. I’m sure she knows she’s let you down, we do all know when we’ve behaved badly after all, and I expect she feels guilty. but if she isn’t prepared to be supportive then you’re better off without her. Easy for me to say. It’s hard to let go of a friendship when you’ve invested so much time and emotion. Glad you’re sparkly, that will more than make up for the disappointment of a so-called friend. And yes, being comfortable with you is a great place to be.
Chezapp and Benedictus, hope you’re both doing well with minimum SEs, and all the other July Junkies who’ve suffered.
Off for bloods and a chat with onc on Thursday, then back at the bar on Friday. I’ve had another day of no SEs, so hurrah for that.
Sweet dreams fellow JJs. xx

Hi jj,s not doing too bad after 2nd zapping, same queasy icky feeling as last time, but have been taking dulcolease for 2 days so hopefully won’t get bunged up like last time. Good luck for Friday Piggys I think it far easier than first one, you do still feel like a lamb being led to slaughter , but not got that dread of the unknown. good luck too to naz, hope your SE,s are tiny as I hope for the rest of you lovely ladies who have helped more than you can know, just reading your posts, happy and sad ones make me feel I’m not alone with this crappy disease , ( though I much prefer the happy ones ) Lynda xx

Hi JJs.
Well today should be FEC #3 but only discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon. I have spent the last 2 weeks (except for 2 days in the middle) there. Feel like CR*P so much pain and exhaustion. Decision on FEC yet to be made but I need this week to try and get back to normal (if that is possible in a week). Seeing Onc next week, but junior dr said no more chemo as I’m too sensitive to it. That in it self throws up a hell of a lot of questions, I mean how do they treat the cancer then ???
Not a happy Bunny, Kat xx

Hi Kat. Thought you might be incarcerated again. Really, really sorry to hear that. Even if they decide to ditch FEC there is loads of other stuff that can be used and as you are HER2+ then the Herceptin will surely be your trump card. I gather from the forum that it is only licensed to be used alongside other chemo regimes but last time I was in the unit there was a woman there having Herceptin even though she’d had to ditch the other chemo because of a bad reaction. When are you seeing the onc? How Junior was this Junior doc? Was he just thinking out loud or having a conversation based on real knowledge (not that I am dissing junior doctors, you understand!!).
Have you been in hospital because you picked up an infection or because of an adverse reaction? If the former then can they not give you Neulasta as a matter of course and then if necessary, could you live a hermit-like existence? No fun, I know, but needs must and all that.
Sending you loads of cyber hugs and hope that you begin to feel human again soon (((())))) xx

kat so sorry to hear you been through the mill. There is a thread that talks about a new form of herceptin which is as an injection but dont thnk been licensed yet but is on the horizon. That may a possibility for you. Like Tamsin says there are some ladies who have it without the chemo and that seems to be the one treatment that kicks this b**ta*d into touch!
Naz good luck if you are today
Lynda hope you stay well and have the prunes at the ready!!!

FEC-T x 6, FEC cycle 1, day 19
Good afternoon ladies. Another good day for me. Out with Daisy for lovely long walk this morning, then took aged Ps to surgery for stepDad to have dressing changed and then took them on to a keep fit and health assessment for the elderly. Then off to dog training. Just cooked dinner for when OH gets back from piano lesson and bum has finally hit sofa. Didn’t realise it, but quite a busy day really! And we’ve finally got some rain. Haven’t had any for about 2 weeks and my water butts are half empty now.
Nazgirl, hope your zapping went Ok and you’re not suffering.
Pollyanne, fingers crossed the meds keep the worst of the sickness at bay.
Orangecat, what an absolute pain on so many levels. But if you’re allergic to FEC there may well be other drugs you can have. Your onc, who is the expert, may well have a different view to the junior doctor so don’t despair yet. And there is always herceptin if you can’t have chemo. It certainly saved a friend of mine ten years ago.
Hope all you other JJs are doing OK. This is such a quiet thread, be nice to know how the rest of you are doing, although do understand if you’re feeling cr** then posting is probably the last thing you want to do.
Going to stretch out for a little snooze I think. I’m properly pooped.
Sweet dreams JJs. xx

Good morning, ec2, day2, tabs taken, drinking lots, toast and marmalade eaten fingers crossed se’s are much better than last time, lets face it they cant be any worse, lol, xxxx

Fec cycle 2 day 3
Morning JJs, well second round done, have been given extra anti-sickness tablets to take as well as ones given on cycle 1, problem trying to space them all out and need to make a list of times I have to take them. Wasnt sick so they must be working although I could hardly keep my eyes opened yesterday, was very tired. Wasnt like this first time, maybe this is the accumlative effect creeping up.
Hope you get sorted out Kat. Am sure they will be able to do something, sending big hugs.
Good luck to all JJs up next,hope your side effects are minimal.
Senga xx

E-CMF cycle 1 day 16.
Hi Junkies! Great news that you are perkier Julie. So glad they’ve sorted your se’s and long may they continue to be minimal.
Senga: I have made a daily note of how I felt so I will know for the next cycle. When I was having to take loads of tabs at the beginning of the cycle it was really useful to note down times. Was yesterday the day you came off the steroids? That might be why you were so tired, but as you say, the cumulative effect could be the reason. And to be honest I’ve felt like that loads this time round and I’m only on cycle 1
Really good to hear from you both! Hang in there all you lovely Junkies xx

Julie so glad this cycle is better for you
Tamsin have you shaved your hair yet?? Think gonna do mine in next few days as its shedding faster now.
Senga good to hear form yoou and you are ok
we are pretty quiet on here so its good to hear from people and know they are ok

Hi JJs
I had my third FEC round on 12 August and I start Docetaxel/Herceptin on 2nd September, so probably the first one of JJs to take the plunge!
Reading other sites I am a little nervous about the more difficult side effects of Docetaxol, although it seems as if these vary from person to person. I have been eating a fairly healthy diet, little processed food, lots of fruit, veg and fish, no red meat and drinking lots of water and soft drinks, no alcohol at all. I am not against alcohol but just made the decision for me at the start of my treatment to give me the best chance.
I have been pretty fortunate overall on FEC. Worst problem has been constipation Making sure my bowles were nice and empty during the week before FEC was a good plan and taking fybogel and laxitol every day throughout my chemo Eating smaller portions at the beginning of a round seemed to help and drinking lots.
The PICC line has been invaluable. (The PICC line goes in the upper arm not in the neck and it was not painful when inserted, just a local used, just relax and let it happen!) I purchased a Limbo (recommended at the hospital) to cover the site when in the shower and can be used when swimming. Have got used to having no hair and it does have its advantages, quicker showers, no bills from the hairdressers, cooler and if I put on my eye make up I don’t look too bad, good enough to receive friends and family at home without scaring the grandchildren! I have bought trendy cool headgear from various websites, although I prefer the little 20s style pull on hats rather than scarves, as I am not good at tying them, and I have a wig ready for the winter months.
I will try to keep you posted on Docetaxol. Good luck to all the JJs and welcome to the new ladies. xxx

Hi chezza. Not yet! I’ve noticed today for the first time that it’s really beginning to come out. I want to get it done before the kids come back from holiday and cycle 2 on Tuesday, so probably the weekend or Monday at the latest. Seems a bit real now
Lovely to hear from you positivelady. Don’t worry about tax side effects. Just make sure you take the painkillers from day 3 onwards. Yes, you can feel pretty rubbish and achey, bit like a bad dose of flu, but if you dose yourself up you should be OK. And you may be OK - I’ve read loads of posts about people suffering with the Neulasta bone marrow injections, yet I had no se’s at all when I had them. We’re all different!
Do keep us posted. This is a very quiet site and those of us who are regulars do wonder and worry about the absentees!